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![]() Author has written 144 stories for Pokémon, Monster Rancher series/モンスターファーム, Kingdom Hearts, Left Behind, Bible, White Wolf, Homestuck, Hunger Games, Chemical Garden Trilogy, Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ, Steven Universe, Undertale, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Castlevania, Witcher, and Dragon Age. I don't use the FFN app. Please don't try to contact me over there, I will never see it. And remember, PMs may be reposted, so don't say things you wouldn't admit to. It is fine to block me from reviewing! But a review block is also a PM block. You can send but I can't reply so don't throw a fit about how I'm ignoring you. If you want to block me and talk to me at the same time, try posting on my forum instead. Conversely, if you're sad you missed out on the reviewing, you can request reviews from me (or other people) here. If you feel like reviewing me out of revenge or gratitude, you can find even more of my writing over on archiveofourown .org /users/Farla/works. Just stick that in the address bar. "Farla, why are there a whole bunch of weirdos leaving reviews that just say the opposite of anything you say?" It's actually just one weirdo who's mad I banned one of their many socks from my forum over thinking racial slurs were hilarious and now they're taking it out on everyone. For a list of Sevenways56's/SunMoon6798/Blades of Chance's many, many alt accounts, head over here! If you block the accounts they'll still try to annoy you by leaving an anon review or two but at least they won't leave five signed-in reviews shouting about everything but your actual story. "Farla, is it true that if she screams a lot other people won't read or review my story? Do I have to delete it like she's telling me?" NOPE! Just like everything else Hybrid of Fate says, this is made up to punish you for not obeying. When you delete and repost, people are less likely to look at it. Then you're sad and leave fandom like Hybrid wants. All the sockpuppet review swarm does is make it more likely other people will feel bad about the tantrum and review you to make up for it. Here's the thread for disagreeing about capitalization. Also, I have a grammar guide and am now working on a fanfic guide. If you're interested in what a similar thing for actual published works looks like, I also have a blog, Dragon Quill, where I do chapter by chapter dissections of the Hunger Games; The Summoning; A Great and Terrible Beauty; Wither, Fever, and Sever; Matched; Graceling; Chosen of the Sun and Beloved of the Dead; Battle Royale; Unwind; The Host; Beautiful Creatures; Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant; and the Dresden Files. There's Let's Plays of Pokemon Black, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Black 2, Pokemon X, Pokemon Omega Ruby, Pokemon Moon, and I'm also doing World War Z and Animorphs intermittently, along with miscellaneous other reviews. Also, there's a nice mauling of Harry Potter and A Fault in Our Stars by Act for your amusement or misery, and an actual nice Let's Play from her on Fate/Stay Night. Another reviewer did an in-depth look at the game The Reconstruction and its prequel I Miss the Sunrise. Do you want me to add your story to my C2? Due to an excess of requests, I'm only looking at fics using the system set up over here. |
Community: | Farla's Collection of Decent Pokemon Stories |
Focus: | Games Pokémon |