Mewtwo looked up from his silent reflection as a city came into view. Despite it being nighttime, the buildings were easily visible thanks to the flashing lights on them. Mewtwo was able to sense thousands of people living there…way too many potential victims for this runaway monster.
"Neon Town…" said Kayla from the back of Ashley.
"Just our luck. It picked the most populated city around." Mewtwo muttered. He halted in mid-air, as did the Super-Dragonite. "We must do this quickly. Super-Ditto is getting stronger by the minute."
"How do we find it?" said Kayla as she looked around. An explosion sounded down below, and screaming could be heard as hundreds of people fled from the source of the danger.
"Checking that out is probably a good start." Mewtwo and Ashley landed in the middle of the street, while Kayla pulled out Mary-Kate's pokéball and let her out. The three super-pokémon looked in awe at the source of the explosion- a massive blob of black goop and slime with small pinpricks of evil red light that served as eyes. The creature turned towards them and looked at them with an evil glare.
"Ditto, stop this!" yelled Kayla in a forceful tone. "You're hurting these innocent people! You don't want that do you?" The Ditto responded with a strange glooping sound that seemed to be a laugh, and started to reform into the shape of a large Golem, also with bright red eyes.
Mewtwo and the twins stood poised for battle. "Luckily, the people are clearing out quickly. Be sure to stay clear Kayla."
"Are you kidding? I know what I'm doing." Kayla retorted. "Girls, double team him!" Instantly, the two Super-Dragonites charged forward at high speed with a synchronized Tackle attack that slammed into the enemy pokémon. The "Golem" stumbled back a few steps, but seemed otherwise unaffected- not even a scratch on its rocky hide.
Mewtwo powered up and charged forward. "Remember, try to make it waste energy! Once it runs out it can't transform or use its attacks!"
"Right!" yelled Kayla. "Girls, Dragon Breath now!" she cried.
The transformed Ditto smiled gleefully and reacted quickly with a transformation into another pokémon- this time a Cloyster, which quickly performed Withdraw before the metamorphosis was even completed. By the time the two Dragon Breaths were unleashed, the Ditto/Cloyster was safely inside its shell, which withstood the two attacks with frightening ease. The creature opened up its shell, but was instantly met with a ball of blue energy that slammed into the creature, sending it flying down the street through the vehicles still parked in the area.
Mewtwo crossed his arms at the wrist and called on his powers. Mewtwo felt the world slow down around him, and he ran forward at high speed straight to where the Ditto crashed. When he got there, he was met with a red-eyed Hitmonlee who punched and kicked faster than even the normal pokémon could. Mewtwo's speed was barely enough for him to block and dodge the attacks.
"Ashley! Mary-Kate! Use your Agility and get in there!" The two obeyed, and after a quick power-up, the Super-Dragonites dashed forward and swiped at the Ditto/Hitmonlee mercilessly. Even with three super-pokémon on one, the Super-Ditto was able to avoid their attacks thanks to the speed of Hitmonlee.
"Triple shot on three!" Mewtwo said quickly, leaping backwards and gathering power in his hand. "1-2-3, now!" Mary-Kate, Ashley and Mewtwo all unleashed a Fire Blast at the same time, which was weaker than a Hyper Beam, but a fast enough attack that even the quick Ditto/Hitmonlee couldn't avoid completely. The attacks exploded into Ditto, which shattered the concrete of Neon Town's Main Street and blew off several chunks of buildings lining the road. The flashy explosion soon ended, and they were once again able to see. Much to their surprise, their enemy wasn't there.
"Is he gone?" said Kayla cautiously.
"…I'm not sure. We'd better look around." Mewtwo said. "The twins should take the air."
"I'll take the sewer." Kayla said. She pulled out another pokéball. "Come on out Muk!" The pokéball opened up to reveal a large Muk, who sat before its master. "Muk and I can deal with it."
Mewtwo shrugged. "Okay. I guess I'll take the streets."
"Be careful." Kayla warned. She went down into the sewers through a manhole, while Mewtwo ran down the streets and the girls flew into the sky above.
Mewtwo strolled down the ruined street, carefully examining every detail for some clue. He looked up and down until gaze fell on a strange set of tracks leading into an alleyway. On careful inspection, long, thin feet made the tracks with low weight on them- like that of a Hitmonlee. Mewtwo sniffed the air, and was met with thousands of different smells at the same time, each more disgusting than the last. He cringed visibly, and decided that it was not a good idea to do that again.
