Author has written 13 stories for X-Men: The Movie, Highlander, and Numb3rs. I've been in fandom since 1994 when a friend introduced me to tall, dark and handsome (A.K.A. Adrian Paul) in Highlander. It's been downhill ever since. ;-)My fannish interests run the gammut from Highlander to Kindred: The Embraced to X-Men: The Movie. The friend who sucked me into the X-Men movieverse met me at the plane when I came to visit her. After pleasantries, she said "We're going to see X2 at Byrd." (local theatre) I'm such a sucker for a cute guy. (No, I'm not talking about Hugh Jackman, although he is a cutie.) My current obsession is Numb3rs. To that end, I have started co-authoring stories with the great and powerful Suisan! g You can find our stories by clicking this link: Enjoy! I try to go to Media West every year and when I go I like to be a Gopher. So, if you ever come to Media West (http://) track me down and say 'hi'. And thank you to all the people who have sent in such nice comments on my stories. Even the people who didn't agree with what I had written were very polite in stating their objections. I am more than happy to beta-read (with a few exclusions) for anyone. I've taught 9th Grade English (U.S.) and I'm a writer myself. Now, I do have a couple of requirements for beta-reading: 1. I have to know and understand the fandom. I am happy to read almost any story but unless I know the fandom you're writing in, my help is going to be limited to the mechanics (grammar, spelling, etc.). Most of my fandoms aren't listed in my profile. So, if you're not sure if I know the fandom, ask. 2. I do NOT read slash in any way, shape or form. Please don't ask, because I won't read it. Why? I don't like slash and never have. Yes, I have tried reading some. Yes, I have tried reading some of the really good slash stories. It's not my cup of tea. Please don't ask. 3. Take my comments on your story in a positive light. That's the way they were made. Don't take the comments personally. |