Winter Camp - Part 1
by: Jason Tandro
The wetlands of Duscae were chilly enough during the summer months, but with the onset of winter frost began to kiss the Alstor Slough. The Catoblepas herds had left the water, taking winter's refuge in the caverns beneath the massive stone arches that dotted the land, the Garula huddled tightly together with the massive Alpha Garulessa circling their pride. As for the other residents of the land, it was off to hibernate, or out to hunt.
Noctis found that his Kingsguard attire was no longer sufficient to keep him warm, even in the Regalia, and had adopted his casual winter's jacket. Gladiolus still wore his with pride, but bear that the Amicita family were Noctis doubted he even felt the cold. Ignis and Prompto were forced to pick up weather appropriate gear at one of their rest stops, Ignis settling upon a thick brown overcoat which he wore over his usual sharp attire and Prompto choosing a garish teal hoodie with a faux Chocobo beak for the cowl.
The Coernix gas station near the Alstor Slough was packed with people taking refuge for the oncoming storm. As the four sat in the Crow's Nest Diner listening to the weather report, doubts were forming as to whether or not they should press on.
"Temperatures down to minus four, freezing rain in the evening followed by snow. Our weather team is expecting 12 to 24 centimeters," the radio crackled.
Prompto carelessly tossed a fry into his mouth. "So, we should probably rent the caravan, huh?"
"The caravan is already rented out," Ignis said. "If we hurry we might make to Lestallum before the the snow falls."
"Which means somebody is going to have to eat like he's got places to be," Gladiolus said, punching Noctis's arm.
Noctis had been staring at his food absent-mindedly, listening to the report. "Sorry? What?"
"We were just making plans to head to a hotel for the night. Assuming that is agreeable with His Highness," Ignis said, somewhat sternly.
"Oh, right. We can't exactly camp in the middle of an ice storm," Noctis said.
"We could. If the tent is set up properly you can camp anywhere," Gladiolus offered. "But it might be a bit uncomfortable for you all."
Noctis pushed his plate aside. "We'd better get going then."
"Not going to eat anything, Noct?" Prompto asked.
"Not hungry." Noctis shrugged.
Ignis stood up first to pay the host. "I'll handle the bill. You all get the Regalia warmed up."
Outside the diner clouds already hung ominously over the landscape, and the biting wind stung Noctis's face. Noctis could have sworn he felt a wet drop land on his cheek, but was hoping he was wrong. He sat down in the driver's seat of their jet black luxury car - Crown City made, and with more than a handful of upgrades from their mechanic friend Cindy. He popped the keys in the ignition and started the engine. A blast of cool air came from the heater before steadily growing warmer.
"You're gonna let Iggy drive," Gladiolus ordered. "I don't want us skidding off the road."
"Yeah, yeah," Noctis sighed, sliding over to the passenger side.
Ignis came out a few moments later and took his usual seat. "So, Lestallum then?"
"Longwythe might be a bit closer actually," Gladiolus offered.
"Yeah, but that's kind of moving in the opposite direction we need to be heading," Prompto said.
"You can't play around with winter storms. It's always better to be safe," Gladiolus countered.
"But if you set up the tent properly-" Noctis's mocking was cut off by a loud whirring overhead.
"Magitek engine," Ignis sighed.
"Lestallum it is," Gladiolus nodded. "Punch it, Iggy."
The Regalia pulled out of the station and within a few moments the hovering imperial dropship overtook it, dropping a small squad of Magitek Troopers on the rest area.
"They gonna be okay?" Noctis asked.
"They should be," Ignis replied. "The MTs hunting after you."
Noctis looked on as the rest area faded from sight.
"You want to go back don't you?" Gladiolus asked.
"Quite out of the question," Ignis said.
Noctis sat back and folded his arms. "I know."
The Regalia cruised through the mostly barren streets as the rain began to pour. The sun was setting fast these days and by 8 pm all the light had left the sky. The rain became snow, and the snow slowly began to pile up.
"How far to Lestallum?" Noctis asked, as the road grew increasingly slick.
"Quite a bit yet unfortunately," Ignis said.
