K Hanna Korossy

Bobby jammed his hat back on his head as he got into the car, trying to ignore the wreck that had been his house—Karen's house—smoldering behind him. Jaw so tight it made his teeth hurt, he reached over into his glove compartment to pull out the phone only two people had the number to now that Rufus was gone. The Impala was parked nearby, but the Winchesters weren't anywhere to be found and there were signs of a fight and emergency medical aid. If the boys didn't pick up...

One Missed Call from Dean lit up, and Bobby found he could breathe again as he thumbed playback on the latest distress call.


"Uncle Bobby? It's Dean. Uh, Sammy told his kin'garten teacher about Mom and now he needs a 'parent or garden' to come in tomorrow and Dad's not here. Can you come?"


"Bobby. It's Dean. Um...Sammy's got a really high fever and Dad's got the car and I'm not sure if I should call an ambulance. You, uh, anywhere in the area maybe?"


"Hey. B-bobby. Sssam's gone. Lef' for school, an' Dad tol' him not-not t'come back. That son'vbitch. I don'...I dunno what to do, Bobobby. I dunno..."


"Dad's dead, Bobby. We're at Shiloh County General. We could use a car and some help. I... I can't... Just call me, okay?"


"Bobby, Sam's been... His powers aren't gone and the stuff he's's scaring the crap out of me, you know?"


"Bobby, I've been thinking about Michael's offer..."


"I think Sam let me get turned by a vampire, Bobby. You got anything yet? Because I'm ready to start punching first and asking questions later."


"You're not gonna believe this, but turns out Sam left his soul back downstairs. He's...he's never really been out, Bobby, all this time..."


"You cannot be in that crater back there. I can't... If you're gone, I swear, I am going to strap my Beautiful Mind-brother into the car and I'm gonna drive us off the pier. You asked me how I was doing? Well, not good! Now, you said you'd be here. Where are you?"

Bobby swore as he tossed his phone onto the passenger seat and poured on the speed. In the past, he'd heard Dean young, helpless, drunk, grieving, terrified, lost, furious, and worried. But he'd never heard him be so near the end of his rope that he was flat-out suicidal.

And that was before whatever had gotten to them and necessitated medical intervention. He just had to believe they were at the Leviathan-infested hospital, not the morgue.

Bobby pressed the gas all the way to the floor. He needed to get to Sioux Falls General fast, and be there for his boys like he promised.

The End