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Joined Feb 24, 2013, id: 4563979, Profile Updated: Jun 1, 2018
Author has written 18 stories for Naruto.

My blood runs on coffee. My body runs on anxiety. My mind runs on panic.

50_shinobi themed challenge:

Multi-chapter stories:

Nothing but the Truth (inner demons) - ItachiXSakura - Complete

The First Time (heartstrings) - ItachiXSakura - Complete

Hummingbird (shinobi) - ItachiXSakura - In progress

One-shots/short stories:

The One That Got Away(tossing a coin) - ItachiXSakura

Riding a Bike (tricycle) - ItachiXSakura

Lemon Juice (rivals) - Astraphobia (thunderstorms) - Dance of the Geisha (silk kimono) -ItachiXSakura

Ghost of You (curtain call) - ItachiXSakura

Islands in the Sky (ribbon) - ItachiXSakura


Worth It (Leap of faith) - SasukeXSakura

The Little Things (cabbage patch) - SasukeXSakura

Magic Carpet Ride(brick wall) -GaaraXSakura

Flower Child (cathedral) - KakashiXSakura

Coming Home (Dreams) - NarutoXSakura

Future Projects/ Unpublished WIP

I am currently taking prompts for one-shots. It can be a quote, song, or requested universe. PM me! :)

Born From Chaos: He had killed his mother, his father, but he could not kill Sasuke. But he also couldn't leave him in a village where his future was so uncertain. So the newly made missing-nin scoops up his brother and leaps out of village into uncertainty. (SasukeXSakura, Alternative Cannon).

