Author has written 3 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, RWBY, and Fate/stay night.
I figured I should probably put something here now that I actually post stuff on this site but I don't really know what to put so I'll just give some info about my stories and if I come up with anything else to add then I will.
As people have no doubt noticed by now, I am no longer updating as anywhere near as frequently as I used to back when I first started posting things on here in the latter half of 2014. This is generally due to a combination of a lack of free time because of my job, some scenes being particularly difficult to write in a manner that I'm satisfied with (meaning that some things get rewritten a good three or four times if not more) and my absolutely abysmal attention span that results in me getting distracted by the most random and insignificant of things far too frequently for my liking. Despite this, I'm still trying to not take too long between updates because I can sympathise with people not wanting to wait to read more of a story they like; I'm sure pretty much everyone on this site has experienced this at some point or another.
Story Status (As of 27/03/2018)
Please note that if this section hasn't been updated in a while then it's probably just because I haven't made any significant progress. If any specific issue comes up, then I'll post an announcement here under the relevant story.
05/07/2017: I apologise for not updating anything for a little over a year (and then posting a new story instead of updating either of my older ones). Unfortunately, the latter half of 2016 and the first half of 2017 weren't particular good for me for a variety of reasons including (but not limited to) having to find somewhere else to live very quickly to avoid ending up homeless and my grandmother suddenly dying. The new story is the result of an idea that simply wouldn't leave my alone to the point that, every time I sat down to try and get something done for my Naruto/RWBY crossover, I kept getting distracted by ideas for the new story and couldn't do anything for the older one.
The Wild Fox of Beacon (Naruto X RWBY) (ON HIATUS)
Summary: Soon after joining the war, Naruto is captured by Tobi and the Nine-Tails is extracted. Not wanting him to interfere with his plans any longer, Tobi uses a Ten-Tails-enhanced Kamui to send him far away. How will Naruto fare in a world of Grimm, Faunus and Hunters? And what is this strange new ability he has? Fox!Naruto
Status: It's been over a year and half since I last updated this so the hiatus announcement probably isn't much of a surprise. The main reason for this is that I need to try and figure out where this story is actually going to go since I didn't really have much in the way of a plan when I started it. I also need to get around to catching up with RWBY since I still haven't seen Volume 4 (let alone Volume 5) due to family issues, lack of free time, limited internet access, general laziness etc. When I do eventually come back to this, I'll likely fix up all of the current chapters at the same time I post the next one to get rid of typos, grammar problems etc.
Naruto: Chimera Master (Naruto) (ON HIATUS)
Summary: Hated and shunned by his village, a young Naruto stumbles across an abandoned base that once belonged to someone called Hiruko. How will Naruto's life change as he strives to master the Chimera Technique and become powerful enough to protect himself from anyone that would hurt him? Eventual strong!Naruto, Dark!Naruto
Status: This story is currently on hiatus due to issues with my original plan for the Wave Arc. (I know that it's been well over two years now since this story last got updated but unfortunately, I ended up sort of putting it on the backburner in favour of my Naruto/RWBY story since that one was a bit easier to write and now I'm a bit more occupied by my HP & Fate/Extra crossover. Words cannot adequately describe how difficult it is to actually get the Wave Arc done in a way that I'm happy with and that hasn't already been done to death by others. Considering how long it's been, I'm going to have to reread the entire story before I can make any real headway on the next chapter and I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up rewriting bits here and there when I do read through it so this will probably take a while. If anyone is actually still interested in this then you have my sincerest apologies for the delay.)
Harry Potter and the War in the Virtual Lunar Seas (Harry Potter X Fate/Extra)
Summary: (Fate/Extra crossover) Waking up in a strange school, a certain black-haired, green-eyed child finds himself stuck in a kill or be killed tournament with a single wish as the prize. With a kind young woman who calls herself a Servant at his side, can he survive until the end or will he be deleted like so many others?
Status: Chapter 4 completed, Chapter 5 is currently being written. Unfortunately, I've been encountering multiple problems while writing this chapter (the most annoying being that my computer broke in January, couldn't get fixed for several weeks due to lack of money and then when it was working again, I found that the file got corrupted and I lost the majority of the chapter so I'm currently having to rewrite it from memory). At the moment, most of it is finished but I've hit a block with one particular scene (I know what's going to happen but I can't seem to write it out in a way that I'm happy with) which has caused my progress to grind to halt and is the main reason for the several month long delay (in addition to the previously mentioned computer problems).