![]() Author has written 3 stories for Pokémon, Dead or Alive, and Yu-Gi-Oh. Name: Jacob S. "Jake" Richards Age: 20 Date of Birth:June 12, 1995 I am a 20-year-old who lives in Cleveland. I have read Fanfictions for years now and I have a great imagination so I want to see if I can use it here and right excellent fanfictions for others enjoyment. I also feel it would be good practice for a novel I am writing. Favorite Shows: To many to name to be honest. Favorite Book: Daniel X by James Patterson. Favorite Music: Linkin Park, All American Rejects, Journey, and Jason Mraz. Favorite Movie: To many to name again. Favorite Pairings: Ash/Leaf, Ash/Bianca (Movie 5 and Unova), Sora/Kairi, Danny/Sam, Jake/Rose, Ash/Kari, Danny/June, Ash/Ami, Terrence/Katara, Ethan/Zoey http:///wiki/Warriors_of_Light_Wiki Oc Character Profile: Jake Richards: The main protagonist of Warriors of Light. He lost his parents at a young age and was raised by his godfather Ansem the Wise and grew up with both his best friend Knuckles and childhood love interest Alice Gehabich. His main goal is to protect Neo Hart from the Dark Organization. Voice Actor: Will Friedle (Doyle Blackwell's voice from Secret Saturdays),as a young man, Luke Manriquez (Young Sora from KH:BBS) as a ten-year old, Christopher Sabat (Piccolo's voice in DragonBall Z). Likes: Hanging out with his friends, his friendship with Knuckles, being with Alice, teasing Knuckles about Rogue. Dislikes: His friends in danger, The Dark Organization, threats to his family, Rygor, Erika, Kaje, Knuckles making jokes about him and Alice. Personality: He is very kind and polite and very protective of his teammates. Jake can sometimes be quick to anger this usually triggers his dark transformation. He also is very protective of April and says he will never give Donnie a chance with her because "Donnie tries to hard." Also when he found out Ven was his long lost little brother he became very protective of him. Appearance: Jake is a handsome well-built young man with brown hair and eyes. He wears a red jacket over a black T-shirt, blue jeans, white tennis shoes and later starts wearing black fingerless gloves. He also wears a black skin-tight suit when he gains control of his Dark Transformation. At thirteen he wore a dark blue shirt, and grey shirts. As an adult he is more muscular and wears a red and black shirt, darker blue jeans, and grey and black boots. Family: Jim Richards/Lord Xaldar (Father) Alana Richards (Mother), Alexandra 'Lexi' Richards (Twin Sister), Ventus (Younger Brother), Zack Richards (Cousin), Robert Richards/Rygor the Conqueror, Marcus Richards, Roy Richards (Uncles), Jean Richards (Aunt), Ansem the Wise (Godfather), Kirby O'Neil (Adoptive Father), April O'Neil (Adoptive Sister), Lilo Pelekai, Artemis Crock (Sister figures), Lea, Jim Hawkins, Mac, Bloo (Brother figures) Knuckles the Echidna (Adoptive Brother) Erik Lensherr/Magneto (Father Figure), Princess Fabia Sheen (Future Sister-in-Law), Skai Sheen (Future Niece). Friends: Knuckles (Lifelong Best Friend), Alice Gehabich (Girlfriend), Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man, Hi-Five Ghost, Benson (Sometimes), Pops, Skips, Margaret, Eileen, Casey Jones (Rival/Best Friend) Enemies: Rygor the Conqueror (OC, Arch Nemesis), Apocalypse, Dr. Doom, Lex Luthor, Thanos, Gantu, Dr. Eggman, Vilgax, Cell, Master Xehanort, Pete, Wuya, Saix, Vexus, Bowser, Erika (OC, Second Arch Nemesis/Former Friend), Kaje (OC, Dark-half/Third Arch Nemesis) Crushes: Erika (OC formerly), Sora Takenouchi (Digimon), Princess Elise (Sonic the Hedgehog) Powers and Abilities: Strike Blaster: This is Jake's main weapon before he began using his powers more. Oathkeeper and Oblivion: The two Keyblades given to Jake in the last battle with Rygor. Dark Dragon Destruction: Launches a wave of darkness in the shape of a dragon. This is Jake's signature attack. Burning Light: A bright flash of light that launches through anything the enemy has. This is Jake's second signature attack. Dark Punch: A dark aura surrounds Jake's fist. Solar Flare: Blinds opponents and helps him and his team get out of tight spots. Dark Transformation: When Jake is super angry his eyes turn black and a dark aura surrounds him. Originally he went