Untitled Sequel to Nothing But The Truth

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Amaryllis by silverfootsteps reviews
Ingredients: A delicate flower and a headstrong general. Procedure: Combine ingredients in one palace, add murder plots and power struggles. Shake vigorously for best results. Itasaku.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 186,342 - Reviews: 703 - Favs: 771 - Follows: 869 - Updated: May 24, 2020 - Published: Apr 10, 2014 - Naruto U., Sakura H., Itachi U.
Cat'O'Nine Tails by Kaze and Kiba reviews
Sakura you are being sent undercover to capture Uchiha Itachi, and any other Akatsuki you come into contact with, while on your mission. Ha. Yeah right, just let me get my big net and ass kicking boots...What do you mean when you say 'Disguised as a cat?
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 40 - Words: 156,972 - Reviews: 2833 - Favs: 2,394 - Follows: 2,356 - Updated: Jul 11, 2019 - Published: Mar 7, 2010 - Sakura H., Akatsuki
simplicity in complexity by rawrchelle reviews
Itachi/Sakura. 100 drabbles. 052. Reprieve - Even when everything else falls apart, they find solace in each other.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 52 - Words: 42,657 - Reviews: 1087 - Favs: 499 - Follows: 439 - Updated: Jan 19, 2019 - Published: Sep 21, 2008 - Sakura H., Itachi U.
Equinox by silverfootsteps reviews
Sakura is half-siren, half-human, and 100% unprepared for what waits for her when she moves to a little seaside town. A place where calling someone a monster always receives the answer: "….well, duh". Monster AU. Multisaku.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Romance - Chapters: 24 - Words: 99,939 - Reviews: 406 - Favs: 522 - Follows: 400 - Updated: Dec 27, 2018 - Published: Jul 26, 2018 - Sakura H., Kakashi H., Kiba I., Tobirama S. - Complete
For Everything There Is a Season by SouthSideStory reviews
Waiting: it's a practice Sakura is too familiar with. One she would happily let go, if only life would stop giving her loves to wait for. (Sequel to In Times of Peace. SasuSaku.)
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 21,549 - Reviews: 334 - Favs: 521 - Follows: 699 - Updated: Apr 28, 2018 - Published: May 3, 2015 - Sasuke U., Sakura H.
Doctor, Doctor by TayMor reviews
What's the reason Itachi's heart keeps beating so fast? It wouldn't be a certain pink-haired medic... would it? Or is it really something more serious? AU, Non-massacre.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 4 - Words: 11,622 - Reviews: 116 - Favs: 299 - Follows: 444 - Updated: Apr 23, 2018 - Published: Apr 30, 2014 - Sakura H., Itachi U.
An Indispensable Assistant by TayMor reviews
Professional. Intelligent. Intuitive. Haruno Sakura is the assistant every boss wants. She is smart, she is capable, and she is experienced. Operating with her own hard and fast rules, Sakura has one, very important personal rule. Never fall in love with your boss. However, being indispensable to Uchiha Itachi will put that rule under heavy duress. AU. [COMPLETE]!
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 18 - Words: 180,247 - Reviews: 1022 - Favs: 2,175 - Follows: 1,560 - Updated: Jan 1, 2018 - Published: Jul 2, 2013 - [Sakura H., Itachi U., Kisame H.] - Complete
Penthesilea by KuriQuinn reviews
Uchiha Sasuke was born in battle, and expects to die there. If the only difference he can make is to take as many of the enemy with him as possible, so be it. But one day, a chance encounter with an enemy warrior will alter the course of his destiny and that of his clan in ways he would never have imagined… [Warring States AU]
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 20 - Words: 78,954 - Reviews: 473 - Favs: 1,089 - Follows: 504 - Updated: Sep 1, 2017 - Published: Jul 27, 2017 - [Sasuke U., Sakura H.] Naruto U., Kakashi H. - Complete
Vicissitude by Blade Redwind reviews
She'd lost everything in the flash of what felt like a moment. He gained a second chance he never expected. The hopes she retained for ten years depended heavily upon a man she never imagined to come across, and, when she asked for his lack of compassion without words he gladly gave it. Learning to live again had never been apart of the plan for either of them.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 18 - Words: 94,410 - Reviews: 464 - Favs: 905 - Follows: 1,183 - Updated: Jan 31, 2017 - Published: Jul 7, 2014 - [Itachi U., Sakura H.]
The Taming of the Stubborn Inuyoukai by Blade Redwind reviews
Her grandfather had a habit of giving her unusual presents for her birthday, any holiday really. But a fude brush? At least it was better than mummified cat she got last year. Who knew using said fude brush would find her in possession of one inuyoukai lord; one who'd been cursed by his own mother to serve others until he learned duty and humility. [Post series end.]
Inuyasha - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 14 - Words: 84,226 - Reviews: 400 - Favs: 792 - Follows: 1,124 - Updated: Jan 30, 2017 - Published: Sep 10, 2014 - [Kagome H., Sesshōmaru]
Pieces by silverfootsteps reviews
A million different fragments of "what ifs" and "what could have beens". An anthology of happy, sad, and weird ways to fall in and out of love told in oneshots. Itasaku.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 59,756 - Reviews: 247 - Favs: 407 - Follows: 314 - Updated: Jun 12, 2016 - Published: Jul 20, 2014 - Sakura H., Itachi U. - Complete
The Prerequisite Heart by Leanne Ash reviews
A collection of Sasuke x Sakura short stories. Drabbles document the in-betweens, the behind-the-scenes, and those little things. They're not together yet, but they're far from being apart.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 5 - Words: 7,868 - Reviews: 55 - Favs: 125 - Follows: 113 - Updated: May 21, 2016 - Published: Jul 2, 2015 - Sasuke U., Sakura H.
different colors by jaylene reviews
