Chapter 14/Final: Maiden Voyage Home

The morning risen after a near-loss. Ash fought Ghast in a Shadow Duel and, despite losing all his Life Points and writhing in pain, won. Blair, Ghast's hostage, fell for Ash after learning Alexis loved Ash as a sibling. As the sun's rays blast through the windows, Ash and Blair slept soundly. Blair had her arms wrapped around Ash's shoulders and her head nuzzled by his neck. Pikachu and Pharaoh slept as well, not disturbing each other. Meanwhile, something in the ocean stirred. A hole opened up within the waters. In Slifer's mess hall, Bastion made breakfast which alerted Pikachu's nose and stirred him awake. ("Smells good,") it squeaked. Hearing Pikachu prompted Ash to wake. He felt skin from Blair.

"I'm not dreaming?" he murmured. Before he could move, Blair unconsciously pulled herself to stay with Ash, keeping her "teddy bear" close.

"The shadows!" she whined in her sleep. "Don't leave me!" Ash softly scoffed to Blair's wish.

("You two look so cute,") sneered Pikachu. Blair opened her eyes after hearing the Pokémon and saw Ash smiling and awake.

"I feel so alive," he hummed. "That Shadow Duel… I've never been that scared in my life." To Blair, he faced that fear in the duel.

"Were you scared for your soul being taken or for mine?" she questioned.

"Why not both?" Blair laughed, forgetting the third option. They got up and out of bed, slightly disturbing Pharaoh. While they got dressed for the day, Dawn, Brock and Piplup dismounted some Mantine at the pier.

"Thanks, Mantine!" she praised. The Mantine dove in the water to let those journey the island.

"So, this is where Ash ended up?" asked Brock. Piplup wondered if Ash and Pikachu were alive. "I hope he's okay."

"No need to worry. He can't go down like that, even if Team Rocket tried that stunt on us." As they came inland, Ash and Blair entered the dining hall with Jaden, Alexis, Chazz, Syrus, Jesse and Bastion in an unusual fashion: Ash carried Blair in his arms like a bride. Seeing their entrance before Pikachu leaped onto the table.

"Whoa, when was the wedding?" joked Jaden. Jesse and Chazz laughed at Jaden's point.

"I just wanted to know if I still had strength after last night's Shadow Duel," Ash explained. Alexis chuckled before Ash let Blair down.

"You don't look like someone in need of rest," she chuckled. "Come on, have breakfast with us!" Ash agreed with a giggle and joined. Dawn Piplup saw the Duel Academy building, thinking someone might know where Ash could be.

"I wonder what DA means," she muttered. "Hey, Brock… Maybe-" She turned to find no Brock by her.

("Up there!") beaked Piplup as it pointed a fin to Brock meeting Jasmine and Mindy. Dawn saw Brock and groaned. Brock began to swoon the two Obelisk Blue girls.

"Not again..." Before she could hear what Brock proposed, Mindy swatted Brock's hands away.

"Get away from us, you creep!" she yelled. Jasmine planted a slap across Brock's cheek before Mindy kicked him in the head. Brock fell unconscious and Dawn palmed her face in embarrassment.

"Brock, they're not important..." Left little choice, Dawn brought out a PokéBall. "Guess I gotta find Ash myself. Buneary, spotlight!" The ball opened and out came a brown bunny with bright fleece around its waist and ears. "Buneary, if you can find Pikachu, Ash will be close by. Go for it!" Buneary accepted the search and sniffed. Jasmine turned to Dawn and her Pokémon, awed to the sudden surprise. Buneary led Dawn to a fixed direction.

"Are those Pokémon?" she wondered. In the Slifer Red's dining hall, everyone enjoyed breakfast, one perhaps a bit much. Blair fork fed Ash with Bastion's quiche he made.

"Open wide!" she chimed. Alexis and Jesse laughed, teasing the relation. Playing along, Ash opened his mouth for Blair to insert the piece of quiche.

"Blair, I'm sure he can feed himself," Bastion chuckled. Before long, Pikachu's ears perked up and turned to the door. Jaden and Jesse saw the reaction.

"Bro, what's up?" asked Jaden. The ears stiffened.

("Buneary?") he recognized the sound it heard. Suddenly, Buneary's chirping became louder and louder.

"What's that?" asked Alexis. Before Ash could answer, Buneary burst through the door and flew to Pikachu. The bunny tackled the mouse on the table as the rest watch.

"A Pokémon?" gulped Chazz. Buneary nuzzled Pikachu to which Blair cooed at the sight.

"Dawn's Buneary!" gawked Ash. Everyone looked at Ash in hopes of understanding his mention. That's when Dawn entered and found her Pokémon.

"Ash!" she called. "Pikachu!" All turned to Dawn, thankful to see Ash and Pikachu again.