Mewtwo's sensitive ears picked up a strange gust of wind from down the way. He ran to the source, and found a young woman struggling to get help. Her hand was outstretched, as if she were expecting someone to guide her. Mewtwo noticed she was blind, and nearby was a leash with no owner- probably for a Seeing Eye Growlithe. Mewtwo found this just a little suspicious- a young blind woman wandering the streets at night, when everyone had just panicked. He knew Super-Ditto was smart, but was he able to portray a blind woman?
"Excuse me sir…" she said with a sweet voice. "…Could you please help me? I-I can't find my Puppy." She cupped her hands together. "Puppy? Puppy! Here Puppy!" No answer came, which seemed to hurt the woman deeply.
Mewtwo acted as if he were going to punch her in the face, but when his fist stopped inches from her eyes, nothing happened. She didn't even blink…anyone that can see would blink. Mewtwo groaned- he didn't have time for this…but seeing the woman's fearful statement he couldn't just leave her like this. "Tell me. Have you always been blind?"
The woman was taken aback by this remark. "W-what kind of thing is that to ask?! Are you that mean that you would rather tease me than help me young man? Shame on you!"
Mewtwo sighed. "Tell me!"
The woman, on the verge of tears, answered. "N-no. I had an accident when I was a child. I…"
"That's all I wanted to know." Mewtwo quickly placed his hand on her eyes and focused.
"What are you doing?!" she cried. Soon, strange warmth came into her, and her eyes started to itch. Instinctively she recoiled and stepped away from the stranger, who didn't seem to mind. The itching disappeared, and was instead replaced by…light?
"Wha…what's going on? I can…see?" She looked at her own hands, then around the alleyway. Her eyes were filled with joy, until her gaze fell on Mewtwo, who stood there quietly. She cried out at the top of her lungs. "Ahh!! A monster!" She ran out of the alley as fast as her legs could carry her, leaving behind a sad but satisfied pokémon.
I guess that wasn't the Ditto. Better keep looking…
Kayla and her Muk climbed up the ladder and moved the manhole out of the way with a push. Slowly they climbed out of the sewer and returned the manhole to its proper location. Looking around, they found themselves in front of a large hotel for the many visitors to Neon Town. Now, of course, it was empty due to the hasty evacuation of the residents when the Super-Ditto arrived.
"Okay Muk, return." Kayla held the creature's pokéball out, and the Muk returned as it was told. Kayla returned the pokéball to her pocket, and worked her way down the street, all the while wishing she hadn't volunteered to go in the sewers.
"All right…if I was a crazed super-pokémon, where would I be…" Kayla walked down the street, where she heard the sound of a woman screaming. She ran down the street, yelling "Monster!!" as she dashed past Kayla.
"Monster! Must be Ditto!" she said. She ran down the street, and searched the area for the source of the woman's fear. She turned to see Mewtwo strolling out of an alley.
Must be a trick…Kayla pulled out a pokéball and through it to the ground, releasing her Dugtrio. "Alright monster! You're mine!"
Mewtwo looked at her oddly. "…It's me, Mewtwo." He made no move to defend himself.
"Oh yeah? How do I know you're telling the truth?" Dugtrio cheered ("Trio!") in agreement.
"Once this is over, I'll take you to Disneyland just like your father did. Good enough?"
Kayla blinked. That she hadn't expected…especially out of him. "…Yeah. Sorry Mewtwo." She recalled Dugtrio and put his pokéball away. "Any luck?"
Mewtwo shook his head. "No. I found some tracks that lead into this alleyway, but all I found was that woman you probably saw running. She's not the Ditto." Mewtwo turned around and started looking up and down the alley, carefully searching for more clues.
"What scared her?" said Kayla.
"…Nothing. She took one look at me and got scared. That's all."
"Oh, I see." Kayla looked up into the air, looking for the twins. "I wonder how the girls are doing in the search."
Mewtwo exited the alley. "Probably as well as we are. This Ditto could hide for months. It doesn't need any sustenance as we know it."
Kayla nodded in agreement. As she stood there, she saw some movement in the alleyway from the corner of her eye. A tendril moved towards Mewtwo, threatening to encircle him. Kayla shouted "Mewtwo, look out!"
