At first, Rogue felt a bit out of place in the middle of a huge crowd dancing with a guy who she'd just met, but two hours, seven drinks, and a bunch of guys later she felt quite open. Hell, anyone would if they had that much alcohol in their system.

Rogue was now talking, or rather having a guy hit on her while she sat at the bar. She couldn't quite make sense of what he was saying; everything was too much of a jumbled mess in her head, but she just smile and nodded pleasantly. He was saying something to the bartender, probable buying her a drink or something. She turned her gaze towards the crowd, scanning it for a familiar face, Wanda and John, or even Remy would do. She desperately wanted to get back home and into bed. Her head hurt so badly. It felt that the drums that set the beat for the music were in her head.

When Rogue turned back to look at the guy that was currently talking to her, she noticed him smiling and handing her a drink. She knew she shouldn't have any more alcohol but she couldn't resist it. Her mouth felt so dry. As she took a long sip of the liquid, she clenched her eyes shut. It went down her through like a river of fire, burning her on the inside and warming up her whole body. She quickly drained the glass and turned her gaze at the guy again. She couldn't quite remember what his name was. It was something like Aaron or Adam, or maybe it was Alex. She couldn't really remember but she didn't care at the moment. Her head hurt too much for her to care about something so trivial at the moment.

She started feeling a bit dizzy all off a sudden, but shook it off. The guy at the bar now took her hand and was leading her somewhere. They were walking across the dance floor and towards the exit. The back exit. The crowd surrounding her was getting to her. It seemed like the noise all off a sudden doubled. She wanted to get out of there. She needed to get out of there. She tried to struggle out of the guys grip but he wouldn't let go. She just held onto her wrist harder.

He was now almost dragging her towards the exit. He roughly shoved her outside into the cool night air and grabbed both her wrists. He pinned her against a near by wall, as he tried to roughly kiss her but Rogue struggled out of his grip. She tried to run but couldn't. Her knees fell weak, like they would give out any second. The guy grabbed her yet again and started dragging her away but she tried to make him let go but when he didn't she punched him in the face with all the force that she had left. Rogue scanned her surroundings in the few seconds it took him to regain his composure. She was in a damp, dark alley way and her only escape was either the club exit or if she walked straight ahead, into what looked like an empty road.

Rogue tried the door leading back in the club but it was locked from the inside. When she turned around she found that the guy which had fallen to the ground after she had punched him was now starting to get up, and he did not look happy. Rogue started to walk to the other side of the alleyway, towards the street but she felt so week and dizzy. She tried with all her strength to keep on going but something caught her wrist, turning her around roughly. Within a split second she had fallen to the ground. She felt pain summing from her cheek but she didn't know what it was. It had happened to fast. The guy had slapped her, hard. He now stood over her with a sadistic smirk on his face. He slowly bend down and grabbed her. She felt herself starting to slip away, slowly, into the darkness. But she stayed conscious completely to see the smirk wiped off the asshole's face as someone punched him in the face, hard. It was like she could almost hear the crack of the bones when his nose broke. Her eyes fluttered closed but not before she had enough time to get a glance of her savior but the only thing she saw were two red orbs staring down t her.

(A/N: yes I know by now you all hate me fordoing that to Rogue but it's part of the plot....Remy ahs to save her someway right....well anywayz I was gonna stop here but I decided to write more out of the goodness of my heart...)

Remy's Pov:

He watched her. During the whole evening he watched her. Watched as she danced and flirted with different guys, never really stopping at only one. But every time he saw one of them dance with her or even touch her – even through the many layers of clothes - he felt something that he hadn't felt for a long time... jealousy. He didn't know why she made him feel this way but it scared him, it scared him a lot that a girl could make him feel like this. She was just another girl after all, wasn't she? That exact question had plagued his mind for days, even weeks now.

But when Remy snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Rogue get up and walk along side a guy, towards the exit. He watched closely as the guy pulled her outside – a bit roughly for his taste – and decided to follow and make sure Rogue didn't get into any trouble.

Remy got up from his hiding spot and walked through the large crowd, desperately trying to get to the exit as soon as possible. He had a strange feeling that something was not right and when he did get outside, his suspicions were confirmed. Rogue was fallen to the ground and the guy was staring down at her with a cruel smirk on his face. Remy wasted no time in punching the guy, hard, in the nose and probable breaking it. He then proceeded to punch him a couple of times to make sure that he left him a 'nice' memento of what happens when you treat a lady inadequately.

Remy then turned around to find an unconscious Rogue still on the damn ground of the alleyway. He took off his trench coat and gently draped it around her body, then with the utmost care, he picked her up and started to walk out of the alley without a second glance at the now unconscious body of the bustard who had done that to her.

Without much difficult, Remy had gotten a cab to take them back home. Within thirty minutes he had arrived back at the apartment, with the still unconscious Rogue in his arms. There was no sign of Wanda and John so he decided that they were probable still at the club, dancing the night away.

Remy carried Rogue to her room, and once inside, he tucked her into bed. She looked so peaceful and almost angelic when she slept. He placed a quick kiss onto her forehead and closed the door behind him completely forgetting about his trench coat that as still draped around the sleeping Rogue's body.