"Friend of yours?" asked Bastion.

"Hey, Dawn!" greeted Ash. "You finally made it." Dawn sighed in relief in the sight of Ash in good health.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she huffed. "After that waterspout took you for a ride after you couldn't get your jet-ski to work, Brock and I thought you and Pikachu drowned." Piplup chirped happily.

"Yeah, we found out that the jet-ski had faulty parts within the engine that looked recently replaced," Jesse reported. Dawn nodded, agreeing to the detail.

"The sightseeing business is now closed indefinitely." This information irked Ash to question her and the Pokémon's arrival.

"So how did you, Piplup and Buneary get here?" he asked.

"Funny you should ask. Brock remembered a group of meteorologists having a Castform from Hoenn. He called them up and asked if they could create a waterspout and open the way to find you. We had to wait for awhile since they needed to gather the equipment and machinery to function." Some of the students awed the extent of Dawn's mission.

"You and Brock were pretty worried about Ash after what happened to him and his Pokémon," Syrus assumed.

"Hey, I wasn't going to tell his mom what happened and take the blame!"

"True that!" agreed Alexis before Buneary bounced to her. "So this is your Buneary that Ash identified?" She petted the bunny as Piplup waddled to Blair for it to be rubbed.

"I knew Buneary would find Pikachu knowing how much she likes him."

"I'll say," Jaden believed. Just then, Brock came by as dejected when Mindy and Jasmine denied his advances. However, seeing Ash began to brighten his spirit.

"Ash, you're okay!" he snapped.

"I was gonna ask if you were here as well, Brock," Ash scoffed.

"Tell me about it. So, what's with these people?" Alexis chose to answer Brock's query.

"We're students of Duel Academy," she replied. "We train on the game of Duel Monsters." Instead of letting Alexis continue, Brock latched her hands like she did Jasmine.

"If you teach me about this game… perhaps I should offer lessons in the fragrant bloom of romance, and I shall be that instruct-OW!" He stopped when glowing purple fingers jabbed at his waist. A blue frog with inflating orange cheeks nailed Brock flush. Brock contorted to the pain and before falling, Chazz snagged him by the earlobe.

"You're a few cards short of a deck to ride on her Rhodes," he grumbled as he pulled Brock outside. Dawn palmed her face again.

"Does this always happen?" questioned Jesse.

"More than you want to believe," Dawn murmured. "And his Croagunk has to refuse the idea." Learning about its name, Alexis knelt to meet Croagunk.

"Thanks," she complimented. Croagunk turned to the blond, curious. "That creep isn't someone I'd be interested in." To cement her praise, she kissed it between the eyes. A memory entering himself, Jaden questioned the kiss.

"Okay, so does Croagunk now become a prince?" he joked. A few laughed at the fairy tale point. That's when Blair noticed a sight of glum to Ash. His friends to pick him up, her time with Ash was about to end. She feared this to be the last time she could see him.

"So will this be goodbye?" she asked Ash. He turned to the voice with modesty on his mind.

"I'm afraid so," he answered. Blair became saddened that her new love wasn't staying. Ash felt the need to comfort her. "It'll be okay. I'll be with you in spirit." He handed Blair his Hiita card, even putting his name on the back. "My Duel Spirit can now be yours." Seeing the card, Blair began to feel better. His card used in his Shadow Duel would help remind her of the confidence he had to win and survive.

"I'll…" she stuttered. "I'll treasure it." She kissed Ash again, and Dawn's eyebrow twitched.

"If Brock sees this," she brought up. "He'll lose his head. I'm about to lose mine." After the kiss, Bastion called Sheppard to tell him the news. Then, everyone met at the front of the dorm, including Crowler, Fontaine and Dorothy who had something in her arms. Ash was back in the clothes when he arrived at the island. He handed the Chancellor the Ra Yellow uniform.

"It's an unfortunate moment to see you depart suddenly," he murmured. "But no one can say they didn't appreciate your time in Duel Academy." Jasmine and Mindy saw the exchange, realizing the boy they molested sometime ago in the kiss-a-thon was on his way out.

"I'm sorry this came on short notice," he apologized. "After all, I'm a Pokémon Trainer, not a card duelist."

"There's nothing wrong but at least you're heading back home." Dawn observed Crowler, her mind trying to make sense of his fashion.

"What's with this guy and the purple lipstick?" she whispered. Syrus jumped and covered her mouth with his hand.

"That's what got Ash in trouble!" he whispered back sternly. Piplup beaked curiously. That's when Pikachu and Alexis came out of Ash's abandoning dorm. Pikachu donned himself in the Baby Dragon outfit he wore on Spirit Day.

