Author has written 40 stories for Sengoku Basara/戦国BASARA, Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club, League of Legends, and IT. *Hey! I am now fully on Archive of Our Own! QuickPrey is my username. I have a lot of my old stories revisited there and some from other fandoms! FanFiction isn't as great as it used to be. The community on AO3 is more engaging. I hope to see you there!* I'm moving all my work to Archive of Our Own. I will finish everything already posted here but anything after will be exclusively there. About Me: / / / Self-Proclaimed Talon/Quinn Queen / / / I'm Miss Yaoi Hands and I've been playing League of Legends since Quinn's release. Quinn was my main for Seasons 3,4, and 5 and she is still my favorite to this day. Now, I'm an salty ADC Main :) PM me for my Summoner Name if you wanna play or just stalk me. You can call me: MYH or Prey (if Miss Yaoi Hands is too long to type out.) My favorite pairing is Talon and Quinn and most of my stories are focused around them. If the story isn't centered around them then they are probably featured in it or just hinted at. I absolutely do not ship Talon with anyone other than Quinn and vise versa. My second favorites are: Zed/Syndra, Jhin/Jinx, Kayn/Lux and Vi/Caitlyn. I like Garen/Katarina by default because it is cannon in the lore, meh. (Not to be THAT person but I do ship Lux with a bunch of other champions but Kayn is my favorite) I have a lot more but the ones I said are my top pairings. In very rare occasions I'll mix up my ships with each other like Quinn/Kayn or Lux/Jinx or Talon/Kayn. But that's not too often :) If you really want to know something about me it's just I really, really love Kayn. Ever since he was released I've played him and just loved his concept. Catch me on Yahoo! Answers asking: "I Love Shieda Kayn Is There Anyway I Can Be His Wife?!". I'm always looking for more stories about Kayn. I just love him. Feel free to ask me any questions anytime— I usually answer within a few minutes to a day. Do I take requests? Send me a PM and we can talk about it. (I'm currently updating a lot of stories so I may so no to requests!) Enjoy! —MYH |
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