The blinding light of the morning sun awoke Rogue from her slumber and even though she didn't want to get out of her warm, comfy bed, she knew there was no use to try to fall back to sleep because it would prove impossible. She slowly opened her eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the blinding morning light. She had a terrible headache and felt like she was going to throw up any second.

Rogue glanced at the clock on her nightstand. It read 8:30a.m. in bright red digits. Rogue sighed in exasperation because on any other normal, free day she would still be in dreamland at that hour. Rogue slowly got out of bed, holding on to a near by wall because of the sudden dizziness that she experienced. She remembered going to a rave with Wanda, John and Remy. But there was one thing that nagged at her brain... how exactly had she gotten back home and into bed? Rogue turned her gaze back towards the bed and saw something very unexpected. There, in-between the dark colored sheets laid a very familiar looking trench coat that explained perfectly how she had gotten home.

She sighed in exasperation as the painful events that had occurred the previous evening slowly started making their way into Rogues head. She was angry with herself... angry and disgusted for letting her defenses, her mask just drop like that and allow that jerk manipulate her in such a way. How could she have been so stupid as not to see it coming?

Rogue laughed bitterly at the irony of it all. Ever since she had gotten her power, she had wished to be able to get rid of them or at least control them. Touch had been the only thing she had ever wanted, but by some cruel twist of fate, the ability to touch had hurt her so very much. It was like some all-powerful entity hated her so very much, that even now when her wish had finally granted, He still made her suffer. It was like the only thing that made her miserable for all these years – her power, her curse – was the only thing that ever kept her safe from all the pain and hurt that the world had to offer.

The southern belle slowly stood up and walked into the bathroom. She glanced into the mirror to find that some of the makeup from the past evening was still there. That's when she realized that she still had the same clothes from the previous evening on. Rogue decided to clean up a bit and then she would go get some breakfast and see what happens.

Within half an hour she was ready to go. She wore a pair of forest green sweat pants and a simple black tank top. She didn't cover herself up with anything else mainly because she didn't believe that anyone else would be up at that hour, especially not after the previous night of drinking and partying. She put on her leather gloves but before leaving the room her gaze fell on the oh so familiar trench coat that was thrown over the neatly made bed. She picked it up and exited the room, quietly closing the door behind her. She knew that she would have to thank Remy after all she owed him a lot for 'saving' her like that the previous night.

Rogue made her way to the kitchen and opened the fridge forgetting how bad of a hangover she had. The mere sight of food made her want to throw up and she knew that eventually she would suppress it for now. She decided to g outside and enjoy the scenery but on her way to the balcony she saw a figure all ready there.

Remy Lebeau was sprawled onto the wide ledge, with his right hand underneath his head and holding a cigarette in his left hand. Rogue watched him silently for a few minutes contemplating weather she should join him or not.

'Enjoyin' de view, chere?" he asked, not even opening his eye. Rogue almost let out a yelp of surprise. She decided that it was now or never, and eventually she had to return his coat so she might as well incorporate a quick thank you while she was at it. She slowly made her way towards him, scanning every inch of his body. He wore a dark red tee that perfectly showed off his well-toned abs, baggy black jeans, and boots.

Rogue sat beside him making sure to leave a few feet in between. He slowly stood up out of his previous position and then sat on the ledge-facing Rogue, a devilish smirk planted on his lips. Remy then proceeded to take a long drag out of his cigarette. Before any words were uttered Rogue surprised both herself and Remy as she snatched the cigarette out of his hand.

"Yah know, swamp rat," she said, taking a long, sensual drag out of the cigarette, then throwing it over the ledge, "These'll kill yah some day."

"Back 'n speain' terms are we, belle?" he said meeting her emerald green eyes with his own. She didn't really know what to say. She had surprised even herself with her actions but now that she was face to face with the Cajun charmer she didn't know what to do or say. She looked down at her hands and noticed that she was still holding the trench coat.

"Here, yah left this in mah room," she said handing him the trench coat, she then mumbled almost inaudibly, "Bah tha' way, thank yah." She then got up and started walking back inside.

"Pas de probleme, belle. I was only lookin' out f' ma petite cherie." He said with his smirk intact. Rogue immediately stopped in her tracks and turned around to face the smirking Cajun.

"Ah ain't yoh cherie, swamp rat. Ah thought we cleared that up." She said, glaring at him. But he only let out a rich laugh as he stood up and walked towards her.

"Mais y' are, belle. Y' know y' can't resist dis Cajun." He said stopping only a few millimeters from her. He then picked up her gloved hand and kissed it gently saying, "Au revoir f' now belle."

Rogue watched him leave and just stood there dumbfound at what he just did. She wasn't falling for the Cajun as she? No, of course not it was his damn charming powers, she reassured herself. At that exact moment she felt a wave of nausea come over here. She knew what this mean so she ran right to the bathroom wehre she fell on her knees and started throwing up.


Uh.... yea kinda short I know but hey it's an update right? Anywayz hope you liked it and don't get me wrong things won't be going super fast now even though I have the tendency to rush it blushes sorry for that. Anywayz I have to go now so I won't answer any reviews. I'll answer them next chapter and thanks to everyone who reviewed!