Author has written 10 stories for X-Men: Evolution, Hunger Games, and Dragon Ball Z. So it's been forever and a century. Well, not quite. Certainly feels like it though! It's funny, these stories have continued to exist on my hard drive, slowly growing over the years and always making the jump whenever I get a new computer. I've even forgotten the password to another account I had on here and thus have started to do some minor edits and reupload the story I had started there. Hopefully the project won't get shut down. What's really strange is the changes I've been making to one epic I've been building since HS, a ridiculously long time ago when Justice League and X-men Evolution were still newly airing on Cartoon Network and the then WB (now CW). It started as a cross-over between those two shows. I began with the X-men class and wondered what would happen if I dropped in an OC right after the last episode. And then I wondered, what would happen after the younger students had graduated...and then, what of when they had kids? And then...what if one of those kids ended up in the Justice League (joining up a somewhere around the start of season 2)? That's where the concept was when I left it years ago. I had the entire thing sketched out in need of some fluff all the way through the end of Justice League Unlimited...spanning approximately 20 years in my little crossed-over universe. And then I realized, the couple I'd paired in order to get my OC (a product of the X-men Evolution cast) into the JL just. didn't. work. My husband forced my hand to start appreciating the Marvel universe and I finally realized just who this girl was supposed to be with. I was staring down a three way cross-over...that worked. Well. It's still relatively skeletal...but this time, all 206 bones are in place. I just need to get some tissue on the suckers. The good and bad...both stories are fully formed in my mind. But there's something to be said for those several pounds of flesh that are still missing. And this occasionally results in writer's block. Weird, right? I mean, I'm just fluffing it out, right? It should all be laid out so easily for me. Wrong. They just don't want to cut from scene A to scene B. Seriously, I have no idea how to get my characters to that point sometimes. They balk at the outlandish assumptions my sixteen-year-old self made in order to get them into a scenario. My non-linear writing process makes updates a little hit or miss so they sometimes come quickly and then stall. This doesn't mean I've given up. It just means that I'm currently working on the bicep while you're reading about the calf muscle. Oh yes, there will be plenty more to come. But for those who want to see the bones and know what's to come some day Allison goes away, comes back, falls in love with Sam all over... Do not read if you don't want a spoiler in my story line: She and Sam have kids...two...twins...Rogue and Remy have a girl... Sam's son and Remy's daughter'll hook up by the end... Sam's daughter is my cross over character... Enter the Justice League... Oh, and I plan to follow these three through adulthood to when they have their own kids... Sam's daughter marries almost marries a Leaguer but then ends up with someone from the Avengers instead, I'll leave you to guess who on both counts, but their both favorites of mine and both are incredibly different guys... Well, Samantha and the Avenger (and Leaguer--what a tramp, right?) have kids (in several of the different parallel universes that I employ...basically if you're a League fan it makes sense because of "A Better World"--okay, maybe she's not such a slut)... I'll try and figure out my universes and timelines and eventually I'll post...semi-luckily, I write non-linearly. This means that I'm currently writing the a section of the third Allison at the same time that I'm currently writing her original story. It's actually nice because it makes me build things into their relationship early on that I wouldn't have thought of otherwise that actually ends up being semi-important later on. It's like getting to the seventh Harry Potter book and going, holy crap, that line from the first book was totally epically important! So eventually I'll get around to posting more about Sam and Allison as well as Rogue, Remy and so many more. Peace out, |