![]() Author has written 110 stories for Gunsmoke, Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Airwolf, Misc. Tv Shows, and Misc. Movies. I don't believe this is a forum for preaching and I am most certainly not a preacher, but as you are looking at my profile, you must want to know a little bit about me. So let me start by saying this. I am a Child of God. That means I am human and make mistakes but the good Lord loves me and forgives me when I do make mistakes. I sincerely pray for that for everyone else. He's an awfully good ally in times of trouble and he doesn't ask for too much more than your love. Now, as far as my writing, as you can tell by my stories, I love Gunsmoke. Have loved the show my entire life. I know the romance between Matt and Kitty was understated but it was there none the less and it has always drawn me. Those two could say so much with just a single glance at each other. That's why I've written so many stories about them. The relationship that Lee Stetson and Amanda King had was another that completely intrigued me as well. Though much more obvious than that of Matt and Kitty it was every bit as sweet and tender and so I've written a few stories about them as well. There are shows that I've loved off and on and I've even written a story for Air Wolf as well as a couple of movies, but these two were the best in my book. I have to add a note about my writing here. In times past, I've been critized for being unrealistic in a fictional story about fictional characters or being biased towards one character or another and I guess maybe I have. But I make no apologies. I write it as I see it. Or at least I write it as I and several of my co-conspirators see it. I do have to say, I have several other writers that I occasionally consult with on my and their work and I have found that there are some mighty fine people in this world that just happen to like the same things I do. So to them, I say THANK YOU. As to the people who have nothing better to do than sit and criticize and leave really hateful reviews, I will pray for them. They truly must have a horrible personal life if the only joy they get is harassing and belittling others. They do need prayer. And to the readers, I say, Happy Reading and God Bless You! I have to just add tiny note... Where I come from "Guests are kind, polite and grateful when the people they go to visit welcome them in and treat them with kindness. They DO NOT go in complaining. Just sayin... |