I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!! Tehe, watsup guyz? Okay so I know I haven't updated in a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG Time but that's what this chapter is for!!

You guyz should thank my friend. I was talking to her and she's like "You stopped writing your story without finishing it!! You're one of those horrible people that does that and drives the readers crazy!!" and I'm like "OMG YOUR RIGHT!! I AM!! I'M ONE OF THOSE HORRIBLE PEOPLE!!!!"

So yeah, I updated. . . So I'm not one of those horrible people that I and everyone else despise anymore. :P

Thanks so much for ALL your reviews! I'm still getting them after all these months! I'm like OMG!! I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!! So yeah, here's the new chapter you've all been asking me for all this long time. Sorry again for the long wait.



Sleeping at Sunset

As she started to slow down, Jubilee noticed one of the trees that the students would usually sit around and do homework or just hang out under. She turned around and realized just how far away from the house she was. The old tree, she remembered, was a little less then half a mile away from the mansion.

Jubilee looked up at the pastel colored sky and saw that the sun had already started to set. She stretched her arms and yawned. She remembered how she used to sit here by herself when she first came to the institute and watch the sun set.

She stopped coming after the first month or so when she felt more part of the family at Xavier's. Sitting there, she could always find the answers to her many questions about her new life as a mutant or anything she had on her mind.

"Well . . .I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay out here a little while longer. . . just for old times." She said aloud. After all, she did have a lot going on in her life and had a whole lot of questions she needed answers to.

She leaned down against the tree's broad trunk and slumped down to the ground, turning up the volume on her Walkman and watching the sunset until her eyes started to slowly close.


"Guys. . .We have a problem!" The others heard John call from the next room. They all looked at each other in confusion and bolted from their seats.

Rogue had woken up once again, hopefully for the last time. She and Kitty were both feeling much better and were just about completely healed and back to normal.

Anything that they had in their systems that could have been keeping them from feeling better again was just about totally out of their systems.

The four burst into the room frantically, some ready to power up incase some mutant powers were needed. They stopped and looked strangely when all they saw were John and Amara staring at each other blankly.

Kitty and Rogue rushed over to Amara and hugged her so tightly she looked to John as if she couldn't breathe.

"Amara you're awake!" Kitty exclaimed joyfully.

"Don't eva do that ta us again ya hear?" Rogue scolded her younger teammate.

"Um. . . Sheila's I think there's something you should know abou-" John tried to say.

"Not now John, can't you see they're having their happy little reunion thing? Let them be happy for as long as possible. If they're happy Wolverine's happy." Pietro explained slowly to let it sink into his pyromaniac friend's head.

"N' if Monsieur Wolverine is happy, we all be happy. Oui?" Remy added.

"Oui!" The other two boys answered nodding their heads in unison.

"But Rems ya don't undastand. Amara's gone and gotten Amne-" John was cut off yet again by Kitty's sudden change in voice.

"Amara is something wrong?" Kitty asked, looking into Amara's eyes and seeing confusion and paranoia.

"Oh are you talking to me?" Amara asked, looking at kitty.

"Of course she is." Rogue said, looking a little confused herself. What was going on with Amara?

"But. . .My name's not Amara. It's Shelia." Amara said looking toward John for backup.

Kitty and Rogue both turned their heads to each other. "Sheila!?!?" They both asked each other. Then they each turned to John as well. The entire group stared at John waiting for some sort of answer.

"Heh. Sheila's got amnesia?" He said, tugging on the collar of his shirt.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US!?!?" The two girls shouted, causing the three boys to jump back.

"B-but I. . . Oh forget it!" John exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.


"Logan calm down!" Jean exclaimed, looking around to make sure they weren't causing a scene.

"CANADA! THEY TOOK THEM TO CANADA!" Logan shouted in anger after coming out of the little shack by the dock. The man inside had told them that a group of kids had been in a hurry to get on the first ship out of there and that the one to Canada happened to be it.

"I'm gonna kill 'em. I'm gonna strangle 'em." Logan said, infuriated.

"Logan calm down." Scott said, leaning against the now deserted bus. We'll just get the X-jet and get them." Cyclops tried to reason with him.

"Actually Scott, no we can't." Jean said. Scott raised his eyebrow. "Kitty phased through the X-jet's motor and control system last week when they were playing capture the flag remember? It's still malfunctioned." Jean reminded him.

"Oh right." Scott said, scratching his head.

"Well whatever we do, we're going to have to do it somewhere else." Logan commented.

"Why's that?" Jean asked.

"The Cops are on their way. Someone must have seen the stolen bus and reported it." Logan explained.

"Cops? How do you know?" Scott asked.

"The Sirens." Logan said.

The other two looked at him with confusion, hearing no sirens of any kind.

"Super hearing." Logan mumbled. The two followed him away from the docks and minutes later there were sirens heard coming from the docks they had just left.

"Told ya." The older mutant said, not even turning around.


"It's getting late. Where is she?" Rahne asked, peering through the gap in the curtains.

"I don't know, but it's been dark for an hour. Usually I'd say she was probably out having fun but she's hurt so. . .I don't know. Maybe we should go look for her." Tabby commented, looking at her watch.

"But we need to stay here and wait for the others. They still aren't back yet from the pizza palace." Jamie popped in.

"Why did all the other guys get to go out and I have to stay here with the girls?" Jamie sulked, sinking down into the chair.

"Not all the guys went. Bobby's upstairs." Rahne told the younger boy.

"And what's wrong with hanging with us girls anyways? Give it a couple of years kid, and you'll be preferring us over those horn dogs you call your own kind." Tabby said, flipping through stations.

"Well we should still go out there and find Jubilee. She's still hurt you know." Rhane said, tying her shoes and putting on a jacket.

"Okay. Jamie you stay here incase one of the adults calls. I'm sure Jubilee's fine." Tabby told the boy.

"Fine." He said, sulking because he'd missed yet another thing that older kids got to do.

As the two girls left, Bobby stood on the stairs. He had been listening in on the previous conversation and was now worried that his friend wasn't back yet.

He threw on his own jacket, grabbed a flashlight and took off for the woods where he'd last seen her.

After a good fifteen minutes of walking and stumbling over roots and sticks that he couldn't see in the dark, he finally came upon Jubilee sleeping against the big tree. She was shivering from the night air but still fast asleep.

He leaned over and was about to tap her and wake her up when he remembered what had happened just that afternoon.


"You can't just avoid me forever," The icy teen mutant tried to reason with her.

"Watch me," She retaliated with attitude in her voice.

"You can't just pretend like this never happened."

"No, but I can sure as hell try."

"We're gonna have to have this conversation sooner or later," Bobby said, stopping his fast paced walking and standing still.

"Wanna bet?" She said, not noticing that he had stopped walking with her. She just kept on walking.


'She doesn't want to see me.' He thought solemnly.

He sighed and turned to walk back to the house and get someone else to go get her before she sneezed. He turned back and stared at her silent still figure before taking off his jacket and covering her with it. Bobby took one last look at her and walked away without turning around again until he was back at the mansion.

He then went inside to find one of the girls and tell them where Jubilee was before he trudged up to his room.


Well there ya have it. A NEW CHAPTER PEOPLE!! ARE YA HAPPY??? I HOPE SO!!! :P lol, ok well I'll try to update more often okay? I still love you guyz. Read n' Review. Peace.