The pokémon was unable to dodge in time, and was grabbed by a gooey tentacle colored like the brick wall of the alleyway. Mewtwo was lifted into the air by his neck, slowly being choked to death, as well as covered by the Ditto's body as it sought to smother him. Mewtwo struggled and tore at the attacker, but each time his hands either went through the pokémon or the tendrils were replaced with a new one.
"Kayla, get back!" yelled Mewtwo. Kayla did so, and Mewtwo charged up his psychic energy. Kayla dove for cover behind an overturned car, and watched as Mewtwo unleashed his telekinetic powers in a spherical flash of energy from his body. The Super-Ditto, including a large portion of the buildings that made up the alleyway, was forced away from Mewtwo, and crumbled around him. The Super-Ditto splattered on the street in a heap of goop as it reformed, while Mewtwo and Kayla went battle ready.
"Until the twins get here, stay back." Mewtwo ordered. The pokémon leaped into the air and shot a Psychic blast at the puddle that was his opponent. The blast went straight through him, destroying the street below it, but doing little more to the Ditto than prolonging its time to reform. Mewtwo watched as the pokémon transformed into a massive Blastoise, who stared menacingly at the purple pokémon. Not wasting any time, Ditto/Blastoise shot a powerful Hydro Pump attack straight at Mewtwo, which knocked him to the ground with enough force to knock the wind out of him. Blastoise charged and belly-slammed Mewtwo, letting his weight hold him down. He proceeded to beat on him brutally with his massive fists, each time knocking Mewtwo's face right to left and right again. Blastoise seemed to have the upper hand, until a powerful Thunder attack swept through its body, forcing it into its shell. When it had withdrawn, Mewtwo knocked it away with a powerful telekinesis blast. He stumbled to his feet as Mary-Kate and Ashley joined him, along with Kayla behind them.
"Good thing they arrived, don't you think?" Kayla said sarcastically.
Mewtwo nodded. "Thanks for the help. Not that I needed it, of course."
Kayla giggled. "Oh yes. We all know that the oh-so-manly Mewtwo can fight on his own. He doesn't need a woman's help." Mewtwo managed to make a wry smile before their enemy- now a Charizard- stood up and defiantly snorted at his opponents.
"We need to hit him with something powerful- the attacks we've done so far haven't affected it too much." Kayla said.
Mewtwo nodded. "Right. I think I have it." Mewtwo lifted his palm face up and focused his energy, which crackled in his hand. "When I say now, hit Ditto with your strongest fire attack."
"What do you mean? He's a Charizard right now. The fire attacks won't hurt him." Mewtwo grunted as the energy forming in his hand formed into a ball of light above his palm. Unlike his normal, blue globes of energy, this one was a bright white and felt warm to the touch…if anyone dared to touch it.
"I know. I'll handle that. You and your girls just be ready." Mewtwo threw the globe high into the night sky, which sailed off into the distance a ways before exploding into a cloud of bright light. When the fog finally disappeared, a bright glowing ball of energy could be seen, like a miniature sun. The rays of light shined down, giving power to Mewtwo and the two Super-Dragonites, as well as Charizard unfortunately.
"That's a Sunny Day attack…" said Kayla with awe.
"Get ready!" said Mewtwo as he charged forward. Ditto/Charizard, recognizing this attack, released a powerful Flamethrower, which slammed into Mewtwo's psychic Barrier. The attack was able to shatter the Barrier thanks to its raw strength, and Mewtwo became engulfed in flames. The pokémon screamed in agony, but was able to retain enough control to fire a blast of arctic temperatures from his outstretched hands. His Blizzard attack hit the Charizard, causing it extreme pain, even though the Sunny Day effect weakened the ice attack considerably. As Mewtwo fell to the ground, still on fire but alive, the Ditto/Charizard transformed instantly into an angry Cloyster yet again. The Blizzard attack wore off quickly, thanks to the Cloyster being a Water/Ice type.
"Now!" yelled Mewtwo. He leaped up and with the last of his power, he attracted a handful of light from the Sunny Day to his hand and instantly shot a powerful Solar Beam attack at the enemy. The Ditto/Cloyster used Protect to shield itself from the brutal attack, which shook the city like a miniature earthquake. Right behind it however, came two Fire Blasts with such destructive power, that they crashed through the barrier, and charred-broiled the Cloyster. The smoking creature fell in a heap of slime as it returned to its form as a Ditto, exhausted but barely alive. Mewtwo, still smoking as well, floated to the ground, exhausted. He was too weak to even Recover.
