All right guys this going to be the last chapter. Can you believe it? I have had fun writing this story and I hope you guys have enjoyed it. Well no point in delaying it any further.

CH. 10 new beginnings

When they reached where the Dean and Nanba was Nanba was the first to speak.

"My, My I never thought that you where actually a girl, but I guess I was wrong. Will you go out with me?"

"Nanba! This is not the time to be hitting on girls and this young lady is in a serious situation." The Dean said practically yelling at Nanba.

"I know but I'm not just going to let a pretty girl like her pass me by." When Nanba glanced over at Sano he noticed the high jumper giving him a death glare. "But I think I will leave her to some else." He finished looking Sano straight in the eye and then nodding to show him that he under stood.

"Now miss. Ashiya you are to pack your things and be ready by tomorrow afternoon to go back to America. We have contacted both yours and Kitty's parents and they have agreed with us that it is in both yours best interest and safety to return home as soon as possible. Since the earliest flight we could arrange was for tomorrow afternoon you both have been granted one more night here. Am I under stood?" The Dean concluded.

"Yes sir." She replied looking down at the ground. The Dean and Nanba both left leaving her there alone with Sano.

"Come on lets get inside, it's getting cold and we don't want to catch a cold." Sano said after a couple minutes. He started walking in and all she could think of doing was following him.

When she walked though the dorm all the boys that were in the hall just stared at her, and then back at Sano's retreating back. "ASHIYA" she and Sano heard someone up ahead yell.

"Nakatsu" she whispered as he came into view pushing the guys aside so he could thou.

"I heard where a gir….." he stopped suddenly just then taking in what she was wearing.

"How did you find out already?" she asked

"Ryu or should I say kitty told us." He replied looking down at her cheering silently inside that he wasn't gay.

"Is she still here?"

"Yeah she's packing." With that she ran toward Nakatsu dorm room where she found Kitty kneeling down on the floor packing her stuff and crying.

"How are you doing?" Ashiya asked.

Kitty looked up in surprise. "I didn't hear you come in. Fine, I guess. How about you?"

"Down and depressed." Ashiya said kneeling down next to her.

"I can't believe I was only here for a month and I already have to go back."

"Do you think they will let us stay here as long we go to a coed or all girl school?" Ashiya said.

" No, I already asked," she replied.

"Man I still can't believe this is real. I didn't even get to know Nakatsu that well."

"I know, it sucks."

"At least you got spend two years here." Kitty shot back.

"There is no reason for you two to be mean to each other." Sano said from the doorway. Both girls jumped this time and looked over at the door to see Sano, Nakatsu and the rest of the gang.

"Hey guys." Ashiya sad breaking the silence that had fallen between them.

"Sano told us what happened. Are you two ok?" Sekime asked.

"Were fine." Kitty answered for the both them even thou it was not true.

"How's your arm?" Naoko asked.

"It hurts a little but I'll live.

"How about ry.. Kitty?"

"A couple scrapes and bruises only thanks to Ashiya and Sano." She replied.

"Ashiya you need pack. Yours and Kitty's plane leaves tomorrow. My, what a large group there is blocking the hall way, I'll have to write every single one of you up if don't move." Nanba said. He looked back at the group of boys "That's not a warning." With that he went on his way.

"What plane?" everyone but Sano and Nakatsu asked.

"The school and our parents are making us go back home." Ashiya explained before standing up. She heard Kitty zip up her bag.

"I guess I better get packed too." She said gloomily. She turned and left the room getting pats on her back goodbyes from the guys who she would probably not see for a while. She walked into hers and Sano's room for what would be the last time. Sano followed Ashiya to their room.

"You never did ask why kept your secret." Sano said.

"It doesn't matter any more, since everyone found anyway." She replied.

"True. But why did you come here and cross dress for long?" Sano asked as Ashiya was getting out her suitcase. When she got it she froze and Sano heard her starting to cry. He hadn't meant to make her cry, so he went over to her.

"I came here sob meat someone who sniffle I fell love with" she said slowly.

"I Know" Sano said pulling the crying girl into a hug. Sano held her close for a little while before he turned her around, they looked into each other's eyes and before Ashiya knew what was going on Sano kissed her and she leaned into the kiss making it deeper.

"I love you" Sano said when they broke apart.

"I love you too." She replied hugging Sano with that Sano picked up Ashiya and carried her over to his bed where he sat her on his lap.

"Will you go out with me?" Sano asked.

"But I'm leaving."

"Then I'll fallow." He replied

She looked up at him and nodded. Ashiya kissed him on the check and then on lips. Sano deepened the kiss. With in a couple of minutes they were laying on Sano's bed kissing. (A/N I'm not good at lemons so plez don't ask for details)

At about 3 o'clock both were asleep in Sano bed. Sano had his arm wrapped protectively around Ashiya's waist. Both were still hot and sweaty from the night's activities.

When the sleeping couple woke up it was already halfway though the morning. Sano helped Ashiya pack. Just as they were zipping up the last suitcase there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" Sano said.

"Are ready?" the Dean asked.

"Yes," Ashiya answered. The Dean handed Ashiya her ticket and that the plane left in a couple of hours. After the Dean had gone Sano helped Ashiya carry her two suitcases down the dorm entrance where a car was waiting for them. Kitty and the rest of the gang showed up just as they had put Ashiya's bags into the trunk of the car. They noticed that there wasn't going to be enough room for Kitty's suitcase so they put in the back seat and decided to walk to the airport so everyone could see the two girls off. Sano and Ashiya held hands the entire way there. There was little talking on the way to the airport but there was crying when the two got on their back to US (mostly from the girls). Sano and Ashiya kissed for what would be the last time till summer and Nakatsu gave Kitty a kiss on the check. The boys stayed until they could not see the plane anymore and then walked back to the dorm in silence each remembering the time they had spent with girls.

At the end of the week Sano went to the Dean and asked for a note of recommendation so he could transfer to over to Berkeley for the next school year. The Dean of course had to put in two cents about why Sano should stay there but Sano put in way he was a good candidate and that even if the Dean didn't write the letter he would go anyway. The Dean wrote the note and gave Sano his blessings even though he wanted Sano to stay put then to go chasing after a girl.

All right there you have it. That is the last chapter, but what do you guys think of a sequel? I already have it all planed but I would like to know what you all think. Please review.