Author has written 12 stories for Gunsmoke, Columbo, Beverly Hillbillies, and Rawhide. I love TV. But not today's TV. I hate reality shows, talk shows and today's so called dramas and sitcoms. Give me a western or a good old cop show or mystery anyday. I Love Lucy anyone? What ever happened to GOOD TV? Anyway, I plan on trying my hand at a few of the shows I love the most and we'll see what happens. It might, as they say, prove to be interesting. (Update) - I planned on writing a lot more than I am but life circumstances have proven to slow me down. My other half and I share a computer and right now, his need beats mine. His is business, mine is pleasure. I'm currently working on a story and hope to get it done soon and then I'll be in the wind for a while. But I'll try to check in from time to time to read at least. |