![]() Author has written 3 stories for Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ, and RWBY. Hi. I'm me, a human being, not a human do-ing. But I do things. I write stuff. I read stuff. I used to review a lot. Life exists, too. I am literally the only person who uses the name Xyzantylzethyrioses, so if you recognize it from somewhere else, it's almost certainly me. Fan Fiction relevant things about me: I'm willing and able to write stuff, review stuff, read stuff, beta stuff, edit stuff in-depth, and hold overly lengthy PM conversations. If you share a fandom with me and want to just talk about it or whatever, maybe even write about it as a collaboration, I'm open to that. Fantasy is most certainly my favorite setting. I usually don't enjoy reading nonfiction (books at least), but I do it when it's required (or short things for the fun of it; I love learning). I don't particularly care for realistic fiction (the really realistic kinds, like historic fiction). My favorite genres is tragedy but for empathy not for scares (I don't get scared or creeped out anyway). Friendship, not ship-ship. Humor is fine, but not as a focus of the story. Other things about me: Name: Heh, no. Age: Young adult. Location: On this Earth. Religion: Very active Catholic. Hobbies and interests: Virtue - because I am quite imperfect. Reading. Writing. Almost anything involving stories to some extent. RPGs. Some TCGs to a quite limited extent, mostly historically. Some board games and such. Some video games, largely declined in recent years, mostly mildly unpopular MMOs. Traditional non-competitive Chang Hon Tae Kwon Do (second degree black belt, over a decade active). Plotting world domination - not. Hanging out with people - once in a while. Prayer - all the time. Learning - in various ways. (But not studying. Studying... ugh.) Obscure liturgical history. Myers-Briggs/Jungian personality typing. (Got into it for writing characters better, then to understand myself more. I fall under INTP.) Favorite... Music: Two Steps From Hell stuff; Emerald Princess is my current favorite, and Fountain of Life is dear to me for all the amazing layering. Sports team: None. I really don't care at all about sports. I will sit with family and friends, but I don't have much of an attachment myself. TV/Movie: Nothing. I don't do either much. Animal: Owl. Colors: Black and gray mostly; also blue. I like purple, but not on me. Fictional Novel: Don't even know anymore. Book: The Life of Christ by Fulton Sheen. Stories: "Perfection Trial" (Madoka Magica fanfiction; Homura time travel tinkering; posted chapter 5 on September 24th 2015) Updated all chapters and I may be writing again. "Twelve Hours, Twelve Days, Twelve Weeks, Twelve Months, Twelve Years" (RWBY fanfiction; Black/White-focused plot; splits from canon instead of just varying slightly around the end of Volume 3; posted Chapter 8 on May 15th 2017) Several collaborations, mostly one-shots, that you could find hanging around maybe. Non-fanfiction: Original fantasy universe setting called Irfengen. Basically my "home universe" for organizing all of my personal injections into other fantasy settings. The world has idealized and/or restructured laws of physics, matter, energy, magic, biology, and so on. Almost no creatures translate directly from real life or typical fantasy species. Dream transcripts. Other stuff. |