savage every time he transformed into this but has learned to control it and gained the true power of it. The controlled version of the transformation makes him stronger Warriors of Light OC's Rygor the Conqueror: The primary antagonist of Warriors of Light. He is part of the Dark Organizations main goal to revive him and help conquer the planet. He has great hatred towards the Richards family and orders his minions to destroy Jake and the Warriors at any cost. He is also Jake's uncle, which shocks the young hero. Voice Actor: Kevin Michael Richardson (The Shredder's voice actor in the 2012 series) Appearance: Rygor is a very muscular man who appears to be in his fifties. He has blood-red eyes and jet black hair with some graying in it. He wears an all black uniform black cloak, black shirt, black pants, and boots. He also has an x-shaped scar on his face. Personality: Rygor is a cruel and evil man who will do whatever it takes to destroy his arch nemesis and nephew Jake even if it means killing his own minions in the process. Erika: Is a secondary antagonist of the Warriors of Light series. She was once friends with both Jake and Knuckles during their time as S.H.I.E.L.D agents. During that time Jake had a crush on her and she may have felt the same way. But she later turned on her best friends and worked with Dr. Octopus to try to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D both were defeated but Erika got away. Her betrayal seems to make Jake wonder if he can ever have a good relationship with Alice until Knuckles tells him Alice is no Erika. Voice Actress: Linda Larkin (Jasmine's voice in Aladdin) Appearance: Erika is a stunningly beautiful young woman with bright red hair, green eyes, and slightly tanned skin. During her time in S.H.I.E.L.D she wore a red blouse, blue jean skirt, and pink tennis shoes. When she worked for Doc Oct and the Dark Organization she wears a dark red jumpsuit which is tight on her body. All these features is what Jake finds attractive about her even when she became evil. Personality: Erika was once a kind and caring person who cared deeply for both Jake and Knuckles. She also seems quite flirty especially to Jake, whether she's good or evil. She also gets jealous of other girls being around him, especially Alice. When she later turned evil she became cruel and heartless and even thought of destroying her two former friends. Kaje/Dark Jake: Is a secondary antagonist of the Warriors of Light series and Jake's dark clone. He came to be when Jake's Dark Transformation activated and he went mad. He appeared and tried to merge with his good counterpart and become whole again but failed after the other members of the team intervened and save Jake. After Jake gained control of his powers, Kaje could no longer try to merge with him and was later destroyed. Voice Actor: Eric Stuart (Seto Kaiba's Voice from Yu-Gi-Oh!) Appearance: Being the dark counterpart of Jake, Kaje looks like him in some ways. He has black hair, blood-red eyes, and pale skin. He wears a black cloak, a blue T-shirt, black pants, and brown shoes. He also has a scar on the left side of his face. Personality: Kaje is a cruel, dark, arrogant, and evil young man that wants nothing more than to either merge or destroy his good counterpart. He does seem to have a sense of honor though as he did not wish to merge with Jake after the Dark Organization weakened him saying he wanted Jake at full strength before they merged. He also shares Jake's quick anger. Oc's Aaron Hall (Pokémon Oc) Age: Varies based on the story. History: Aaron grew up in Pallet Town and is best friends with Ash Ketchum and Leaf Green. After he saved Ash from Gary's torture the two became inseparable until Aaron left on his journey because he is one year older than Ash. After he returned he and his parents moved out of town and he lost touch with Ash but they both promised each other that they would see each other again one day. In the Max Warriors he is the leader of the team, can use aura and he reveals he broke up with Ariel after an argument. He has become best friends with Terra, Duncan and Timmy and has found a new love interest in Kagome. Personality: Aaron is known to be very protective of those close to him including his