![]() Author has written 10 stories for Naruto. Hello! This is State Kunoichi here! If you wait for me to frequently update, then I'm here to tell you that you're sadly mistaken. If you want that, then you'll have to go to my deviantArt account for that http:/// where you have more up-to-date status with my fics, life and whatever! Now the purpose of this account, in reality, is to post what is threatened to be deleted by deviantArt (basically what is considered rated M or NC-17 or whatever). I plan to update other stories on here when I can, but all fluff will be more focused on dA. Any mistakes in the text such as punctuation or any of "/" or separate "i" "b" or "u" are due to the format that deviantArt has. If there are any of those mistakes, feel free to le me know. :) And before you go on to be my friend, I must warn you that I am a Yaoi lover. A SasuNaru(Sasu) one at that. ;) CURRENT STATUS: Let me clarify some things for some of my readers out there who love to comment on things other than CRITIQUES or VALID COMMENTS: 1) I assume a lot of you guys out there are still in high school. Some may even be in middle school I dunno. But from what I can pick up, I don't have that many mature readers. So let me make my scheduling for updates clear. I have college classes, work and studying to do. That leaves very little time for other things. And believe it or not, I want a social life, so that takes more time as well. With the little time I have left, it is between "Me" time and writing to please you guys. A lot of you are nice, and I like to write these stories, but I'm not getting paid to do this. So if I get my "Me" time, I'm in a better mood to write. So this is why updates are not frequent or consistent. 2) As of now, The Uke Club is my main story. Everything else I write before I finish this story will be considered a side project. So my main story gets top priority and everything else comes second. I know that a lot of you have become fans of Hunt, but that story comes second. You'll just have to be (more) very patient with the updates on other stories. I'm sorry, but please understand. 3) The most important notice. It really gets to me when people don't get this third and final thing. DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO. This goes for updates, but most importantly, how I write my stories. I will update when I can, which goes with the first issue. But to clarify, this is MY story. I will write it however I please. And if that means having one of the boys liking someone else before their "significant" other, then that's how it will be. You'd prefer Sasuke to like Naruto? Well, read the whole title. It's The Uke Club SasuNaru, meaning those two will be together! You want the end results but won't enjoy how you get there, then there are plenty of other SasuNaru writers on this site, on other sites, and all over the internet. Hell, write your won stories and make them the way you want. But let me make this the way I want to. If you don't like it, then please bother somebody else. The Uke Club's chapter 6 is about halfway done. But finals will prevent me from writing or updating anytime soon. Hunt's next chapter hasn't started yet. And final exams will delay it longer. Sorry. DUDES!! I actually picked up drawing! You can find a few of the things (all SasuNaruSasu related) on my deviantART Page. If you really want to know what's going on in my life, progress in my current stories, or want to see little fluffs or drawings that I made, please visit my dA account. I cannot emphasize enough that I spend more time and have more focus there than on this site. You'll even have a better chance of contacting me there than here or anywhere else (since I have no MySpace, FaceBook, etc.) The link, once again, is found at the top and bottom of the page. Funny Tombstoes: "I told you it was serious." "My only regret was giving the monkey the gun." "I looked up the shaft to see if a car was coming down...It was." "Victim of a woman's beating." "Death by Snoo-Snoo! :D" "Dear departed Brother Dave. He chased a bear into a cave." "Here lies Good Old Fred. A great big rock fell on his head." "Here lies my wife. I bid her goodbye. She rests in peace and now so do I." "Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't." "I wasn't afraid of death. I just didn't want to be there when it happened." "Life is a waste of time. Time is a waste of life. I got wasted and had the time of my life. :D" VISIT DEVIANTART!! -- http:/// |