"Sorry, Pikachu wanted to wear this home," she explained as she reached the bottom of the staircase. Dawn saw Pikachu's look, squealing in delight.

"So adorable!" she chimed. "You look like a miniature Charizard!" Pikachu giggled to the praise as she snatched him from Alexis and hugged.

"I didn't know what a Charizard was until Ash showed me on his hand-held. It's suppose to be Baby Dragon." Dawn laughed, regardless of Pikachu's costume's name. Dorothy came forward with the items.

"Ash, while we will miss you, we want to give you something as a memento of your time here," Sheppard offered. Dorothy came forward with a new jacket and baseball cap.

"It's a jacket and cap combination of the three Egyptian Gods," she described. The sleeves were blue with muscular detail while the torso was gold. On the back had a decal of steel wings. The red cap seemed to have a pair of eyes and fangs with an aquamarine button top to cap the cap. "The head of Slifer, the Sky Dragon." She removed Ash's trainer cap to place on his head. "The torso and wings of the Winged Dragon of Ra… and the powerful arms of Obelisk the Tormentor." Ash dressed the jacket.

"Looking spiffy, Ash!" sneered Brock.

"Yeah, he looks like a fused Egyptian God himself," Jesse scoffed. As Ash modeled his new look, a screech from Crowler forced all to turn. Pharaoh jumped onto Crowler's back and freaked him out.

"Get this mangy cat away!" he yelled. Pharaoh jumped to Ash's arms and let Crowler relax.

"If it helps you, Crowler," he spoke. "I can take Pharaoh home with me. He can't jump on you again." Crowler rubbed his back to make sure he wasn't drawing blood.

"Go! Take Banner's cat! I don't care!" Alexis removed Pikachu's hood while on Dawn's shoulder for one last pet.

"I'm gonna miss having you and Ash around," she said. "Promise you'll keep Ash safe?" Pikachu squeaked to acknowledge her wish. "Okay..." She planted one more kiss to Pikachu on the cheek. The Electric Mouse Pokémon blushed to the kiss. Taking one last gambit for love, Brock approached Fontaine.

"Perhaps you can offer me some nursing for the wounded hear I've suffered for a long time," he nagged as he held her hands. "Many a strong woman have denied me and maybe someone like you can bandage the pain."

"Uh..." shuttered Fontaine. Luckily for the Academy nurse, Jasmine and Mindy wanted none of Brock to have her.

"How about we give you some real pain," Mindy suggested as they yanked Brock away. Some screams echoed from Brock in pain. Brock laid on the ground prone and the girls dusted their hands before going to Ash.

"I wish there was more time to spend with you, Ash," Jasmine hoped. Ash nodded, forgetting that night with the entire dorm.

"Yeah, but I do belong in the Pokémon World," he proclaimed before handing out cards to the two. "These are the last cards I'm giving out. Everyone I know has pieces of my deck." The two accepted the cards, knowing Ash couldn't use them anymore.

"Ash, we know that you and Blair became the item but we still love you anyway," Mindy admitted. She and Jasmine joined in a shared hug after Ash put Pharaoh down to receive it. Dawn wanted to leave the Duel Academy and for good reason.

"Okay, now that you got your love from everyone," she nagged. "We better get to the Mantine and depart." Ash nodded, unable to wait in going home.

"Gotcha," he surrendered. Hoisting Pharaoh and Brock recovered, they parted ways to the pier… with Ash having one last word in for Crowler. "Bye, Purple Lips!" Crowler growled to the tease.

"I figured he'd have the last word before leaving," Chazz nodded. Jaden laughed as they watched Ash depart. As they neared the pier, Piplup sensed a feeling behind it. Winged Kuriboh tailed the group. Piplup freaked out, squawking frantically.

"Piplup, what's wrong?" asked Dawn. Piplup pointed to Winged Kuriboh and Dawn turned to see it, but all she saw was the sky. "What? There's nothing!" Ash realized that like he and Pikachu, Piplup could see the Duel Spirits.

"I know what's going on," he snapped. "Give me a minute. The Duel Spirits want my attention." To Brock, time wasn't on their side.

"Are you sure?" he questioned. "The hole that connects this and our worlds won't stay open for long."

"Don't worry. It won't take long at all." Dawn nodded while still having Pikachu on her shoulder and joining Brock and Pharaoh to the pier. Piplup stood by Ash to see the spirits for itself as Winged Kuriboh, Dark Magician Girl, Ruby and Hiita appeared.

"So this is it," Dark Magician Girl muttered. "I guess we'll miss you, handsome."

"It's not your fault, Dark Magician Girl. I knew I was heading back someday." Winged Kuriboh came to nuzzle Ash and Ruby rubbed by his leg. "I'm gonna miss you guys, as well as the Ojamas."