best friends. He had a tendency to play harsh jokes on Gary such as holding him by his underwear and dropping him in water (pond, lake, etc.) every time Gary made fun of or hurt Ash. He also had a tendency to make jokes about Ash and Leaf liking each other much to their embarrassment. He also despises trainers that let their egos go to their head and think they are better than others. Ash has stated that his main role model is Lance. Appearance: Aaron is considered handsome with spiky black hair and brown eyes. He has a very muscular build and is taller than most people his age. He wears a black leather jacket that he leaves zipped down, a black skin-tight shirt that shows his muscled chest, blue jeans, and black boots. In my Kingdom Hearts II fic he gains some new clothes consisting of a black hooded sweatshirt over a white t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and his black boots. Pokémon: Dragonite(Starter), Scizor, Typhlosion, Hitmonchan, Salemence, Aerodactly, Braviary, Hydregion, Heracross, Bastiodon, Houndoom, Infernape, Gyarados (x2 one of them is red). Will appear in my Pokémon and Kingdom Hearts crossover and some of my Pokémon fics. Voice Actor: Greg Abbey (Tristan Taylor's voice from Yu-Gi-Oh!/Yusei Fudo's voice in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds). Jakero "Jake" Everheart (Pokémon Oc) Age: Same as Ash. Description: In my Pokémon fanfiction "Spirit Chronicles" Jake is the dueteragonist and is the spirit counterpart of Ash Ketchum. A young spirit that has much knowledge of both the Spirit World and many other worlds Jake is wise for a spirit his age. His Spirit Stone was found by Ash and was summoned from it to help his counterpart win a battle against a dark spirit user. After hearing Ash's tale of how he was betrayed by his 'friends' and after telling him of the crisis going on in the two worlds the two become partners. Overtime Jake forgets less about his mission and becomes concerned for Ash's well-being to the point that he tells his partner to stop helping him so he will be safe. But after Ash saved him from his solo battle against another spirit user and Ash called him his friend he apologized to Ash and the two became partners and friends again. During the final battle with Rygor, Jake battles his evil brother and almost risks his life to save Ash, whom he refers to as his best friend on two worlds. After the final battle he and the other spirits returned to the Spirit World but he promised Ash he would return one day. He will return in the sequel once again as the dueteragonist. Personality: Despite being the counterpart spirit of Ash, Jake is the complete opposite of him in personality. While Ash tends to be reckless and runs into battle without strategy Jake is wise, level-headed, and strategic. Overtime Ash's personality seems to rub off on Jake and vice-versa. Jake is also shown to have a great love of ice cream even though he states spirits don't need to eat, when questioned about this he says "it's my exception to the rule". Unlike other spirits Jake has a great amount of concern for humans as he told Ash to stop helping him in order to keep him safe. Another example is during the final battle he was willing to die to protect his best friend and all humans. Appearance: Being the spiritual counterpart of Ash, Jake resembles him in many ways but there are differences between the two. While Ash has messy black hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin, Jake has tamable brown hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. Also Jake's clothing is mostly blue and black. The two are also the same age, height, and build. Jake also shares the two z-shaped marks on his face as Ash, but unlike Ash doesn't wear any kind of hat. When transformed into his warrior mode he gains black and blue armor, armored wings appear on his back, and a sword appears in his hand. Voice Actor: David Gallagher (Riku's voice from Kingdom Hearts) Warrior Mode: Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime's voice from Transformers Prime). Ariel Masters Age: Varies on Story she's in. History: Ariel lived in Twinleaf Town before her family moved to Orre and she meet Aaron and instantly fell in love with him. After some time