Author has written 26 stories for Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Doctor Who, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy XV, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Legend of Zelda. Hey kids, Loon here. I wanted to be one of the cool kids with a snazzy profile, but I also don't want to ramble so I decided what better way to introduce myself than some hypothetical Q&A! Who are you? I'm a 20-something Canadian with an applied degree in professional writing. Yes, I've actually taken classes and am trained to do this for a living. Make of that what you will. Why does your account say you registered back in 2004? Weeelllll, because I did. Back when I was a teenager, I thought I'd do the fanfic thing, but for some reason I got annoyed at the site's uploading system and quit before it went anywhere. Thus did my account sit around idly for nine years. LoonRider? Yes, LoonRider. Way back when, on a forum, I made mention that I was "loony" and someone interpreted that as my wanting to be called "Loon." I didn't really hold on to the nickname, but while I was trying to think of a new pen name for this account, I thought of this one. Not just because of that nickname, but as mentioned, I am Canadian, and Kamen Rider was the show that prompted my return to this place. Also a superhero riding a giant loon would be awesome, don't deny it. What are your fandoms? Too many to list. As I said above, Kamen Rider brought me back to this site, and I've been on a tokusatsu kick lately so there's KR Decade, Double, OOO, Fourze and Wizard, plus various Sentai shows (Gaoranger, Gokaiger, Abaranger, Dekaranger, Boukenger, Shinkenger, and Magiranger). I'm also an avid Power Ranger fan and have many animes under my belt. For now, expect toku. For later, who knows. Your stance on honourifics? Okay, since I do write for fandoms that are in Japanese, I figure I'll address this. There are exactly three instances where I will use honourifics (-san, -chan, -kun, -neesan, -niichan, etc). They are as follows: On a related note, Japanese names. If a name is within dialogue or first-person narration, it was be Surname Firstname. Everywhere else, it will be the reverse. |
EstelRaca (114) | Luki Dimension (60) |