Hello again, wonderful readers I'm trying to update secrets out as soon as I can but I can't promise that I'll be able to update every week, having only 2 free days after school and all.

This is the actual begging of my story, sorry about the first chapter, it was crappie but I thought it needed to be there for those of you who have not read the books. With future ado, here is the first chapter of secrets out even if it is an OC.

"MOM! DAD! Hurry up, my plane leaves in a couple of hours."

"We're coming kitty." A female voice called back while coming down the stairs and looking at her daughter. She had boy short black hair with natural brown highlights; she had almond shaped eyes and tan skin. Even though she was only half, Japanese she looked like she was full Japanese, which she got from her farther.

"Why do you want to go so far away from home and how again did u talk us into letting you transfer all the way to Japan?" came a deep but handsome voice of her husband as he came out of his room.

"Because it's a once in a life time chance to go to a Japanese school with free board and travel expenses. The answer to the other question is because you love me so much and want the best for me, and because I am such a good persuader. Now can we please go before I miss my plane?" kitty sated with some impatience in her voice.

"All right lets go before I change my mind and make you stay, dear."

"we are going to miss you so much" ,"we love you so much" , and "are you sure you want to go, I could always turn around and go home" were the only things her parents would say all the way to the airport and before she got on her plane to Japan.

xoxoxoxo "we are going to miss you so much. We will come to visit you as soon we can, and you'll have to come home for Christmas, and some of summer break."

"I will mom, I'll miss you guys to, and just so you won't worry too much I'll write to you as often as I can."

"Flight 3737 to Japan now boarding"

"Well that's my flight, I love you so much, bye" she just as couple of tears rolled down her face and a couple of last minute hugs and good byes were said as kitty headed though the terminal and out of sight. She found her set, which was by a window, which would prove useful during the 14-hour flight to Japan

"I'll be ok. It's not like this is my first time going some where completely different with out my parents" that and about "why did I want to do this, this was a big a mistake" and with each doubtful thought came the same answer, "duh that easy to see my sports idol, and crush nakatsa."

"We will be arriving at Osaka international airport momentary; please gather any loose belongs together."

"I better hurry up and change into my school uniform before we land." Five minutes later, she emerges out of the bathroom looking like a boy rather than a girl in a uniform for her/his new school.

"Please fasten your seatbelts, and get ready for landing." After a few minutes, the sound of the tires hitting asphalt and the jolt from the plan told the passengers that the plan had landed safely and was now slowing down.

"The letter said that someone would be meeting me at the airport to show me the way around." He said aloud to himself, as he got off the plane and entered the airport, looking around for anyone with the same uniform as him "I wonder who will be ….." was all that he got out when he saw who was there to pick him up.