Author has written 8 stories for Justice League. I'm only working on one story right now: Eternal. There are so many great AU fanfics out there that address the Justice Lords. I've read a lot of them and I have to admit, some of the concepts and ideas are very cool. I have even found myself recognizing many things in other stories that I have put into Eternal (or was planning on putting in). I don't want anybody to accuse me of stealing their ideas, so if you see any coincidences, please point them out so I can give credit where credit is due. It's going to be a long story, though not as long as "The Powers That Be". At least I don't think it will. I'll be adding some action soon. But mostly, it's going to be about a group of heroes that have to rediscover what being a hero really means. That kind of journey is more internal than external, in my opinion. Thus, there may be a lot more introspection and dialog in this story as compared to physical action. That being said, I still have some cool fight scenes in mind, so don't think that this will be some kind of romance novel. If you've read any of my other stories, you'll know that I like about as much romance as the next guy... but that's the point - I'm a guy! I'll get chapters out as quickly as I can get them writen properly. Thanks for your patience on this. As far as reviews. I'm as self-centered as anybody else, I guess. So, I like reviews. This traffic function on Facebook tells me about the number of hits my stories get, so I know people are reading them. The reveiws simply let me know if they're any good or not. It's also a nice way to make sure that the stories inject into your mind's eye what I see in mine. I don't mind flames or critiques as they let me know what I'm doing wrong. I've even had nice, long email or pm exchanges with some harsh critics and I think they've made my stories better because of it. So please, if you have anything to offer or suggest, an email or review is appreciated. Thanks for reading. WL |