"Yes! We did it!" cheered Kayla. "Good job you guys!"
"Yes, well done." Mewtwo added weakly. "I think we've finally beaten this thing." Slowly, the Ditto started to move again, much to their surprise. It stared up at them…not with red eyes, but with normal, black dot eyes. The Ditto had a pleading look on its face, and it looked up at them with sad eyes.
Kayla felt a twinge of pity for the creature. "…Poor thing…maybe he really didn't mean to hurt anyone. He's only doing what he was made to do." As if in response to what she said, the Ditto transformed again, becoming the most fearsome form yet…a Electrode. Not just an Electrode, but a Super-Electrode.
"No!" Mewtwo said, but it was too late. The pokémon started crackling with electricity as it charged up for its Explosion attack- the most powerful attack a pokémon could use, but with all the damage this Ditto had sustained, it wouldn't survive the explosion…and it didn't seem to care.
"The city'll be toast if this thing goes off!" yelled Kayla.
Mewtwo struggled to his feet, trying to call on his powers. Unfortunately, that Super Solar Beam had drained him completely. He managed to create a spark of blue energy before collapsing to the ground again. "I…I can't contain the blast. We've got about thirty seconds before this thing gathers the energy it needs to explode, and there's no way to get all the people downtown out of here by then."
The twins looked at the Electrode with grim determination, and they turned to Kayla moments later. Kayla looked deep into their eyes, and felt their thoughts inside her mind. Slowly, she understood. She understood their plan…and she knew she had to go with them. They were a team, after all…mother and daughter.
Kayla grabbed the Electrode with all her strength and hopped onto the backs of the two Super-Dragonites. "Okay girls. Let's get this thing out of here!"
Mewtwo tried to stand, but failed yet again. "Kayla! Don't! You don't have to-"
"Yes we do. They are the only ones fast enough to do it, and I am their trainer. You understand. Although I'll have to call a rain check on our trip to Disneyland."
Mewtwo grunted painfully as he managed to stand on his own two feet. "…Kayla."
Kayla smiled down at Mewtwo as the girls floated up. Tearfully, she waved with her one free hand. "Thank you, Mewtwo. I'm proud to have been your trainer for the short time we knew each other." In the silence that followed, Mary-Kate and Ashley zoomed off as fast as they possibly could, using their combined speed to zoom high above the desert city.
"Kayla!!" cried Mewtwo one last time. Seconds later, a gigantic explosion of epic proportions shook the city and blinded everyone who saw it. Mewtwo was forced to shield his eyes as the bright light enveloped the sky. The roar of the explosion deafened him momentarily, but almost as quickly as it started, the explosion died down. Mewtwo looked into the sky, hoping to see any sign of them still being alive, but all he saw was the last flashes of light from the Electrode falling to the Earth.
Channel 13 News
"Good morning, Ian C. Slightly here, bringing you an update on the terrorist attack in Neon Town a few months ago. Police have finally confirmed that the attack was not an act of any terrorist group or any documented pokémon trainers in the various Leagues. Neon City's Chief of Police comments on the attack."
[Camera cuts to Seymour Butts in Neon Town with Officer Jenny…the edgy one.]
"Seymour Butts here, coming to you live from Neon Town with Officer Jenny. Thanks for talking with us ma'am."
"Let's just get this over with." Jenny barked. The reporter cringed but continued his interview.
"Ms. Jenny, what do you think was the reason for the explosion above Neon Town."
A crazy guy in the background comes running up. "It's aliens man! Our world will be destroyed! They're coming man! They're- *smack*" Officer Jenny threw the guy across the street, then dusted her hands off.
"Okay, as I was saying, we here at the NTPD believe the event was nothing more than a criminal act by Team Rocket designed to further their goals for world domination."
"What makes you think that ma'am?" asked the reporter.
Officer Jenny held up a charred, but discernible Team Rocket uniform piece that showed the red R emblazoned on it. "This piece of clothing was found on the top of a building near the site of the explosion. We believe that the owner was accidentally caught in their own explosion, and misfired it into the sky. We suspect it's those same two numbskulls from Team Rocket that came here the last time to cause trouble. They had that weird motto of there's, but I forget how it goes…" Officer Jenny turned around and yelled to another officer. "Hey Berny! How did that motto go?!"