of getting to know each other they both started dating and eventually became boyfriend-girlfriend. She started traveling with him around Orre where they ran into Ash who she became fast friends with. Personality: Ariel is a kind and loving girl. She loves both her Pokémon and her boyfriend very much. Her friendly nature makes it easy for her to make friends. Aaron has mentioned that if you ever anger her it is not pretty. Appearance: Ariel is a very attractive young woman with a slender yet curvaceous build. She has long black hair, blue eyes, and sun-kissed skin. She wears a red tank top under a black vest, blue jeans, and pink shoes and socks. Voice Actress: Hayden Panettiere (Kairi/Xion's Voice in Kingdom Hearts) Jason Blade Age: 18 History: In my Pokémon Spirit Chronicles story Jason is the secondary antagonist and is the pawn and partner of Rygor. He ended up under the control of Rygor after finding the spirit stone. With Rygor's help he recruits other trainers and spirits to destroy Jake and Ash. He meets Ash for the first time on the way to the WWPBT and battles him. He and Rygor nearly would have won if it hadn't been for their comeback strategy. He vowed revenge and became Ash's newest and most dangerous rival. After the last battle he is reformed and taken to prison but is given a shorter sentence due to him unknowingly being used. Ash agrees to battle him again...but this time as a friend. He will return in the sequel as the tritagonist. Personality: At first Jason was a kind and caring young man who loved his Pokémon. But after Rygor possessed him he became a cruel and evil person who will do whatever it takes to win even if his Pokémon are lost in the process. He holds great hatred towards his rival Ash same as how Rygor feels towards Jake. After Rygor's defeat he is redeemed and calls Ash his friend. Appearance: Jason has reddish-brown hair, dark black eyes, and pale skin. He has a lean muscular build. He dresses nicely usually seen wearing fancy dress clothes. Pokémon: Venusaur (Starter), Heatmor, Skarmory, Rhyperior, Magmortar, Flygon Voice Actor: Sean Schemmel (Goku's voice in Dragon Ball Z) Rygor Everheart Age: 18 History: Rygor is the main antagonist of Pokémon Spirit Chronicles as well as Jason's partner and Jake's adopted brother. His main goal is to destroy his brother and get revenge on the council for denying him entrance. Rygor once dreamed of joining the council but was denied it because of the darkness in his heart. He was angry at the council and at Jake for not helping him. He teams up with Jason and hopes to destroy his brother and anyone else who stands in his way. He is defeated by his brother's warrior mode and is expelled from existence. He will return in the sequel once again as the main antagonist. Personality: Rygor is a vengeful dark spirit that holds nothing but hatred in his heart. He once had a dream of being a member of the Spirit Council unfortunately the Grand Elder could sense the growing darkness in Rygor's heart and denied him access. Rygor took his anger out on the Spirit World before he was banished and supposedly locked away. Jake blames himself for his brother's descent into darkness and felt that if he had done something his brother may have turned out better. Appearance: Rygor has slicked back black hair, blood-red eyes, and dark tanned skin. He wears a black cloak, black shirt, black pants, and black shoes. In his warrior transformation he wears black armor with black armored demon wings and wields a black spear. Voice Actor: Ted Lewis (Bakura's voice from Yugioh) Warrior Mode: Frank Welker (Megatron's voice in Transformers Prime) Zane Ketchum/Nightshade Age: 21 History: Zane is Ash's older brother. Zane was always protective of his brother and promised to always look after him. When he left on his journey Ash gave him a luck pendant which he wore and won him victory at the Pokémon League. While he was training and looking after his little brother the two were attacked by a group called Team Shadow who heard of Zane's skills and wished to recruit him. Zane battled the grunt but when the grunt attacked Ash, Zane pushed his little brother out-of-the-way and took the hit for him. When the police arrived the Shadow grunt fled and Zane was