If you are a follower of this story, please note that I updated multiple chapters at once, starting from chapter 10, in case you skipped over here.
Author's note at the end.


Garen stood alone, his sword planted on the ground in front of him, hilt gripped by both of his arms. He had been standing vigil for the past 14 hours, and he still couldn't come to grips with it. His eyes, which had been watering for so long, only held a dryness mixed with a feeling of being lost.

He stood in front of a gravestone. His eyes had been reading it so many times, he already had it memorized.

'Here lies Luxanna Crownguard. Beloved daughter, sister and friend.'

He blamed himself. How could he not? He had been to blind to see what the nation was turning him into, what he allowed himself to be turned into… And because of it, he had been misled, and lost one of the most important things in his life. It had been three days since her death, and it still felt as raw as it ever did. He doubted he would ever get over this wound.

"I'm sorry Luxanna." He whispered, the first words he had spoken since his vigil began. He closed his eyes and lowered his head, feeling the rain soaking his cheeks, even as the sun set in the horizon with clear skies above.

Quinn stood at the edge of the pond, looking down at the small bouquet of flowers she had put on one of the larger, flatter rocks. This had been Lux's little area of peace. She had always come here in secret, but Quinn had always known about this location, about this healing spring. There was rarely a thing in Demacia that she didn't know as a Ranger.

And yet, even though she had known about this, she had played ignorant. For her friend, for Lux. A gift, to give her something of her own. And it had saved her life in the end.

Quinn still felt responsible. She couldn't help it. She was at the beginning of this fateful path, and she could've stopped it if she had simply refused. But her love for her friend had overtaken the concern, and it had led to this end.

"It's getting late." A deep voice said behind her. Quinn closed her eyes, wiping them quickly to make sure she hadn't teared up again.
"You shouldn't be here." She said, not turning around. She still felt him walk closer to her, until he was standing right behind her, looking down over her shoulder at the flowers on the rock.

"I shouldn't do a lot of things, but I still do." He said with a hint of ironic humor to it. There was a few moment's silence before he spoke once more, his voice more sincere now although it was hard to tell given the monotone nature of his speech, "You did everything you could."

"I know." Quinn whispered, leaning back, allowing herself to take comfort in the hooded man's presence. "I'll miss her. I'll miss her a lot." She added.

"The horses are waiting." The man said to her softly. Quinn simply nodded. The man drew his arms around her, giving her a loose embrace of comfort as they both stared down at the flowers.

The horse nickered at each other briefly as the two riders rode down the street, the port town in sight.

"Finally." The man said. "My ass hurts from all this riding."

"Always something to complain about." The woman said in a bemusedly annoyed way.

"You like my complaining." he responded.

"I like a lot of things about you." She replied. But, before he could answer to that, she added, "Doesn't change the fact that you're an ass."

"Oh please, you're gonna be begging this 'ass' to help you once we get to Ionia and you don't understand anything." The man said. The woman seemed to think upon this with a loud "Hmm," before she shrugged, looked over at him and then said, "Guess I'll ask for a horse instead of an ass next time then."

She laughed as she spurred her horse forward, the man staring after her in mild shock, before snorting out a short laugh as he too spurred his horse, shaking his head. They reached the town within the next half hour, and already found a nice looking inn that didn't seem like it'd be crawling with bugs.

The woman waited patiently as the man sold off their horses, before joining him and going into the inn. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked again, for perhaps the hundredth time.

"Yes." He said simply, as they walked up the stairs towards their rented room. She held her tongue until they were inside and they had closed the door.

"Aren't they going to be looking for you?" She finally said in a somewhat exasperated tone.

"Aren't they already looking for you?" He said simply, shrugging at her as he peeled off his cloak, revealing the absurdly long dark hair that was tied into a tight ponytail, although there were still a lot of shaggy bangs around his face. He turned around, giving the woman a cocky grin as he winked one of his mismatched eyes. "Relax. Anyone who comes looking for us isn't gonna be looking at anything anymore." He said.

The woman huffed, unlacing her cloak as well as she let loose a loose curtain of wavy hair that shone like strands of gold, even in the dim hextech lighting of the room. "I don't want any deaths on my account." She said sternly as the man raised his hands placatingly.

"Hey, I never said anything about killing them." He supplied.

The woman looked at him with eyes like sapphire, which she promptly rolled. "No maiming either. Or blinding. Or mutilating. Or torturing. Or gelding. Or-"

"Alright alright, you bloody nag." He said, although the cocky grin was still on his face. The girl looked at him and huffed. "You're gonna do it anyway." She said.

"Damn right." He answered.

She crossed her arms.

