![]() Author has written 5 stories for Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ. ON INDEFINITE HIATUS. (WRITER'S BLOCK, SORRY GUYS!) Hello! My name is Reverie Nishio! My nickname is Ren. I'm new here so yoroshiku onegaishimasu! I can be a friend if you need someone to talk to! =) My ships are SasuSaku (Naruto), AkaKuro (Kuroko no Basuke), OkiKagu (Gintama), EverLark (The Hunger Games), Drarry (Harry Potter), and HiccStrid (How to Train Your Dragon)! My favorite anime characters are: Gintama: Gin-chan, and probably all of them. They are all funny and lovable. XD Naruto: Sasuke (yeah I love the cold types), Shikamaru (Coz he's a real BAMF, a lazy genius like me! lol), Kakashi and Gaara Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun: Haru (a lazy, clueless-about-the-world genius haha. he's funny!) Detective Conan: Shinichi/Conan, Kaito Kid and Heiji (well... XD) Slamdunk: Sakuragi (don't u see the pattern? I love funny guys) and Sendoh (because he's cool. period.) I live in Manila, Philippines, and I am of the female species. I will soon become a high school English teacher (there, I said it. It would now be super embarrassing when you read my grammar-error-polluted stories hihihi!), and I am currently 20 years old. I love reading. My genres most of the time are fantasy and a little romance and historical fiction. I also love watching anime/movies, all genres. I also watch TV shows but not all the time. I also watch Asian dramas (mostly Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese and Filipino). I also love music and the genres are rock/alternative rock, EDM and pop. My favorite bands are Paramore and SCANDAL (Japanese all-girl band). XD I can also beta! PM me if you think I can help. I wanna make new friends here! And write! And ship! Lol XD I love books, animes, and movies! And food! As a writer, I have to warn you guys. I am extremely lazy and unpredictable, so sometimes I update fast, and sometimes no. I am also very easily distracted, so my varied hobbies and interests disrupt my writing process frequently. I only write when I'm motivated, and it takes a lot to motivate me. Hahaha! I like a good challenge so I try to write different genres, and I use different writing styles, switching from different point of views and tenses of verb. I write for different purposes, and one of them is to be a good writer. Not popular, no, but good enough to be noticed (not for my atrocious grammar, hopefully!) There are many writers I idolize here in FFnet, and I use them as an inspiration to get better. When I read their stories I just get fired up, and I hope to at least mach their skill. LOL. I want to be able to reach many readers and touch their hearts, and to be able to entertain them, making them laugh when they're down or making them feel giddy and shipping when they're thirsty for a good story. Hahaha. PLAGIARISM is a big NO NO for me. I hate them. They're like, people with no skill whatsoever and copy what other people wrote their hearts and bled their hands out. I really, really hate them with a burning passion. No one can become a good writer overnight, but you guys could at least try! It's like tainting a part of a soul, and it's wrong, completely wrong. Don't go taking what's not yours. If you liked my story and get inspired to write something similar or adopt the story idea, cool, I could use a little mentioning if you don't mind. There's a special place in hell for you to rot for, you plagiarising dungbrains. I'm really nice, except when you anger me. Hahaha. It depends on how you approach me, I guess. I try to be kind to all people, and if they're worthy enough of my trust, I can be a good friend. Really. Hahaha XD Always wear a smile. That way, people won't know if you're nice or if you're plotting their murders in your mind. XD A huge thank you to all those people who views and reads my stories, especially those who take time to press favorite and follow, and those who write wonderful reviews! I wish I can hug all of you and give each one of you a big bar of chocolate =D Everything is appreciated from the bottom of my heart. =D STORY IDEAS: AKAKURO ONE-SHOT about Akashi and Kuroko and child!GoM and child!Kagami! Thought it through but haven't gotten to write it yet. Hopefully it doesn't slip away! AKAKURO: Akashi finds a pregnant Kuroko, and he takes care of him. Doesn't have a title yet. (IT'S PUBLISHED NOW! THE TITLE IS "DAWN") AKAKURO BDSM PROJECT ON THE WORKS |