Tobirama is on the run from fans when he runs into the pink-haired, tattooed florist. She's his only hope.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,420 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 277 - Follows: 92 - Published: Jan 6, 2016 - [Sakura H., Tobirama S.] - Complete
Wildest Dreams by Riddler-of-Words reviews
He created rules, she broke them. He ran with CEOs, she ran with lions. He felt trapped, she embodied freedom. She welcomed him into her world, they knew he couldn't stay. Only...in their wildest dreams.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 17,398 - Reviews: 57 - Favs: 223 - Follows: 90 - Updated: Sep 26, 2015 - Published: Sep 17, 2015 - [Sakura H., Sasuke U.] - Complete
Unwilling Juliet, Unsuspecting Romeo by Riddler-of-Words reviews
Collage of oneshots where Sasuke and Sakura find themselves in some very compromising situations. #21: "I'm Sasuke Uchiha, captain of this ship, the Sharingan. Welcome aboard."
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 55,248 - Reviews: 170 - Favs: 227 - Follows: 222 - Updated: Aug 24, 2015 - Published: May 1, 2010 - Sasuke U., Sakura H.
Back to the Beginning by SouthSideStory reviews
Sasuke looks so peaceful, sleeping. Watching him now, with those vigilant eyes closed, it's hard to believe the things this boy has done. The havoc he can wreak on an enemy, a friend. Or a young girl's tender heart.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 11,534 - Reviews: 42 - Favs: 417 - Follows: 93 - Published: Aug 17, 2015 - [Sasuke U., Sakura H.] - Complete
Close Encounters by JinnySkeans reviews
Her dad warned her about talking to strange boys. She might've tuned out the part where he told her not to move in with them. Whoops. AU
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 33 - Words: 127,857 - Reviews: 2675 - Favs: 1,391 - Follows: 1,328 - Updated: Aug 13, 2015 - Published: Aug 18, 2012 - Sasuke U., Sakura H.
A Trick of Fate by PristinelyUngifted reviews
The Shikon Jewel is complete. Kagome thinks she has crafted the perfect unselfish wish - the consequences of which are far reaching. Finding herself forever changed, she unwittingly turns to Sesshoumaru for help. Youkai!Kagome/Sess. A seven time award winning fic now being edited and crossposted.
Inuyasha - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 92,793 - Reviews: 201 - Favs: 2,096 - Follows: 588 - Updated: Jul 5, 2015 - Published: Jun 14, 2014 - [Kagome H., Sesshōmaru] Inuyasha, Rin - Complete
An Irrevocable Condition by SouthSideStory reviews
Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition. SasuSaku.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 4,137 - Reviews: 93 - Favs: 245 - Follows: 217 - Updated: Jun 18, 2015 - Published: Apr 2, 2015 - [Sasuke U., Sakura H.]
Apparent Sparks by Erika Hearken reviews
A series of one, two, and three shots based on my favorite pairing. These will be prompt inspired! The more prompts, the more chapters. Enjoy! Rated M though they will vary from K all the way to M. Thanks very much!
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 77 - Words: 417,515 - Reviews: 597 - Favs: 295 - Follows: 268 - Updated: Apr 22, 2015 - Published: Jul 30, 2013 - Sakura H., Kakashi H.
Something in Common by Mrs Scorpius Malfoy reviews
Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha have nothing in common except for a daughter named Sarada.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 32,373 - Reviews: 203 - Favs: 1,173 - Follows: 246 - Published: Apr 4, 2015 - Sasuke U., Sakura H., Sarada U. - Complete
Chastity Belt by Dotti3 reviews
The male members of Team 7 wish to guard their dear Sakura's virtue from the evils of men. Unfortunately, they make the mistake of assigning Itachi the task in their absence. As it turns out, he's not as asexual as everyone assumed him to be. Non-mass.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 8 - Words: 18,798 - Reviews: 319 - Favs: 1,023 - Follows: 661 - Updated: Dec 16, 2014 - Published: Jul 21, 2012 - Sakura H., Itachi U. - Complete
In Times of Peace by SouthSideStory reviews
The war is over, and like Konoha, Team 7 has rebuilt itself from the ground up. Everything has changed, but Sasuke and Sakura remain much the same. Eleven years, she thinks, is a long time to be in love. SasuSaku.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 53,506 - Reviews: 764 - Favs: 2,202 - Follows: 1,042 - Updated: Dec 13, 2014 - Published: Jun 13, 2014 - [Sasuke U., Sakura H.] - Complete
Gravity by Kaze and Kiba reviews
They say 'man makes plans and God laughs'. If that's true then God must derive a vast deal of entertainment from Haruno Sakura. Either that, or maybe he just hated her, she wasn't sure yet. Rated for language, ecchi-ness and eventual romance.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Drama/Humor - Chapters: 44 - Words: 142,555 - Reviews: 1717 - Favs: 1,482 - Follows: 1,099 - Updated: Nov 20, 2014 - Published: Oct 29, 2010 - Sasuke U., Sakura H. - Complete
The Check-Up by TayMor reviews
Sasuke should never have gotten hurt enough to end up in the Konoha hospital. Especially not after telling Sakura that there was no girl in Konoha that could ever catch his eye. SasuSaku. Non-Massacre. AU
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,810 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 281 - Follows: 76 - Published: Oct 27, 2014 - Sasuke U., Sakura H. - Complete
I Found You Missing by Wolfy Tales reviews
'They're asking us because these soldiers have absolutely no one left to write home to,' Sakura thought with a frown. So she signs up for the Shinobi Letter Exchange, not realizing how large the consequences would be. - AUish one-shot [KakaSaku]
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 18,586 - Reviews: 540 - Favs: 3,368 - Follows: 658 - Published: Oct 12, 2014 - [Sakura H., Kakashi H.] - Complete
Enthalpy by silverfootsteps reviews
"Sakura held my hand. Some would argue that we were holding hands. But Sakura and I both know. She's always holding my hand." Sasusaku. Epilogue to Entropy.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,777 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 321 - Follows: 80 - Published: Aug 11, 2014 - Sasuke U., Sakura H. - Complete