dangling over a cliff with his little brother trying to save him. Zane in one last attempt to get his brother to safety let go of the cliff but not before telling his little brother he loves him. Zane was presumed dead and Ash and his mother were devastated. Years later he appears but it seems that Team Shadow found him, brainwashed him and turned him into their top agent Nightshade. He has mentioned that during his exile and before he was captured he married a beautiful young woman named Cassandra and they have a daughter named Serenity. Personality: Zane always seems like a dark brooding young man but is really kind and respectful to those around him. He is known to be protective of his family including his little brother. Zane loves Ash and always has his best interests at heart and would risk his life for him. As Nightshade he seems to have become darker and crueller. He follows his master's orders but seems hesitant on some. He redeems himself after he saved Bianca and reunited with his brother. Zane is also very smart as he was able to build cybernetic components to help his Scizor survive. Appearance: As a boy Zane had short brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. He usually wore a black button up jacket over a white shirt, black pants and black shoes. When he went on his journey he wore a black open jacket, a blue t-shirt, blue jeans, and white tennis shoes. He also wears the lucky pendant Ash gave him. As he grew older he has become a very handsome young man he is taller and more muscular, his hair has grown out to his shoulders and he still wears his brother's pendant. He now wears a black overcoat, a white t-shirt, black pants, black tennis shoes, and a black mask. After his battle with the Shadow grunt he has a scar on the left side of his face. Pokémon: 'Cyber' Scizor (Starter), Blastoise, Metagross, Garchomp, Bisharp, Machamp, Skarmory, Kingdra, Escavalier, Heatmor. Family: Delia Ketchum (Mother), Ash Ketchum (Brother), Cassandra Moonstar-Ketchum (Wife), Serenity Ketchum (Daughter), Maurice Moonstar (Father-in-law). Voice Actor: As a child: Suzanne Goldish (Chris Thorndyke's voice in Sonic X), As an adult: Scottie Ray (Zane Truesdale's voice in Yugioh GX) Non/Disney OCs Zack Richards Occupation: Hero of Destiny Kingdom, Jimmy, Tygra, Lilo, Stitch, and Roxas's boss, Madison's boyfriend. Nicknames: Zacky, Z-man, Brat (called by Marcus), Lonely Orphan boy Age: 18 History: Zack has lived in Destiny Kingdom all his life. He lost his parents when he was four and has had to fend for himself for fourteen years. He has made many friends during his time including Jimmy Neutron, Lilo, who he thinks of as a little sister, Stitch, Tygra, who has become his best friend and older brother, and Roxas. One day while he and his friends were hanging out he heard the beautiful singing voice of Princess Madison and instantly became smitten by her. He tries to talk to her but she flees. When he meets her again it's after he saves her from a group of villains he seems surprised to learn she is a princess and feels unworthy to be with her. He tries to find a way to impress her besides just being the 'lonely orphan boy with nothing to offer her' but she tells him she likes him for the who he is. He and his friends later rescue her from his uncle Marcus and his group of villains. During the final battle with his uncle he learned the truth about his parents death. After rescuing her the two share a kiss and later began dating with her parents permission. He later reclaims his parents inheritance. Personality: Zack cares for his friends and always cheers them up whenever they're feeling down. He always tries to do the right thing as he helps stop villains from robbing and harming people. He sometimes doubts himself since as he felt that Madison wouldn't fall in love with 'a lonely orphan boy with nothing to offer' but Madison seems that Zack is alright just the way he is. He loves Madison very much and affectionately calls her 'Maddie'. He is shown to be a positive influence on villains as many of them who teamed up with Marcus reformed and joined him and his friends. Zack always keeps promises he's made to his friends and many other people. In a way Zack is the perfect example of a