"Wasn't it like 'Protect the world from deportation?' Oh wait, no it was 'Defend the world from devastation.'"
"No it wasn't! It's-" *They continue to argue off camera.*
"Well, this has been Seymour Butts, coming to you from Neon Town. Back to you Ian."
The large television screen clicked off, and the man watching it silently twiddled his fingers. Giovanni was feeling a little worried now that this had occurred. Nobody has been identified as the source of this problem (apparently Jesse and James weren't the bumbling idiots this time), but Giovanni nevertheless was worried about this situation. With the last of his super-pokémon destroyed, Giovanni was less than happy with Team Rocket in general, and it showed.
"Next time…next time I'll get you Mewtwo." Giovanni said angrily. "Next time, you won't get away that easily."
I think not…
"What?! Who's there?!" said Giovanni. "Security!"
They can't hear you. They're already taken care of.
A ghostly image of Mewtwo appeared before Giovanni's desk, hovering eerily before him."What'd you do?! How'd you get here?! I'm still wearing this!" Giovanni reached down and held the device he had been wearing to protect himself from Mewtwo's powers. "You can't hurt me! HA!"
Your device is useless, Giovanni. As are you.
Giovanni stood up, and his Persian did the same. "Do your worst! You can't hurt me! Just because you can talk to me doesn't mean you can do anything." Giovanni smiled evilly at the floating form of Mewtwo, who did nothing for the moment. "Ha! See?! You're as harmless as a kitten!"
I'm not here to kill you Giovanni…then I'd be no better than you. A heartless killer.
"You're breaking my heart." Giovanni said sarcastically. "You may have managed to win this time, but I'll simply rebuild the equipment. I will make the perfect soldier, and it will destroy you and lead me to world domination."
I don't think so.
Mewtwo reached forward and shattered the device around Giovanni's neck with his bare hand. Before Giovanni could retaliate, Mewtwo's other hand was around Giovanni's throat, holding him still. Giovanni stared fearfully into the eyes of the most powerful pokémon alive, while trying to keep his pants clean."What're you going to do? Y-you said you weren't going to kill me! Guards!!" Nobody responded, and all that happened was Mewtwo's eyes glowed with blue light, which blinded Giovanni momentarily. Instantaneously, Giovanni found his thoughts slipping away, as a force outside his control started ruthlessly peeling away his memories.
You can't desire what you don't know about. From now on, you'll know nothing about super-pokémon, or myself. No humans will…unless I allow it.
Giovanni spat out angrily, "I…am…your…"
…Master? You may have made me. But, just like Frankenstein…its creator couldn't control the creation. Ironically enough, I have trouble telling which of us is the real monster and which of us is the real man.
Giovanni screamed one last time, before he blacked out…the last image of the super pokémon Mewtwo fading away from his memory.
New Island II
Mewtwo walked through the lab, forcing himself to do something worthwhile, rather than dwell on what happened to Kayla and her pokémon. It had been several months since then, but the pain was still fresh in his mind. That was the downside of being psychic- you never forget anything, and memories are as fresh in your mind as the day they are made…at least the ones that aren't buried in your mind. For Mewtwo, that was basically only the memories of his life since awakening in the lab… a life of pain and suffering…of war and strife… a life of death.
Mewtwo gave up trying to complete his tasks for the day and walked down to his room. Why bother trying? Now that he had tied up the loose ends in the human world, nobody on Earth knew he and his brethren existed. There was no need to work on his island's defenses…no reason to train.
No…there was a reason. Mewtwo would always train…if nothing else, it helped him feel like a real pokémon. All pokémon train to become better and stronger. It was also a way for a pokémon to show how much they cared for their trainers; that he had learned from that trainer Ash and his Pikachu. And for Mewtwo…that had new meaning now. Mewtwo looked up at a picture hanging on the wall of his private chambers. There, a simple picture of Kayla was hung, depicting her in front of her home in Cerulean City, doing a "V for Victory" for the camera. Wordlessly, he looked at the picture, and glanced down at the label beneath it with a light smile.
Kayla Branaghan. Friend and Trainer Forever.