"Hey, it'll be rough without you around," Hiita pictured. "I'll keep Blair safe for you."

"Same for me with Alexis," Dark Magician Girl promised. Ash nodded as he knelt to Ruby who licked him a few times.

"Thanks, all of you," he praised as he shook Hiita's hand and Dark Magician Girl offered one more kiss to his forehead. Piplup beaked to know the spirits were good-nature. On that note, Ash left and met his friends at the pier where the Mantine waited.

"Ready?" asked Brock. Ash nodded before they jumped on each Kite Pokémon.

"Okay, Mantine," Dawn ordered as Blair came to the pier. "Let's go!" The Mantine swam toward the hole.

"My sweet prince!" she called out. "I'll never forget you, my love!" Ash turned and pointed to his heart then at Blair. She smiled while Dawn's face formed a deadpan look.

"This boy really makes Brock look bad," she mulled. The Mantine and trainers entered the hole, moments before the ocean closed it.

(Pallet Town/3 months later…)

The morning rose over a town. In a white house within, a brunette woman prepared breakfast in the kitchen. She wore a pink blouse and green skirt. In a bedroom, Ash felt the sun hit his face while he slept. The morning came and time for him to wake up. Pikachu and Pharaoh continued to sleep while Ash came around. Getting dressed, he soon walked down the steps where the brunette greeted him. "Morning, son," she welcomed. "Breakfast is almost ready. I still find it bizarre that Sabrina came by Pallet for that cat you brought home." Ash heard the detail, scoffing to what occurred with Pharaoh.

"Didn't she say something about a spirit inhabiting Pharaoh?" he guessed.

"Yeah, that's what I heard." She gave Ash a plate with eggs Sunny-Side up, bacon and toast with a glass of milk. "So are you and Pikachu going to Professor Oak's lab?"

"You bet. I heard he found a new region he's suggesting. Too bad Brock's not with me anymore." His mother understood the briefing.

"Pokémon doctor, I seem to get." After eating breakfast and Pikachu headed out to this professor's lab down the street. In the living room was the jacket and cap from the Duel Academy. Ash and Pikachu entered the lab before the backyard and observed many creatures frolicking around. The Pokémon enjoyed the company of each other. Buizel enjoyed the pond with other Pokémon.

"If Buizel's relaxed here, I bet the other Pokémon from Sinnoh will like the company." Pikachu agreed and seen plenty of creatures in peace. Suddenly, a large blue mouse with red spots on its flank approached Ash and squeaked. He and Pikachu looked to the mouse reaching. "Quilava, what's up?" Pikachu squeaked to Quilava which it pointed back the path it came. The pursuit started… then ended with Quilava stopping by trees near the back of the land. "Someone here?" Quilava squeaked before taking Ash through the woods. There, his eyes saw what he thought wouldn't happen: Blair in her Maiden in Love with some weed-like creatures: pink pods with twin grass blades, blue pods with cotton balls and green pods with yellow flowers. His shock prompted him to greet her. "Enjoying the Hoppip Evolution line, Blair?" Hearing Ash, Blair turned around to see him. Her eyes lit up as she stood.

"My sweet prince!" she cheered before running up and hugging him. "I don't wanna leave you anymore!" Ash returned the hug, smiling that the one who loved him at Duel Academy reunited with him. Pulling off, Ash had an array of questions to ask.

"There are so many things I wanna ask you like what you're doing here and about Duel Academy." Blair scoffed to his bringing of the topics.

"I wanted to see you again. There was another storm near the island and Jaden helped give confidence to chase you. After I got to this world, people and Pokémon helped me make it here." Ash smiled to Blair's safe arrival but still felt something amiss.

"What about Duel Academy? Weren't you-" Blair pressed a finger to Ash's lips, silencing any talk about the school they both attended.

"I want to care and comfort only you. Jaden, Alexis, Bastion, Sy… And as for me in my Maiden in Love outfit… I don't want to think that I'm Maiden in Love but your princess." Ash laughed at the reason for the costume.

"I see now. Well, I guess what I can do is greet you to the Professor and my mom." Blair couldn't wait.

"Can we do it like we're a newlywed couple?" The idea reminded Ash of the day after his Shadow Duel. She wanted another ride in his arms.

"Okay!" Like before, Ash hoisted Blair in his arms, her leggings catching the smooth skin of the trainer. Blair settled and lifted herself to kiss Ash which he accepted. The two came out to the sight of the Pokémon who cheered the new couple. Duel Monsters and Pokémon may be different in their styles, but both sides found the combination with the humans. Blair was indeed… Ash's Maiden in Love.


(Okay, before I start the 12 Elements, Volume 6... two more stories. Both have Pokémon but one is a crossover with the Legend of Zelda. Both stories will start by next week.)