Author has written 30 stories for Supernatural. New Profile Info!!! I entered the fanfic realm in 2013, and haven't looked back. I started writing because I wanted to see a particular story...and it kinda bloomed from there. The bulk of my stories are centered in the poorly named "You Are Third Winchester" AU. As I wrote originally: I looooove to daydream, and I don't like watching dreams like television. I like to be a real part of them. This is where the idea for my Supernatural universe originates. I know it isn't popular to have a sister hunt alongside Sam and Dean, but I think it makes it more interesting. I think many fans would love to be a part of their story in some way, and I like to think that my verse lets you do just that. Yes, my character has her own personality, but I believe it fits, and I think that she works well with the show's established characters. She also lets us have those "moments" the show doesn't give us...the ones we turn to this website to find. I also won't follow the episodes in canon. I don't believe that adding a new character to their lives means that the events would still happen the same, not to mention that Sam/Dean/John wouldn't be the same people if there were another kid in the family. Alternate Universe means alternate, so while I maintain some things from the series, I am playing around with new plot ideas. I do write non-AU stories, and I'm posting them as they are created. Currently, I'm working on a Hurt/Comfort thread, based on prompts my online friends have created, or from requests submitted both here and on Archive of our Own. I am terrible at creating stories just for myself. I am fairly decent at filling prompts. I just can't seem to do simple stories. Anyway. Thanks for reading - I appreciate you giving my writing a chance. Stories in the "You Are The Third Winchester" Verse (in verse order...not the order they were written/posted...) The Beginning (Tells the story of how Kate joined the Winchesters.) The Transition / The Original Transition (these are synonym stories...they are different actual stories, but they are supposed to occupy the same space/time. I wrote the Original story first, didn't like it, wrote the Transition story next, posted it, then decided I liked the original and posted it as well. Sorry that's confusing.) Cut The Cord (The shoulder injury mentioned in this story was supposed to be from the Original Transition story) How Dean Got The Impala (This story was a gift for another writer, who wanted some preseries Kate and Dean interaction, where Dean was sick and hiding it from John. I kinda went from there.) Let Me In (My verse's version of how Sam copes with Jessica's death.) Angst and Congestion (This is the first story I ever wrote and posted, set a year or two after Jess died.) So Now We Know (This is the second story I wrote. My muse wanted a rescue story.) Supernatural 12 Days of Christmas - The Story (This story doesn't follow the theme of the verse, being Kate's POV, but it was just a silly thing and I wanted a non-weighty story that had the boys reflecting on their sister.) Big Things, Little Packages (This one's my took a while to write, I tried different things with it, and I just freaking love the images of Dean as a child)
Curses and Angels (My muse and I are frustrated with Season 9. I miss brother interaction, so she asked for a story to deal with that. She also wanted Castiel to show up because she likes her angel.) One Is The Lonliest Number (I wanted a SAM IS CURSED story, but all the stories I was writing ended up being more Dean-centric. So I decided to break tradition, and write it from Sam's POV (although still in third person)). The Stranger You Know (Kate's been taken, and she has no memory of who she is.) It's a Winchester Contagion (Sam's cursed, John feels guilt, Dean is an emotional wreck. It doesn't help that the whole family is sick.) Exploration (Did a little exploring with the concept of Wincest in this one.) Quantum AU (Kate is getting bounced into different AUs, having to figure out the circumstances of her life and the boys before being yanked into another one. This is my first multi-chapter fic.) Snippets (FINISHED! This story will feature mini oneshots of conversations between Kate and her family after she returns from her Quantum curse. These conversations/moments, to me, need to be explored and shared, but had no place in the Quantum story.) Mesh (Sequel to Quantum AU and Snippets. Mesh features CanonSam and CanonCrowley traveling to the You Are The Third Winchester AU (they are not aware of the horrible name) to enlist Kate's help in tracking down Metatron and a missing CanonDean, who are at-large in Kate's world. Cue all sorts of angsty moments, action, and adventure. Well. I can guarantee the first one...I'm hoping the second and third are also delivered well.) |