The Butterfly by elle6778 reviews
Follow-up to 'The Chrysalis'. Itachi finds himself inexplicably drawn to a certain pink-haired kunoichi and when she fails to present herself as he expects, he decides to take matters into his own hands. Little does he know that his fixation will develop into something so completely out of his comfort zone. Set in a Canon environment with an AU storyline. ItaSaku.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 14 - Words: 92,179 - Reviews: 478 - Favs: 484 - Follows: 609 - Updated: Aug 2, 2014 - Published: Jan 2, 2014 - Sakura H., Itachi U.
She Had the World by Artemis Taichou reviews
A bewildered Sakura finds herself being offered options from Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sai that could shatter lines that she had been trying to keep drawn.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 47,804 - Reviews: 182 - Favs: 423 - Follows: 480 - Updated: Jun 30, 2014 - Published: Dec 3, 2013 - Naruto U., Sasuke U., Sakura H., Kakashi H.
Changing Skies by flowerslut reviews
Sasuke was destined to be alone. To lead a life of solitude. Or at least that was what he'd always told himself; he would've never thought that he'd have to fight for a family he never knew he had. He may have chosen to lead a life of isolation, but in the end, it wasn't meant to be. Post-War. SasuSaku. Mild NaruHina. Rated T for violence and language. Complete. Sequel now up.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 42 - Words: 216,487 - Reviews: 947 - Favs: 1,347 - Follows: 791 - Updated: May 24, 2014 - Published: Feb 28, 2013 - [Sakura H., Sasuke U.] - Complete
From the Memoirs of Haruno Sakura by Raina1 reviews
If it meant choosing between the you I love now for the you who couldn't see me then, I'd take the man you are now over that foolish boy again and again. SasuSaku
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 35,225 - Reviews: 129 - Favs: 426 - Follows: 144 - Updated: Mar 20, 2014 - Published: Nov 17, 2008 - Sasuke U., Sakura H. - Complete
Menagerie by silverfootsteps reviews
"Last Tuesday, you threatened to beat him with a broom if he took the last slice of blueberry pie in the fridge." "But I like pie." A collection of one-shots. Itasaku.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 32 - Words: 117,808 - Reviews: 690 - Favs: 851 - Follows: 527 - Updated: Mar 13, 2014 - Published: Jul 30, 2011 - Sakura H., Itachi U. - Complete
Fortis et Liber by yuuago-chan reviews
She is strong. They never knew it because they never paid her enough mind to see that she was growing faster than they could ever give her credit for. Sakura-centric.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 4 - Words: 22,932 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 125 - Follows: 156 - Updated: Mar 2, 2014 - Published: Jan 14, 2014 - Sakura H., Team Seven
The Duty by Avium reviews
Gaara pinched the bridge of his nose, and muttered more to himself than anyone else, "I am not going to have a say in this, am I?" Set during the 4th Shinobi War. GaaSaku
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 36 - Words: 146,016 - Reviews: 1495 - Favs: 2,033 - Follows: 1,909 - Updated: Dec 1, 2013 - Published: Oct 8, 2011 - Gaara, Sakura H.
Snowfall by TayMor reviews
Itachi is used to spending Christmas alone. He's not used to having a reason to smile. But on a snowy day with the threat of an impending snowstorm, Itachi does something that changes everything for him. He takes someone in. ItaSaki. AU. Final Rewrite and Repost.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 9,224 - Reviews: 61 - Favs: 117 - Follows: 160 - Updated: Nov 4, 2013 - Published: Jun 21, 2013 - Sakura H., Itachi U.
We Do The Dance Electric by Lady Momo reviews
(AU Post-War) They don't immediately revert to their old ways because the old ways didn't work anyway. And learning and re-learning and un-learning things have always been the hardest part of the challenge.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 14,006 - Reviews: 141 - Favs: 1,087 - Follows: 190 - Published: Sep 26, 2013 - Sakura H., Sasuke U. - Complete
sweet nothings by ohwhatsherface reviews
Sasuke and Sakura get married and have babies, but it's not as simple as it sounds.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,911 - Reviews: 95 - Favs: 242 - Follows: 316 - Updated: Sep 12, 2013 - Published: Aug 23, 2013 - Sasuke U., Sakura H.
Judging a Book by another.creative.lover reviews
/SasuSaku/ Sasuke's a famous writer who definitely loves anonymity; Sakura's the new kid who's absolutely obsessed with his works. What'll happen to Sasuke's life when he accidentally crosses paths with her? To Erin.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 35,857 - Reviews: 170 - Favs: 283 - Follows: 170 - Updated: Sep 2, 2013 - Published: Mar 5, 2011 - Sasuke U., Sakura H. - Complete
Lightning Storm by My Dear Prudence reviews
"She would kiss him in the middle of the ocean during a lightning storm, because she'd rather be left for dead than left to wonder what thunder sounds like." Inspired by manga chapter 634. Cover image by: narutouzukami
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,197 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 30 - Follows: 8 - Published: Jun 14, 2013 - Sakura H., Sasuke U. - Complete
Catch 22 by JanuaryEclipses reviews
Sakura isn’t weak because she lacks strength. She is weak because they protect her. Sakura-centric
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 14 - Words: 106,653 - Reviews: 1898 - Favs: 3,004 - Follows: 2,819 - Updated: Apr 22, 2013 - Published: Sep 27, 2009 - Sakura H.
Contagious by rabid behemoth reviews
Konoha's citizens are being controlled by a virus, and it falls on Sakura's shoulders to save them. A double agent among the most hostile, unrepentant criminals in the world, she finds herself navigating between competing loyalties in a sea of moral uncertainty. But that's impossible for a faithful Leaf nin like Sakura. Loyalties aren't contagious...right? [Eventual ItaSaku]
