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Joined 07-02-04, id: 623685
Author has written 1 story for Wolf's Rain.

I am a big Wolf's Rain fan, as you can probably can tell.

I sure hope you enjoy my story, hopfully stories in a few years.

"Enjoy life to the fullest"

"When life gives you lemons, squeeze them in someone elses eyes."

"All animals are equal but some are more equal than others"~George Orwell

"What is the point in being a wolf if one does not have pride"

"We are all going to die at one point. It is a natural part of life. But if life has no pupose, then you might as well be dead already."

Think about this: "Only when the last tree is cut down, the last river damned, and the last road paved will we finally realize that we Can't Eat Money"

"Our lips may touch, our cheaks may brush..."~ HelloGoodbye "Here(In your arms)"

This world is full of sorrow, tragedy, and war, let us not change, but introduce it to the future. After all it is better if they live in a time of war to learn what it is to have regret...I think this is what the gov't is doing to us poor future...we need to change this. Write, read, speak out. That is what i want to do, fight for our right to have a free future and not have to deal with the mistakes past generations have made and expectus to clean up. This is my own quote, my own belief that lies deep inside the pit of my very soul...do you belive it too?

I love quotes, that is what those were for. I know it sounds weird, but sometimes every person has there own ideas on the world.

When you read my stories, you should know that deep down in me(my friends can prove this) i am a feminist, animal lover, anime/manga fan, Rascal Flatts listener, roller coster rider, a tomboy, Mercy girl(I went to Our Lady of Mercy-all girls school)(you guys are probably like cool and you girls are probably pitting me)

At any rate, i love to swim and to ice skate. It is fun shotting hopes with my friends and fighting with my bothers(both bigger then i, but don't worry), though writing takes priority over all this, thoug it may not be obvious with the time it takes to post chapters, sorry about all that.

So, please read my story, i think you may enjoy it a lot.

I know that i have been gone for many a days now...months...years more like it...but please do not let that drag you all down. I have just been going through a lot, college decisions, moving into college, making new friends, interaction with guys(though that is where all hell breaks lose) and all the other fun stuff(sarcasticlly stated) that comes from living away from home for the first time. All I ask is that you be patiant, though i know that it is hard to do that. In a few years from now, my dream is to be a writer. I want to show the world what is deep inside me and wish with all my heart to be able to reach the hearts of all through the very words I have in my soul. I am me and nothing will change that, though i wish at times i could be someone else. For know, all I can do is strive forward with my story in hand and pray that one day something extremely grand will help me achieve the wish that lays in my heart. So please be patiant, this year for me has been the worst there is in a few since I was younger. So with a small farewell, i say to all that the pulsing rythem of my heart beats faster with each day toward a dream. Each and every person needs to follow their call, the small animal that wishes to be released from inside his/her cage. Dream big and strive for greatness and most of your wishes will come true.

secrets out by tsumesgirl05 reviews
what happens when Ashiya finds out that she isn't the only crossdresser at school? COMPLETED!
Hana-Kimi - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 10 - Words: 12,750 - Reviews: 62 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 10 - Updated: 10/2/2005 - Published: 3/1/2005 - Complete
Hidden Secrets reviews
What if Toboe wasn't a guy, but instead a girl who hides her identity and has many other hidden secrets about her past? How will the guys accept her and what kind of trouble could follow her? please read! told form Toboe's POV
Wolf's Rain - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 35,374 - Reviews: 185 - Favs: 96 - Follows: 88 - Updated: 12/28/2008 - Published: 3/24/2005