He walked over to her, with a small chuckle. "I'm joking." He said, as his voice turned more serious, "I wouldn't do anything that could risk you."

The woman's stern expression softened as she looked up at his face. A small smile played on her lips as she said, "Well, you don't have to worry about that. Besides, you have something to do."

"Do I?" He asked, his voice lower as well.

"Today's the seventh day. Aren't you supposed to take my life today, Kayn?" She said. He snorted.

"You're already dead. Can't take what you don't have, now can I? I'll have to take something else from you." He answered.

"Well, I'm afraid I don't have much to give." She said, her voice a measure more demure now.

"That's where you're wrong, Lux." Kayn said softly as his scarred left hand rose up, caressing her cheek with his slender fingers. "You are everything to me. We promised each other, didn't we? We'd find each other, no matter where."

"We did." Lux whispered.

"Where are you?" He asked, his voice equally soft.

"With you."

"Have I ever told you how much I love your eyes?" He said, his eyes scanning both of hers. "They're such a strange shade of blue… I always find myself staring and I can't figure out how… lovely they are-"

Lux swallowed, staring unblinkingly up at him as he spoke. "Kayn?" She interrupted him softly. Kayn stopped, and then Lux gave him a small smile and said, "Just shut up and kiss me, stupid."

Kayn blinked, before giving her a smile back, right before they kissed each other.

Chapters 10 to 14 were all posted on the same day, which is March 1st. If you are wondering why, consider it a parting gift from me. I am not sure if I will be able to write much longer, so this might be my last story for a long time, if not longer.

This story began as nothing more than a doodle in my head, an idea in my mind. The basest form, of a shadow and a light in harmony. It's where the title comes from, Moj Cien, which means "My Shadow". I wanted it to somewhat represent how, in our darkest times, we can find someone or something that makes it bearable.

I hope you all enjoyed the story. The next part of this author's note is for one specific person only, so most of you won't understand it and are free to ignore it, or not if you want to read it. To all of you, I bid thee farewell until next time, if there is any.


And for you, the one person. You know who you are. I want you to keep reading.

This story was one you loved, I remember every moment of it. We talked about it so much, and you loved watching me write it and talking about it with me. Even if you loved most of my other work, I know this was the one you loved the most. Because it was the story we made together, in a sense. And that is where it brings us. The event that happened... I have no words for it. I still wear the necklace everyday, and everyday I keep touching it, reading the words with my fingertips. "No matter where." It says. Everyday, I can feel the link, the bridge to its twin. And everyday, it tears me up inside. I wonder, do you still wear it? I'm still alive, still living, but I can't move on from this. I don't think I ever will. For someone who has lost so much, I know when I have lost it all. And you were my all. And I lost you. It will remain my biggest regret. I'm sorry for a lot of things, but mostly I'm sorry that I couldn't be better. That I couldn't be better for you, despite how much I tried. And I'm sorry that it came to this. Do I wish I could've avoided all of this? No. If I had the chance, I would go back and live every waking moment with you once more. The entire year we had to ourselves... It was bliss. It was life. Even if it was somewhat of a dream broken later on by harsh reality, it was still the happiest days of my life. And I would live it over and over again if I could. Do you remember that one fateful call we shared? Like then, I'm afraid I will have to be selfish once more when I say this.
I still love you. I love you and only you. Even after more than a year since we met, even after a month since we parted... I still love you. No matter where. Or when. Even if you don't feel the same anymore, and even if you decide to hate me. I will still love you. Every part of you, from your eyes to your smile, from your laughter to your sorrow. Whether you were talking about Kpop, or playing with your dog. All the parts that made me happy, and all the parts that made me sad. All these memories are what I cherish deepest in my soul. I love every ounce of you. You are the only one I have loved this much, and you are the only one I shall ever love this much. No one else will ever take your place. No one else can ever even hope to take your place.

Like the words on that bracelet; Zawsze będę twój. Teraz i na zawsze. Kocham cię, moje światło w ciemności.

Your last wish was for me to complete this story, for me to give them the happy ending you wanted. That's the only thing that kept me writing this, kept me working on this through day and night. And I give this to you, with the confessions of my heart that I'm too afraid to tell you directly about. I don't know if you read all of this, or even if you still have any feelings left for me. I don't expect anything from you. I just want you to know that I will always be here, and I will always wait for you. If the day ever comes when you seek me out and I am still here, I will answer. No matter where, that was and is my vow. Call me a fool, but I've always been a fool for you. And I will continue to be.

Happy birthday, Moj malenkivoyn.
I wish you all the happiness for the year to come, and the ones that follow.
I love you.