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 119,552 - Reviews: 347 - Favs: 544 - Follows: 269 - Updated: Mar 31, 2013 - Published: Jan 17, 2013 - [Sakura H., Itachi U.] - Complete
Nightingale by Blade Redwind reviews
He was an ass, an absolute asshole, but, he was her patient and there wasn't much to be done about it. He didn't need her, he didn't need anyone; what he didn't plan on was *wanting* her. Post 4th War; Set in Konoha
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 12 - Words: 76,919 - Reviews: 702 - Favs: 2,165 - Follows: 1,006 - Updated: Feb 25, 2013 - Published: Jul 2, 2011 - Sakura H., Itachi U. - Complete
When Prince Meets Pauper by Tiger Priestess reviews
They ran into each other in the marketplace, what Sakura didn't know though, was that she met the prince of the Uchiha Kingdom, Sasuke. Something about her intrigued him and this meeting was certainly not the last...SasuSaku AU
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 43,655 - Reviews: 146 - Favs: 510 - Follows: 176 - Updated: Dec 10, 2012 - Published: May 2, 2011 - Sasuke U., Sakura H. - Complete
Little Piece of Heaven by Leanne Ash reviews
SasuSaku: "I don't do it because I think you're weak! I do it because—! Because I… just… Never mind." Years later it finally happened. Unfortunately, she just didn't care anymore. A story of love and irony, where one is oblivious… and the other is Sasuke.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 26 - Words: 82,324 - Reviews: 3895 - Favs: 4,860 - Follows: 2,697 - Updated: Oct 25, 2012 - Published: Feb 3, 2006 - Sasuke U., Sakura H. - Complete
Happenstance by Mistress Krane reviews
They met in a flurry of limbs, curses, and spilled coffee. She offered to replace his drink, and he couldn't help but feel like everything was a bit backwards. modern AU, DeiSaku
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 10,828 - Reviews: 46 - Favs: 188 - Follows: 51 - Published: Jul 3, 2012 - Sakura H., Deidara - Complete
The One by Angie-san reviews
Uchiha Itachi always believed Haruno Sakura to be beneath his notice. But a chance encounter with the pink haired kunoichi reveals his error and gives him a chance to remedy his mistake in the most unexpected of ways. AU, Non-massacre.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 9,396 - Reviews: 133 - Favs: 1,149 - Follows: 280 - Updated: Apr 10, 2012 - Published: Jun 28, 2009 - Itachi U., Sakura H. - Complete
The Butterfly Effect by The Scarlett Ribbon reviews
There had been something like an understanding between them once, he thinks; the potential for something more. But with the memory of her shaking kunai and his maniacal laughter between them, neither can help but wonder if it is too late to go back.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 92,567 - Reviews: 622 - Favs: 941 - Follows: 453 - Updated: Feb 18, 2012 - Published: Nov 8, 2010 - Sakura H., Sasuke U. - Complete
Colors and Carousels by Folle reviews
Sakura couldn't count the number of times she'd been mistaken for Naruto's girlfriend. Not that she minded. But Naruto acted like it was so… so… offensive.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,846 - Reviews: 49 - Favs: 336 - Follows: 64 - Published: Dec 17, 2011 - Naruto U., Sakura H. - Complete
Colors of a Heart by cutecrazyice reviews
They were fifteen when she first realized that the blue in Naruto's eyes were the exact color of the sky when he was happy, and the exact color of the dark ocean when he was grieving. NaruSaku
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,473 - Reviews: 168 - Favs: 1,133 - Follows: 180 - Published: Oct 15, 2011 - Naruto U., Sakura H. - Complete
The Return of the Heir by elle6778 reviews
Konoha is on its way to recovery with Kakashi at the helm. Sakura thinks that she's getting back on track with her life. Until Itachi walks back into Konoha, a free man. One secret had once torn them apart. What about the other? Sequel to The Lost One.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 16 - Words: 156,417 - Reviews: 1644 - Favs: 1,370 - Follows: 788 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011 - Published: Dec 15, 2009 - Sakura H., Itachi U. - Complete
Shades of Sunrise by mrie reviews
In which Sakura is injured and Itachi is nothing she expected. On hate and healing, anger and adoration, and how easily everything can change. – Itachi x Sakura. AU
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 38,115 - Reviews: 523 - Favs: 1,097 - Follows: 326 - Updated: Mar 31, 2011 - Published: Mar 5, 2010 - Itachi U., Sakura H. - Complete
The Way of the Wind by just enough reviews
ANBU Captain Uchiha Itachi had things well planned out, until a medic-nin with ridiculous hair went and made herself interesting. Sakura insisted she was just doing her job, but Itachi didn't quite see it that way. Non-massacre. Sakura/Itachi.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 25 - Words: 158,542 - Reviews: 4270 - Favs: 9,202 - Follows: 3,513 - Updated: Jan 21, 2011 - Published: Mar 17, 2008 - [Itachi U., Sakura H.] Naruto U., Sasuke U. - Complete
Hot Sauce & Handcuffs by Orange Sherbet reviews
"So, Itachi, I've been told you're dating Kisame-sempai. How's the sex?" Itachi never was good at just letting things go. Sakura Haruno was about to learn the hard way how to keep her big mouth shut.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,087 - Reviews: 75 - Favs: 232 - Follows: 44 - Published: Jan 10, 2011 - Sakura H., Itachi U. - Complete
Blind by ObsidianSickle reviews
-SasuSaku- -Complete- It was almost time, Orochimaru was going to take his body as a vessel. He hated being used...he refused to be used. With that thought, he took the kunai in his hand and slashed across his eyes.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 73 - Words: 530,880 - Reviews: 8582 - Favs: 5,728 - Follows: 2,239 - Updated: Oct 28, 2010 - Published: Feb 1, 2007 - Sasuke U., Sakura H. - Complete