hero. Appearance: Zack is a handsome young man with a lean muscular build. He has black hair which he usually keeps combed down, blue eyes, and tanned skin. He wears a red shirt, black pants, and red shoes. He usually carries a sword with him. Friends: Madison (Girlfriend), Tygra, Lilo Pelekai, Roxas, Stitch, Jimmy Neutron, former villains. Family: Roy and Jean Richards (Parents), Marcus (Uncle). Enemies: Marcus, many villains Voice Actor: Josh Keaton (speaking voice), Drake Bell (singing voice) Princess Madison Occupation: Princess of Destiny Kingdom, Zack's girlfriend Nicknames: Princess, Maddie. Age: 17 History: Madison is the teenaged princess of Destiny Kingdom but she grows tired of the life of a princess and decides to break out of the castle and explore the town. When resting by a nearby lake she begins singing about a boy she often hears about. The sound of her singing captivates the heart of Zack who is the boy she is singing about. She flees after seeing him. She runs into him again after he saves her from a group of villains. She introduces herself as the princess and Zack leaves after hearing that. He meets her again and tells her he has nothing to offer her and is nothing more but a lonely orphan boy but she tells him she likes him for the who he is and starts dating him. She is later kidnapped by Marcus and his group of villains and is later rescued by her boyfriend and his friends. After she is saved she shares a kiss with Zack and the two begin dating with her parents permission. Personality: Despite being a princess, Madison is in no way spoiled. She is polite and kind to her subjects and from this her parents say she will make a great queen one day. She loves to sing and is known throughout the land for her beautiful singing voice. Her voice captivates Zack, who she was smitten before actually meeting him face-to-face. She says she likes him just the way he is. Appearance:Madison is a very beautiful and slender young woman. She has long dark brown hair which she keeps tied in a ponytail, blue eyes, and fair skin. When in the palace she usually wears a dark red dress with a white corset, red dress shoes, and a tiara. When out in the city she wears a pink shirt, violet skirt, and white shoes. Voice Actress: Jodi Benson (singing/speaking voice) Marcus Occupation: Leader of the villains, Zack's uncle, Roy's brother Nicknames: Boss, Uncle, Traitor, Murderer. Age: Mid to late 40's-50's History: Marcus is the older brother of Roy and Zack's uncle. When Zack was very young he killed both his brother and sister-in-law because he was upset that all of their parents inheritance went to Roy instead of him. He later tried to kill his nephew but discovered that Jean had saved Zack by having him escape through an emergency tunnel. Years later he has a group of villains to destroy Zack again. He kidnaps Madison and threatens her life unless Zack gives up. He later fights his nephew it was him who killed his parents. When he is cornered by Zack he tries pining the wrap on his minions. He is thrown over the edge of the building and is killed by his former underlings. Personality: Marcus is a cruel evil man who cares only about money. He will do anything to get it as he was willing to kill his brother and sister-in-law and tried to kill his nephew. He cares for no one and even tried to frame his own minions for everything which lead to his downfall. Appearance: Marcus is a man of average height and build. He has a black hair with some graying, brown eyes, and pale skin. He wears formal clothing mostly seen wearing a suit. Voice Actor: Christopher Lloyd (speaking voice), Jim Cummings (singing voice) Goku Vallory/Kakarot Everheart(Bakugan Oc) History: Goku lived in Bayview for a long time with his adoptive grandfather Toran, his adoptive aunt and uncle, and cousins Jake and Jenna before he moved out to Wardington about a year before the Bakugan arrived on Earth. He has lived in Wardington for over a year now and has become one of the best Brawlers in town which caught the attention of the Battle Brawlers. When Dan asked him if he would compete in their tournament he was hesitant but accepted and signed up immediately after partnering up with Leonidas. When Marduk arrived Goku was confused