Author has written 3 stories for Wolf's Rain, Legend of Dragoon, and Black Cat.
my name is Ravekizu.
i like to write stories.
you will not know my real name.
please don't hate me if my stories suck.
ATTENTION: I am not going to be posting to this site for a looong time. I've moved my postings to and chances are I'll update there more than here. Please understand that with a full time job, babysitting, and trying to keep my house clean with 3 dogs and 2 cats I don't always have time to post. I have finished all of my fics on here, I just have to find the time to post them. If you're still interested, I'm on AFF.n under RavieTaylor. I only have two fics up there right now but as I said... full time nurse guys. Will update all fics on here by end of Feb hopefully. Love you guys and thanks for all the reviews! * *Oooooook... so the Febuary thing didn't work out. So sorry guys. See about three days after I posted my promise I came home from work to find my father dead in his bed. Since then there has been nothing but drama with my family demanding parts of life insurance, items of his... so anyway my brother moved in with his family to make sure I could keep the house, and I am now a full time auntie babysitting. Cant really find time to update anything at home. So forgive the late postings.
Favorite Animes: Black Cat, Full Metal Panic, Trinity Blood, Blood, Blood Plus, Wolf's Rain, Gundam Wing, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon BallGT, Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist, Blue Seed, LOTS MORE!
Favorite anime boys: Tsume,Kiba, Duo,Heero, Trowa,Kaiba,Hiei, Miroku, Koga,Yusuke, Yami, Tristan, Ryu Soma, Trunks, Sanosuke, Knives, Jing, Vegeta, Kusanagi(Lots more!)
Favorite video game boys: FF8 Seifer, Zell.
FFX2-Gippal, Baralai
Ledgend of Dragoon: Lloyd.
FF12- Balthier
Favorite author on here:Lecelamona Lecelanet Marzakey(i loverz you Kirby! My Hiei! My Kaiba! Mine mine mine mine mine! None for you! Touch em and they'll be blood and guts everywhere man! then i'll poke you with a stick!)
sorry. i'm a psyco. and a scitzo. and a-
Tsume-WE GET IT!
geeze! somebodies in a crabby mood.
Favorite Quotes
"I will kill you," Heero Yuy.
"Will you bear my child?" Miroku.
"Wait a...oh shit," Lece.
Chris-I'm just so tired. i was up all night...
Lece-So! What were you doing last night?
Chris-My nephew and my brother. they're in town you know?
Lece-...Chris? Do you realize what you just said?
Chris-is asleep on the Wal-Mart scanner
"Mommie! Mommie! I don't want cookies right now...(THUMP!)" Lacona.
"Please don't fuck with me. You won't like the results," ME!
"I am darkness, how can you fight me?" Yami...I think.
"I've come to deliver some bad luck," Train Heartnet
"Life is gooooood," Faith
Faith "Stay Boo-Boo"
Me "Bark fkin bark."
Faith "Bad dog."
Me "Bitch."
Faith ":D"
"Oh for the love of... of... *small children everywhere* Hookey..."
Children "What's hookey?"
Me "Better than the first word i thought up..."
"Where is your happy place?"
"Far away from here..."