Rose Tinted by SilverStarShine94 reviews
"Stay," he half-groaned. Sakura paused, tempted. "You have no idea what you're saying." "I may be an old man, but I'm not senile yet." KakaSaku
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,428 - Reviews: 43 - Favs: 315 - Follows: 47 - Published: Oct 24, 2010 - Kakashi H., Sakura H. - Complete
Retreating Haze by Ori reviews
He would marry her, but in turn, in some sort of twisted secret compromise, something like self punishment, he would abandon his original intentions. He would not use her, he would not even touch her.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 7,088 - Reviews: 115 - Favs: 434 - Follows: 85 - Updated: Sep 24, 2010 - Published: Dec 9, 2007 - Sakura H., Sasuke U. - Complete
With Practice by Aria Illusine reviews
Non-Mass ItaSaku, "Stay." Then, "Watch." No full-fledged shinobi had ever let her just watch them practice in plain sight, or instructed her to do so. Snapshots over time; training, growth, and shuriken. COMPLETE!
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 7 - Words: 20,692 - Reviews: 338 - Favs: 1,403 - Follows: 348 - Updated: May 26, 2010 - Published: May 4, 2010 - Itachi U., Sakura H. - Complete
little green frogs by rawrchelle reviews
Itachi/Sakura. AU. Happiness is difficult to acquire, but it won't run from you. You just have to find it. Of dreams, wishes, and blindingly searching for what's already in front of you.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,349 - Reviews: 78 - Favs: 336 - Follows: 37 - Published: May 9, 2010 - Itachi U., Sakura H. - Complete
prism by angelforshow reviews
AU. SasuSaku. she still paints and he still strums and she'll treasure that guitar pick forever.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,249 - Reviews: 66 - Favs: 253 - Follows: 25 - Published: Nov 27, 2009 - Sakura H., Sasuke U. - Complete
Take It From History by Cella N reviews
It was a decidedly political manoeuvre that started the First Women‘s Revolt in Konoha. A very stupid one. The historians of Konoha speak. How Konoha dealt with its first porn-site.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Mystery - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,747 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 45 - Follows: 5 - Published: Oct 24, 2009 - Sakura H. - Complete
The Centerpiece by elle6778 reviews
COMPLETE. Itachi had chosen to involve Sakura in something that he did not wish for in the first place. What he did not expect was for her to quickly become the centerpiece of the events surrounding him. Ita-Saku Non-massacre AU. Sequel to The Chance.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 161,015 - Reviews: 1565 - Favs: 2,476 - Follows: 883 - Updated: Oct 2, 2009 - Published: Nov 13, 2008 - Itachi U., Sakura H. - Complete
Changing by kitsune13 reviews
just a short drabble, naruto/sakura. Perhaps AU, perhaps just 'not yet'. Sakura has always had certain rules when it comes to him. He's just not sure when they started changing...
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,055 - Reviews: 57 - Favs: 230 - Follows: 29 - Published: Aug 25, 2009 - Naruto U., Sakura H. - Complete
Before The Dawn by Lady Silvamord reviews
Fifteen-year-old Sakura never expected to become a traitor to her village, but in a Konoha ruled by Danzou, she has no other choice. Finding her path entangling with the village's most infamous renegade, though, was another story entirely. ItaSaku AU.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 250,455 - Reviews: 1991 - Favs: 2,735 - Follows: 846 - Updated: Jun 29, 2009 - Published: Jan 11, 2009 - Itachi U., Sakura H. - Complete
Like VitaminWater by angelforshow reviews
AU. SasuSaku. 15 flavors. "Ino, I bet no guy can be like VitaminWater."
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 16 - Words: 38,804 - Reviews: 1653 - Favs: 2,431 - Follows: 899 - Updated: May 26, 2009 - Published: Dec 9, 2007 - Sakura H., Sasuke U. - Complete
Sasuke: Ninja Assassin by Phate Caedus reviews
It was supposed to be a simple hit: take out Gaara. But after an unfortunate change in plans, Sasuke finds himself trapped in a cat-and-mouse game with a mysterious girl whose skill, knowledge, and abilities may lead to Sasuke's own untimely death.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Suspense/Drama - Chapters: 11 - Words: 31,012 - Reviews: 59 - Favs: 122 - Follows: 56 - Updated: Mar 6, 2009 - Published: Feb 21, 2009 - Sasuke U., Sakura H.
Ripples by Yellow Mask reviews
Complete. AU from 309 onwards. Following a botched mission, Sakura is made a slave by Sound, a position that could very well alter the future…especially concerning a certain familiar missing-nin. SasuSaku.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 26 - Words: 143,883 - Reviews: 4646 - Favs: 7,009 - Follows: 2,001 - Updated: Mar 2, 2009 - Published: Jun 17, 2008 - Sakura H., Sasuke U. - Complete
Vertigo by Cynchick reviews
Sakura accepts the most critical and dangerous mission of her life, but the price of success may very well be her soul. When your entire world turns upside down, how do you keep from going under? DeiSaku.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 24 - Words: 201,198 - Reviews: 2084 - Favs: 2,835 - Follows: 877 - Updated: Dec 18, 2008 - Published: Mar 22, 2008 - Deidara, Sakura H. - Complete
Somewhere I Have Never Travelled, Gladly Beyond by Wyntermute reviews
Naruto had been bragging all day that his new jutsu was his best yet. Sakura and her new situation beg to differ. Post timeskip. DeiSaku.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 16 - Words: 82,879 - Reviews: 1423 - Favs: 2,237 - Follows: 801 - Updated: Dec 12, 2008 - Published: Dec 10, 2006 - Sakura H., Deidara - Complete
The Story by dances.with.sunflowers reviews
Because when they married, he didn't really know how to be a husband. But she had eternity to teach him. Sasuke/Sakura. First year married.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,355 - Reviews: 135 - Favs: 758 - Follows: 84 - Published: Dec 6, 2008 - Sakura H., Sasuke U. - Complete