of how he knew him. Later on Goku gains the ability to fuse with Leonidas and create a Baku-Human warrior. In the Gundalian arc it is revealed that Goku is half-Gundalian half-Neathian his father was a Gundalian and his mother a Neathian. During his time on Neathia before he was sent to Earth he was best friends with Ren Krawler (Unknown to his parents) and Princess Fabia (Who he was secretly engaged to at the time). He has a crush on Amara, but still showed signs of feelings towards Fabia when he first met her again. Family: Saguro Everheart (Father), Shira Everheart (Mother), Nurzak (Biological Paternal Grandfather), Floria (Biological Paternal Aunt), Toran Vallory (Adoptive Grandfather), Eric and Maria Vallory (Adoptive Aunt and Uncle), Jake Vallory and Jeena Vallory (Adoptive Cousins), Fabia Sheen (Ex-fiance), Amara Connors (Future Wife) Appearance: Like the DBZ character that he is based on Goku has spiky black hair and blue eyes. Throughout the series he has become taller and more muscular through all his training as a Brawler. His clothes usually consist of either red or black. Being a Neathian-Gundalian hybrid Goku has many similarities to both of his parents in their true forms he strongly resembles his father but has his mother's eyes. When he and Leonidas fuse together to create their Baku-Human mode he wears red battle armor with Leonidas' head on his right hand and later his chest. Personality: Goku is generally described as being kind and selfless and very protective of those around him as shown when the others blamed Leonidas. Goku can also be very forgiving as he forgave the Brawlers after they apologized and learned the truth but wasn't so forgiving of Ren at first. He does seem to care for his family as shown when he learned how his father betrayed Gundalia and switched sides and was worried when he thought he lost Nurzak and embraced him when he was revealed to be alive and got angry at Dan when he allowed Jake to go off on his own. Goku is also shown to have an angry side shown when Naga killed Wyvern and Marduk and when Barodius and Vegeta attacked his home. He is also shown to be very trusting as shown when he trusted Leonidas to Fabia. Partner Bakugan: Pyrus Phoenix Leonidas, Pyrus Phoenix Fighter Elite, Pyrus Phoenix Fighters X,Y,Z, Pyrus Phoenix, Darkus Battle Ax Vladitor. Vegeta (Bakugan Oc) History: Vegeta is the prince of Gundalia and as such is Barodius' son. When the war started Vegeta immediately dominated the field with his partner Darkus Nightshade. When the Brawlers arrived he battled Goku and Leonidas and after losing vowed revenge and become Goku's newest and most powerful rival. Overtime he left Gundalia after the last battle and still tried to defeat Goku. In the second arc of the Mechtanium Surge series he has become an ally to the Brawlers but still wishes to defeat Goku. Like Goku he can merge with Nightshade the same way Goku and Leonidas can. Family: Emperor Barodius (Father), unnamed mother, unnamed grandfather Appearance: Like his DBZ counterpart Vegeta has spiky black hair that sticks straight up but lacks the widow's peak, he also has violet eyes. He usually wears black and purple clothing. In his human form his skin is tanned and he is the same height and build as Goku. In his Gundalian form he looks like a younger version of his father. When fused with Nightshade he wears black battle armor and wields Nightshade's spear in his left hand. Personality: Vegeta has a cocky and arrogant attitude and tries to prove he is better than anyone. Like his father he never calls Goku by his preferred name and instead calls him by his Gundalian name Kakarot. When teaming up with Mag Mel (His father mutated) and learning that he never truly cared for him, Vegeta became more remorseful of his actions towards others and hated his father greatly that he told Goku and Dan to end him. After joining the Brawlers Vegeta becomes nicer towards them and his rivalry with Goku is more friendlier than it was before. He also seemed to crave his father's respect as shown when he battled. Partner Bakugan: Darkus Centaur Nightshade, Darkus Centaur. Amara Connors (Bakugan OC) History: Amara is a young girl who grew up in Bayview with Goku, Krillin, Jake, Jeena, and Mark and