Suddenly a massive oozing black shape appeared on the highway before them. Ignis swerved madly to avoid a collision but on the slick road the Regalia crashed off to the right side of the road through a barrier. Ignis's head slammed into the steering wheel and he was out.
"Specs!" Noctis shouted, trying to get Ignis's attention.
"Noct, we've got bigger problems right now!" Gladiolus shouted, leaping out the car and summoning his greatsword.
"Big daemon!" Prompto agreed, grabbing his pistol.
Noctis locked gaze with the Iron Giant who had drawn his own greatsword and was preparing to deliver a swipe at the Regalia. Using the royal power he'd been born with, he phased through the windshield and warped toward the hulking beat, delivering a broadsword strike to its neck. Gladiolus and Prompto followed suit; Gladio striking at its leg with a Herculean swing. Prompto's pea-shooter was great against the living, but daemons were another story.
"Noct! I'm pulling out the big guns here!" Prompto shouted. He conjured his Circular Saw and made a diving charge towards the monsters gut.
Noctis leapt out of the way as Prompto unloaded an overcharged explosion which sent both the daemon and Prompto flying back.
"Nice one, Prompto!" Noctis shouted. "You okay?"
"I'm fine. It's just my everything," Prompto whined, slowly standing up.
"Gladio, team up!" Noctis ordered.
The two charged the beast together, Noctis summoning his own Greatsword. They cleaved through the giant's center, cleaving a gaping hole in its armor. The Giant staggered, but swung round - its size belied its swiftness. The cleaver it carried smashed into Gladiolus knocking him to the ground. Noctis only barely phased out of the way.
"I'm still here," Gladiolus grunted, clutching his profusely bleeding arm.
"Did you all leave some for me?" Came Ignis's voice as he rushed onto the field. "Clear a path!"
Ignis dove into the giant with his spear and Noctis matched it with one of his own before launching an enormous fireball at the daemon. The giant tried to flee from the burning field around it but Prompto fired a ball of gravity into the center of the flames.
"You're not going anywhere!"
"Gladio! Finish it!" Noctis shouted.
Gladiolus, arm still bleeding rushed up and amid the flames leapt through the enemy with a single cleaving greatsword strike that nearly cut the beast in two. The daemon disappeared into specks of light and the four men took a moment to regroup.
"So… where the hell are we?" Gladiolus asked.
"And how's the car?" Noctis asked.
"We won't be driving it, that's for certain," Ignis said. "I believe that's the Lingagh Haven on the hill there."
Ignis pointed to the distant hill off to the north, just passed the crashed Regalia.
"A friendly site at least." Gladiolus shrugged.
"Well you'd better hope you're right about the tent," Prompto said. "I don't want to wake up buried in a snowbank."
"If it's any consolation if that did happen you probably wouldn't wake up," Gladiolus said.
"Really not helping," Prompto grunted as he made his way towards the trunk of the car.
"I just hope we can manage to get a fire going," Ignis said.
The four made their way up the hill, carrying their camping gear and food stuffs up to the ancient haven. The massive circular plateaus had been enchanted with runes that protected travelers from daemons and other unfriendlies. They were more or less the only truly safe place to camp in the wilds. But safety didn't always mean comfort, and the runes did nothing to stop the biting cold, the falling snow or the damp rock.
There were no dry logs anywhere near by, but the group always has a small stock of smoking wood on hand for just such an emergency. Still, with only a handful of logs, the fire had to be rather small and utilitarian. A fire was started, with some effort, but the odds were good it would not last them through the night.
"I'll call Cindy in the morning and see if we can arrange a tow, assuming the roads are safe," Ignis said.
"And what about dinner?" Prompto asked.
"Best use the Trevally that Noctis caught yesterday before it spoils," Ignis said. "Grilled fish it is."
The four warmed themselves around the fire, each taking turns to pry themselves away from the heat to set up the tent. Gladiolus then dusted the snow off of their utility mattress and set it on the floor of the tent. He hastily tossed the sleeping bags inside before they got any more covered in snow and then took his seat. Noctis passed him a plate of fish and the four ate in relative silence for a few moments.
"So… what are we going to do if the roads aren't clear tomorrow?" Prompto asked.
There was no answer.