"Did you know, Akashi-kun, if you're reincarnated 100 times and you always meet the same loved one, then it is true love?"

A faint beeping resonated through the room, always keeping the same tempo as Kuroko talked. He lay back on a bed, the sanitary white room making his sky blue hair really noticeable. Akashi sat in a chair beside the bed and smiled warmly,

"Actually I never knew that. I don't know if I believe in reincarnation either."

The blue haired boy closed his eyes and sighed, "That's a shame. Only the people who believe get a chance to have those 100 years of reincarnation."

Sunlight washed through the windows, a light breeze entering the room every few seconds. Kuroko's been sick for the last few months and he was hospitalized. Akashi and Kuroko were already living together and the redhead temporarily stopped working to keep his loved one company. Unfortunately, the blue haired boy wasn't showing any signs of recovery from his illness.


"Yes, Tetsuya?"

Kuroko pulled the redhead down by wrapping his arms around his neck and gently kissed him. Akashi relished in his lover's soft lips and relaxed into his arms. The redhead gently tilted the other's chin and pressed into the kiss more before pulling away. Kuroko continued to talk,

"Being with you was everything I could've asked for. You were always so kind to me and you cared for me. Except now, I believe that it is time to let go and say goodbye. You need to move on with your life; you put a pause on it because of me and I can't accept that."

"Tetsuya…What are you saying?" Akashi asked, feeling slightly confused but knowing exactly where this conversation was heading.

The blue haired boy ignored his question and said, "When I am reborn, I will surely meet you again. When I do meet you, I'm sure I will fall in love with you again. No matter how many times it takes, no matter how many times I am reborn, I will always be yours. So please, believe in me and call my name when you see me so that I remember you and I'll make sure to call your name so that you remember me."

"Tetsuya, you're not going to die." Akashi said while shaking his head. Kuroko grabbed the redhead's hands and squeezed them tightly.

"Please…Seijuro…Do this for me. What I am asking is really selfish and I know that. I don't want to leave you either, but we won't be leaving each other if we meet again, right?"

The redhead eventually gave in and then said, "How about…we somehow mark ourselves to show how many lives we've gone through?"

Kuroko tilted his head to the side, obviously confused, "Like getting a tattoo?" He asked.

Akashi nodded, "Exactly. We'll go now and get a tattoo on our backs that marks our lives. So it's like a tally chart."

The blue haired boy nodded his head frantically; happiness glowing from his face. Then his expression suddenly fell from happiness to sadness, "I don't think the hospital is going to let me go."

"You're right…" Akashi muttered, "Well then, I'll bring them here. I'll be back in a few minutes, love."

Just as promised, the two of them got a tally mark on their backs. The first tally mark was on their left shoulder blade and the next one would fit right beside it. A few weeks after that, Kuroko passed away.

Both of them didn't know whether the tattoo idea would work, but they prayed for it to work anyway. If there was someone out there looking after them, they prayed that they would be allowed their marks to follow them into another life.

Every year that passed without Kuroko, Akashi began to believe in reincarnation. His desire to see his lover made him believe and 18 years later, Akashi passed away with a small smile; and when he breathed his last breathe, he muttered,

"I'll see you soon, Tetsuya."

Author's Note:

And so I've started a new AkaKuro fanfiction. I'll probably actually write 100 chapters but don't expect anything long and beautiful. They'll be short and beautiful ;)

Most of the chapters will probably be structured like this: Who they are (age, occupation, status, etc.), how they meet, what triggers the memories, the tattoo, their deaths and a bit of light towards the next life. Or maybe a few problems on the way. You know…I'll probably toss something in there.

Now then, I need 99 more ideas.

See you in the next chapter if you plan on following me through their 100 painful but loving lives.

Author's Note (Updated May 6, 2020):

Hey guys, I'm still here! I'll be editing previous chapters and adding new chapters to this fanfiction as regularly as possible. Yes, I'm still writing :)
I will also probably be moving a copy of this fanfiction onto AO3 as well! Just wanted to let you guys know that I will finish this story and I'm always thinking of new ideas to write it. Thank you for growing up with me and following me throughout this time. The next chapter will be up soon!