It had been a large journey four million and one lightyears back to Earth, but the gang had finally made it back to Earth and landed safely in the back of Jimmy's clubhouse, where they were happily reunited with their families. Sheen was especially overjoyed to be reunited with his father, grandmother and little sister.

"Ultra Dad!" Sheen exclaimed as he saw his father.

"Ultra Son!" Mr. Estevez said as he saw his son for the first time in months.

Sheen ran into his father's arms and held him in a loving hug, joined by Grandma Estevez and Nina.

Nick then looked and shed a single tear.

"I saw that, tiger" Libby said as she made a sly look at Nick.

"No...I...Never" Nick tried to deny everything, then decided to come clean "Okay, so I'm not made of stone"

As Jimmy hugged his parents, he smiled at the Estevez family having a wonderful reunion, proud with himself and somewhat teary eyed.

The very next day, the gang was at school, which was just ending. Ms. Fowl was making Sheen answer some sort of question before the bell rang, for the first time in months.

"No Sheen!" she said, frustrated "Mel Gibson was not the guy who gave the "I Have a Dream" speech"

Just then, the bell rang and everybody got off their seats and started to leave to their lockers to grab their things and go home.

"Sheen!" Ms. Fowl yelled to Sheen, who was walking back to his locker with friends "Come here!"

"Ex-squeeze me, I think Ms. Fowl wants to see me" Sheen said as he folded his arms.

"Okay, see you outside Sheen" Jimmy said as he walked to his locker.

Sheen walked into the classroom and saw Ms. Fowl.

"You wanted to see me, Ms. F?" asked Sheen.

"Sheen listen" she looked around to see if anyone wasn't around "Don't tell anyone's great to have you back"

"Thanks Ms. Fowl" Sheen smiled at her and walked out of the classroom.

Sheen walked outside and saw his friends, who were waiting for him.

"So, what did Ms. Fowl want to see you about?" asked Carl.

"Oh, nothing" Sheen said "So, how's about we go to the Candy Bar?"

"Excellent choice" said Brittany.

"Yeah, a trip to the Candy Bar sounds like the perfect way to celebrate" Libby agreed.

"Jimmy's buying!" Sheen exclaimed.

"Oy vey" Jimmy sighed.

The gang had all made it to the Candy Bar and ordered a round of milkshakes. Yes, it was great to return back to their old hangout. While they were drinking their shakes, they took a look into their new photo album of their adventures together.

"Now for another installment in the Jimmy Neutron Archives" Jimmy said as he pasted a photo of himself and the gang with their Zeenuian friends.

"Boy, it seems like I just left Zeenu and returned to Earth last night" Sheen sighed.

"You were, Sheen" Libby remarked.

"Yeah, that was a long time" Sheen chuckled "And quite an adventure"

Sheen then looked at the picture of him with his Earth and Zeenuian friends with a sad smile on his face.

"Don't feel bad Sheen" said Carl "At least your family is happy to see you again now that you're back here on Earth"

"Actually, I'm kind of glad I'm not on Zeenu anymore" Sheen confessed "It's not the same as being here with you guys. Besides, Oleander owes me 37 cents anyways"

"That's the spirit" Jimmy exclaimed "And I have to admit, that was the best space adventure I've ever been on"

"Yeah, it was" said Sheen "I should blast off into space without Jimmy's permission more often"

"No" said everyone bluntly.

"Besides, I'm kind of done with space aliens" said Jimmy "We've seen one too many of them"

"And who knows? Maybe one day Earth and Zeenu will join hand in hand in universal brotherhood" Brittany assumed.

"" Jimmy deadpanned.

Cindy sighed "You know Jimmy, I hate to say it, but I..."

"No need, Cindy" said Jimmy "I now know that you didn't mean to hurt me and that you really do appreciate me and love my inventions"

"Uh...yeah" Cindy smiled "That's exactly what I was going to say"

Libby rolled her eyes at what Cindy said.

"Thanks Cindy" Jimmy smiled at her "You're not so bad yourself"

"Maybe some other time" Cindy said in her thoughts.

"I can't believe Sheen almost decided to give up on us" Brittany remarked.

"Hey, I can't forget you guys" Sheen shrugged.

"Here's to another awesome adventure!" Jimmy raised his glass "It seems that about a few days ago we went into outer space to rescue Sheen, but got into a lot of mishaps along the way...but we've finally accomplished our goal! We brought Sheen back home and restored our circle of friends! To Team Neutron!"

"To Team Neutron!" everyone exclaimed in unison as they clicked their glasses together.

"You know what, Jimmy?" Nick turned to the boy genius "If having a normal life means not having anymore adventures or any bizarre things happening to us...who needs it?"

"Yeah Jimmy" said Libby "You're the greatest"

"Truly, one of a kind" Cindy smiled.

"Thanks guys" said Jimmy "You're not so bad yourselves"

"To Jimmy Neutron" Cindy raised her glass "The greatest boy genius ever and the best friend we could ever have!"

"To Jimmy Neutron!" everyone clinked their glasses together.

Yep. All was well with our heroes. Jimmy was his old self again were his friends (with a few slight changes). Yes, glad to be back on their beautiful blue and green planet, where they belonged, Jimmy and his friends could finally rest assured, knowing that their family was whole again.

But little did they know that a new adventure wasn't too far away...


Author's Note:

And so we come to the end of our story, but this is only the beginning of the Jimmy Neutron & Friends saga because like I said, there's another adventure on the way! So stay tuned for...