The Contentious Heart by elle6778 reviews
This is just another infiltration mission, right? Granted, Sakura's target is the Akatsuki, but there is still no reason for this conflict in her heart. Little does she know that Itachi is just as disconcerted. ItaSaku. Spoilers up to Manga Chapter 353.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 31 - Words: 277,720 - Reviews: 2285 - Favs: 2,647 - Follows: 864 - Updated: Sep 14, 2008 - Published: Dec 18, 2007 - Itachi U., Sakura H. - Complete
Contradicted by HauntedAngel reviews
I was nineteen. I had just passed my Jounin exam. And then I met him..."You conceited, stuckup, selfish, pathetic excuse of a man!" Unfortunately it took four years and a war for us to fall in love. SasuSaku. EDIT: First chapter now available in Vietnamese! Check out my profile for the link.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Angst/Humor - Chapters: 24 - Words: 88,759 - Reviews: 2663 - Favs: 2,234 - Follows: 1,042 - Updated: Sep 9, 2008 - Published: Jun 23, 2006 - Sakura H., Sasuke U. - Complete
Heaven Unexpected by Folle reviews
Because nothing can happen; it's Naruto. He always comes back. He's practically indestructible. NaruSaku.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,997 - Reviews: 96 - Favs: 535 - Follows: 91 - Published: Aug 23, 2008 - Sakura H., Naruto U. - Complete
The Konoha Love Story by mademoiselle anna reviews
Once upon a time... the village fell in love with a lie.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 6 - Words: 14,390 - Reviews: 267 - Favs: 317 - Follows: 64 - Updated: Aug 19, 2008 - Published: Jul 28, 2007 - Sakura H., Neji H. - Complete
The art of Seduction by lovematters reviews
Yes, that was it. She had finally cracked. The power had finally gone to her head. Because there was no way Tsunade would give her an S-class mission to seduce Uchiha Itachi if she was in her right mind. SakuraXItachi Oneshot Non-massacre
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,890 - Reviews: 99 - Favs: 498 - Follows: 83 - Published: May 31, 2008 - Itachi U., Sakura H. - Complete
Antithetic by iMissa reviews
He is Uchiha Itachi and she is Sakura Haruno; he will always be the impossible dream she is reaching for, and she, she is the one to make him believe in Something More. ItaSaku. AU.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,537 - Reviews: 66 - Favs: 296 - Follows: 34 - Published: Mar 26, 2008 - Itachi U., Sakura H. - Complete
The Anagram Proposal by JayleeJ reviews
Sasuke had to be different. Proposing in a romantic setting was just so...ugh, cliche. So he'd do it in an anagram, 'cause he was just clever like that.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 797 - Reviews: 163 - Favs: 417 - Follows: 31 - Published: Jan 10, 2008 - Sakura H., Sasuke U. - Complete
Loophole by leafygirl reviews
Sakura formulates her own plan to get Sasuke back. Unfortunately, using Itachi as part of the plan is a huge gamble. Itasaku. Spoilers up to manga 235
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 20 - Words: 86,457 - Reviews: 3488 - Favs: 4,711 - Follows: 1,302 - Updated: Feb 9, 2006 - Published: Jun 10, 2005 - Itachi U., Sakura H. - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Hummingbird reviews
Sequel to Kunoichi. Chosen to be the first apprentice of Uchiha Itachi could be seen as a blessing or a curse. She was just praying to kami that it was the former. SakuraXItachi, non-mass AU. 50-shinobi theme #35. Shinobi.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 11 - Words: 57,703 - Reviews: 333 - Favs: 520 - Follows: 764 - Updated: Oct 17, 2018 - Published: Apr 8, 2016 - [Sakura H., Itachi U.] [Ino Y., Sai]
Umbra reviews
Sasuke has a crush on an international pop-star, the Queen of J-Pop, as dubbed by Rolling Stone Magazine. Except, he doesn't, not really, anyway. SasukeXSakura. AkatsukiXSakura Friendship. Alternate Universe. 50 shinobi theme challenge #20. Springtime of youth.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 4 - Words: 16,586 - Reviews: 49 - Favs: 58 - Follows: 101 - Updated: Oct 16, 2018 - Published: Jun 16, 2018 - [Sakura H., Sasuke U.] Akatsuki
The First Time reviews
The first time he saw her, he was nine and she was five. The first time he talked to her, she was twelve and he was seventeen. The first time he took real note of her, she was fifteen and he was nineteen. Little did he know that such inconsequential meetings would change everything he thought, felt, and did. ItachiXSakura. AU Non-Massacre. 50 shinobi theme #40. Heartstrings.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 16 - Words: 105,956 - Reviews: 563 - Favs: 1,607 - Follows: 1,283 - Updated: Apr 1, 2016 - Published: Mar 30, 2013 - Sakura H., Itachi U. - Complete
Pink Happiness reviews
Contrary to popular belief, Uchiha Fugaku was not against his sons marrying outside of the clan. He was not even against them choosing a bride of civilian background. But did his eldest son have to choose someone with…pink hair? ItachiXSakura, one-shot. AU Non Massacre. 50 shinobi theme 19. applesauce.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,250 - Reviews: 43 - Favs: 543 - Follows: 149 - Published: Nov 25, 2015 - [Itachi U., Sakura H.] [Mikoto U., Fugaku U.] - Complete
Kunoichi reviews
For the first time in his life, Uchiha Itachi was called an idiot. To his face. SakuraXItachi, one-shot. Alternate Universe, non-massacre. 50-shinobi theme 21. "BAKA!" (stupid, idiot).
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,960 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 346 - Follows: 173 - Published: Jun 28, 2015 - Sakura H., Itachi U. - Complete
Coming Home reviews
"But I love your feet, only because they walked upon the earth and upon the wind and upon the waters, until they found me." A story in which Sakura finds Naruto every time. NarutoXSakura, one-shot. 50 shinobi theme 18. Dreams.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,629 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 69 - Follows: 19 - Published: Jun 25, 2015 - [Sakura H., Naruto U.] - Complete
