Reviews for Escape Tactics
Anon chapter 16 . 5/10
Hey. Not sure if you'll still continue the fic, but I just wanna say thank you for writing it. The thought process of every character and their actions were very realistic. My heart kind of hurt with Noct's spiral into.. well, depression? It's not only depression, but that kind of sums it up. So yeah, thanks for writing this angst-y piece.
RavenWingDark chapter 16 . 2/28
I’m THRILLLLLED TO HEAR you’re WORKING ON THIS AGAIN! and that a great author like you has a bnha fic!
Eregnar chapter 15 . 2/21
Do you have first-hand experience with depression? Because Noct's physical reactions and thought processes in this chapter are rather... familiar (The envy of a cloud being able to just kinda of cease existing sounds EXACTLY like how I felt at the deepest stages of my depression in college). You definitely portrayed his depression well. I think you're right that the disjointedness fits the content. It makes you kind of feel the mind-fog Noctis is struggling through.

The fainting's a little interesting due to the fact that it's NOT what I experienced. The single time I fainted, my vision tinged yellow, which makes me wonder if your description is based on hear-say or experience, and how fainting is different for different people or in different situations (I'm a biology nerd. I can't help it :P )
Saaraa chapter 16 . 1/24
PLEASEEEEEE continue this. I mean- I don't mind about your hiatus. You can take ur time, really. But-no pressure-I reaalllyyyy love your fic. I keep coming back here! I love how u write the characters, how humanly of them. I love how you give us the sense of anguish, depression, and sadness. They are all coming at me, alright. I almost cry when I looked how poor Noctis' conditions are! Of course, I'm really sad when Glady and Iggy blame themselves. Ahhhhhh shit story is too beautiful. I freakin love it. I can't even explain it with my words, but I need you to know that YOU are AMAZING. Thank you for making this fanfiction. May my love reach you, dear.

P.S : I'd die to see the last chapter. Pretty please? *Puppy's eyes* (hope they are working lol)
Guest chapter 16 . 12/10/2019
This fic is so sad! It really breaks my heart to watch Noctis suffer through this alone, being isolated from his friends and entering this depression. I know that you've been fandom hopping for a while, but I am hoping that you'll eventually come back and finish this story! I can't wait to see your next chapter! Keep up the good work!
CrispyPotatoCorn chapter 16 . 11/29/2019
Your story gave me more feels then the actual game. -w- I wish I knew people in real life who wrote fanfictions like this
mystery writer5775 chapter 16 . 6/11/2019
So i just barely started playing this game maybe three weeks ago and i have been trying to find any decent fics with no success. Until this one. It's well written and perfectly captures each ccharacters personalities. I firmly agree after the whole debacle in altissia and niflheim that noct would definitely spiral down hill in a situation such as this. After rescuing his friends of course. I'm really excited to see how this ends and i will be eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
Destiny chapter 16 . 5/12/2019
︵ヽ(Д)ノ︵ Why no update?!
Σ(っ゚Д゚;)っ please update soon!
Guest chapter 13 . 3/25/2019
So I've been binge-reading this and planned to do a nice big comment at the end, but to hell with my plans! Oh my gosh. So I adore Ignis. And I very much adore a well-written Ignis. And your self-review of how you write him? Hush! You are brilliant! You captured him wonderfully! Every part of him that I love: his quiet thoughtfulness, his gentle compassion, his need for info battling with his need for tact... Wonderful! Please, write more Iggy at some point in the future! And you know what, same with Gladio.
This story is amazing and intriguing. You're taking the story that this fandom has poked at for so long, and you are breathing absolute LIFE into it. And you write all of the characters, their interactions and natures and thoughts so well. Painfully well. Please don't stop. As long as it takes. Please take this story to the finish. I'll be waiting with the utmost patience.
Guest chapter 16 . 2/17/2019
Love your fic! Can’t wait for the reunion! Please update soon!
shezzuil chapter 16 . 1/23/2019
I found your fic last night, as I was in the cloudy space of having finally beaten FFXV, and was in need of some new story to help cope. Read the whole thing in one sitting and can’t wait for the conclusion. Love your style and how you’ve so wonderfully captured each character’s personality!
Guest chapter 16 . 1/12/2019
I’ve just finished reading your story (so far!). I’ve been completely enjoying it, you’re writing style is really great and I love the way you’ve portrayed the characters and their interactions with one another, please keep up your good work I’m really looking forward to reading how it ends
Anonymous chapter 16 . 1/7/2019
Love this chapter! Well done with Ignis' point of view! I meant to check for updates for this fic sooner than this, but I've been really busy, so reading this chapter was a blessing. Thank you so much for this chapter. I can't wait for reunions in the next one!
Charlie Benzine chapter 16 . 1/6/2019
Nice chapter, can't wait for the next one! And I love the fact that you named your characters Lorem and Ipsum! XD
Dante Morose chapter 16 . 1/2/2019
I've loved this story beginning to now. The lengthy waits for chapters had me leaving it alone, so today I got to cone back to five new chapters. I'm excited to see this come to a satisfying close.

Hope you update soon.
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