secretly has a crush on Goku. When she first sees Goku again she is happy and is surprised to meet his partner Bakugan Leonidas and the Brawlers. She appears again in the Mechtanium Surge remake series along with Jake, Jeena, and Krillin and it is revealed she is one of the ancient brawlers along with them, Goku and Vegeta. Appearance: Amara is considered to be a very attractive young woman, especially to Goku. She has long light brown hair and captivating hazel eyes. She usually wears white clothing to symbolize her being a Haos Brawler. Personality: Amara is very kind and respectful to many people and usually acts as a sort of older sister figure for Jeena. She can sometimes get jealous if other girls hit on Goku. She does show forgiveness as shown in the case of Fabia and later gained Aranaut from her. Partner Bakugan: Haos Aranaut (Obtained from Fabia) Krillin Daniels (Bakugan OC) History: Krillin is Goku's best friend from Bayview. He helps the Brawlers occasionally and eventually becomes one himself. He appears alongside Jake, Jeena, and Amara and is revealed to be a legendary Brawler like them. Appearance: Unlike his DBZ counterpart, Krillin is actually very tall but is still about a foot shorter than Goku. He has short black hair and black eyes. He wears blue clothing most of the time. Personality: Krillin is usually the comedy most of the time and is also very sincere. He is also very loyal to Goku. Partner Bakugan: Aquos Reaper, Aquos Akwimos Jeena Vallory History: Jeena is Jake's younger sister and Goku's younger cousin. At first she doesn't brawl but begins to and eventually partners up with Hakwtor. Kids OC Eric Richards- Is Jake and Alice's son. He is very skilled in Bakugan and has his father's powers. He is 14 and has reddish-brown hair, and brown eyes. He wears a white jacket over a black t-shirt, gray shorts, and blue tennis shoes. He was named after Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto, Jake's late teammate and father figure. He is smart, strategic, kind, very protective of his family and quick to anger like his father. Amy Richards- Is Jake and Alice's daughter. She uses Darkus Bakugan like her mother has a bit of her father's powers. She is 12 and looks like a younger version of her mother with her father's dark brown eyes. She wears a blue tank top, a black skirt, and white shoes. She is smart, beautiful, a bit of a daddy's girl, and level-headed. Kicker the Echidna- Is Knuckles and Rogue's son. He is skilled in every form of martial arts like his father. He is 14 and has white fur with his hair in his father's dread style, and has blue eyes. He has two knuckles on his hands and he wears red boots. He can be hot-headed at times but can also be quite loyal to his friends, especially Eric. Kai- Is Lea and Flannery's son. He uses the Keyblade and chakrams like his father and even uses fire like him. He is 17 and has red hair in his father's style, red eyes, and a noticeable widow's peak. He wears a black jacket with red flame designs over a red shirt, black pants, and black boots. He's competitive, sarcastic, smug, cocky, and tries to act cool. He uses the phrase "Got it memorized?" a lot. Blair- Is Lea and Flannery's daughter. She uses Fire-type Pokémon like her mother and can also use the Keyblade. She is 15 and has red hair in her mother's style, green eyes. She wears a red t-shirt, blue jean shorts, and red shoes. She is sexy, competitive, sweet, and sometimes childish. She also has a huge crush on Eric. Experiment 629 aka Stitch Jr. S.J.- Is Stitch and Angel's son. He has the ability to manipulate all experiments. He is 4 years old, he has blue fur like his father but has antenna like his mother, his ears resemble his mother's and he has big black eyes. He has his father's destructive nature but he has control over this at times. He is Kidda's best friend. Jack Hall- Is Aaron and Kagome's son. He has both aura and spirit abilities like both of his parents. He is 16 and has black hair that he keeps gelled down, brown eyes, and pale skin. He wears a black hooded sweatshirt, a blue shirt, blue pants, and black shoes. He enjoys a challenge like his father but can sometimes show a bit of his mother's personality. He has a slight rivalry with Eric. |