Islands in the Sky reviews
That short little ribbon wrapped around his upper shoulder had tied them together through years and thousands of miles, even through the sky. ItachiXSakura, one-shot. Alternate Universe. 50 shinobi theme #45. Ribbon.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,781 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 140 - Follows: 43 - Published: Jun 12, 2015 - [Itachi U., Sakura H.] - Complete
Ghost of You reviews
There was one rule in the world of the spirits that no spirit could ignore. On the day of your death, you had to return to the place where you spent your last breath. But that doesn't mean you have to spend it alone. ItachiXSakura, one-shot. Modern AU. 50 shinobi theme #49. Curtain call (the final act).
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,466 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 126 - Follows: 36 - Published: Jun 14, 2014 - [Sakura H., Itachi U.] Sasuke U. - Complete
The Little Things reviews
She planted a cabbage patch in his garden because it reminded him of Itachi in the best way. He sat through dinners with all of her friends because it made her happy. They did the little things, so they could fix the big things. SasukeXSakura, one shot. Post-canon. 50 shinobi theme #23: cabbage patch.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,411 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 200 - Follows: 41 - Published: Jun 8, 2014 - [Sakura H., Sasuke U.] - Complete
Nothing But the Truth reviews
Her arms locked around his shoulders before he could even register what she was doing. Burying her face in the crook of his neck, she whispered, "I'm so sorry that this happened to you." Itachi's eyes widened in shock; no one, not one person ever, had apologized to him. No one had ever viewed this as something that had happened to him. ItachiXSakura. 50shinobi theme #4. Innerdemons
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 21 - Words: 131,161 - Reviews: 426 - Favs: 967 - Follows: 640 - Updated: May 5, 2014 - Published: Mar 6, 2013 - Sakura H., Itachi U. - Complete
Flower Child reviews
Her life had been hard. His life had been harder. She was a small child collecting flowers when he first met her, but she was a woman blooming when he fell in love with her. KakashiXSakura. Post-canon. 50 shinobi theme #22. Cathedral.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 14,584 - Reviews: 43 - Favs: 519 - Follows: 100 - Published: Apr 5, 2014 - [Sakura H., Kakashi H.] - Complete
The One That Got Away reviews
Perhaps his seven-year-old son's classroom wasn't the best place to reunite with his long lost love, especially when she was looking at him like she wanted to bash his face in with her bare fists. ItachiXSakura. AU Modern. 50 shinobi theme #3. Tossing a coin.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,920 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 301 - Follows: 96 - Published: Sep 3, 2013 - Sakura H., Itachi U. - Complete
Lemon Juice reviews
"Do you realize what you're asking, Sasuke?" Sakura retorted with a snort. "You want me to add lemon juice and bleach to your brother's shampoo in order to dye his hair blond. I don't care how much honor he claims to have. Itachi-san would kill me if he ever found out." ItachiXSakura, one-shot. AU Non-massacre. 50 shinobi theme: #41. Rivals
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,101 - Reviews: 121 - Favs: 794 - Follows: 232 - Updated: Aug 11, 2013 - Published: May 27, 2013 - Sakura H., Itachi U. - Complete
Astraphobia reviews
Sequel to Lemon Juice. Sometimes pranks go too far, but sometimes it's these situations that help push two people together. Sometimes, a little bit of thunder and lightning is exactly what they needed in the first place. ItachiXSakura. Non-massacre AU. 50 shinobi theme challenge #10 thunderstorms.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,698 - Reviews: 74 - Favs: 543 - Follows: 148 - Updated: Aug 11, 2013 - Published: Jul 13, 2013 - [Sakura H., Itachi U.] - Complete
The Dance of the Geisha reviews
Sequel to Astraphobia. In which Naruto and Sasuke just have to stop Sakura's impending date with Itachi, and they will do anything to keep her from falling into his hands; and in which Ino and Shisui will make sure that this date does happen, but Sakura is tired of her friends' meddling. And why is Rock Lee dressed as a Geisha? ItachiXSakura. 50 shinobi theme #39. Silk Kimono.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,857 - Reviews: 87 - Favs: 462 - Follows: 322 - Published: Aug 11, 2013 - [Sakura H., Itachi U.] Naruto U., Sasuke U. - Complete
Riding a Bike reviews
Since they have known each other for so long, being best friends is like riding a bike for Sakura and Itachi. Sometimes to be more, though, you need a little push. SakuraXItachi, one-shot. Modern AU. 50 shinobi theme #13. Tricycle.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,840 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 231 - Follows: 41 - Published: Aug 8, 2013 - Sakura H., Itachi U. - Complete
Worth It reviews
When she first asked him if it was worth it, he told her, "Not yet." Now, so many years later, and now that he has her, he doesn't hesitate to say, "Yes." SasukeXSakura, one-shot. Post-cannon. 50 shinobi themed challenge #29. Leap of faith.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,662 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 169 - Follows: 30 - Published: Jul 31, 2013 - Sasuke U., Sakura H. - Complete
Magic Carpet Ride reviews
It all started with a brick wall. Well, it started with his brother being punched through a brick wall for grabbing her butt during a conference. GaaraXSakura, one shot. Post-war. 50 shinobi theme #46. Brick Wall.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,655 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 102 - Follows: 42 - Published: Jul 13, 2013 - Sakura H., Gaara - Complete