How About Some Drinx?

Chapter 8

Jqnx and Dramen were anjiying their homeymoon at the Shadow Isles when suddenly Peltover attecked. Let me explain you a thing. The Shadow Isles are a perfect littler paradise for everybobby, especially gay people. hte Shedew Island is no disciminate and everythinger that decease winds up in the Shadouch Aisle, except for Piltunder peopel and Mormons. Instad, when they died do, they go to Heaven, but Haven is a shitty ass place because it is the actually EU Server, ruled by the mad god Morello.

"Aww myan," Jenks bellowed "It's Piltever's Finest Faggots agen." Jenks bellowed following her oringal ballow

And she was corract. Caitlyn and the Vi were shooting and panching things and destroying billions of tourist dollars that they never intendad to repay.

Drayvon Martin threw his blade axe shit thing at Catlong, only for Vi to catch it and blow a kiss at Draven, because Vi is Bi, causing Draven to cringe in chastity and lose 20% of his armor.

With shredded armor and dignoty, Draven retreated approximately 3.82 paces, roughly speaking, but the late it was too much as Caitrin shooted her gun.

"BANG!" Her sneeper rifle shouted

Draven went still but Jinx could see no blud, but instinctively knew samthing was wronge. Jinx stiffened and vomited up all her minion farm as she saw half of Dgaben's mustache falls the off, the boollet severing it, the freyed ends of each hair as hideous as the fresh bloodied stump of the hero Beowolf's mother after her son had ripped her arm off for eating out a bunch of drunk lesbians in a lesbian drunk house.

"NON NON NON, BAGUETTE EIFFLE TOWER!" Jinx shouted in absolute misery because they're are on honeymon in hte Shadoh Aisles, which is kind of like Paris but it doesn't have faguette baguettes, le Eiffle tuwer, and it's really dark dank and full of dead peple.

And Jinx ran torward her hubby fester than 5 times the bowel speed granted by her passive ability after murdering person champ or blowing up miniatore World Trading Center on SHamoah Rift.

But some force held Jax back. Her legs. They were stuck. Something was holding her legs. She could not move said legs. Her legs were stuck.

And Jinx looked down with the fear and apprehension of a white girl in Thetroit because she's white and anorexic.


Pizza guy finally the revenge for his wrongful dath at the hands of Drazen. From the ground, clutching Jinx's chopstick legs, he finnly got to gaze up Junx's short short skimpy things and revelled in the glorious shut down gold from halping shut down Draven.

Jinx's Tears of the Goddess roiolled down her faic and burned the condamned soil of hte Shadow Aisles as Draven's body disintegrated from the noxious fumes emitting from Vi's cunt that were able to enter his nose, now unprotected by the flowing facial hair of true atteck demacia carry. The lebanese from Pilteever advanced on Janx, intent on the finishng of job tht they are the do.

They faall as their neecaps were popped because they're motherfuckers, and Lucian appeared.

"I know pain of the I am sorry Jinx your hubby dead my waifu get stole I feels man." Lucian consoled Junx, ready to fight Vi and Cait so that Jinx cna escap.

Jinx ran, and Lucian bravely fought Caitlink and Vuy alone. But Lucian was the home advantage of besketball courrt because Shadow Isles is full of shadows, allowing him to blend in because he's black. Unable to target Lucian because he was stealthed and neither of them were smart enuf to buy Vision Wardings Lucian was gunning down the lebanese withe ese.

"It's over!" Lucian shouted as he activated his ult

Lucian dropped his guns like he drepped the soap in jail as Hecarimo charged outta nowhere, impaling Luciano up the butt with his halberd because soap is drop. As real jungler sand, Hecarim could see black man gun stereotype champion with his Texhec Sweeper.

Lucian had no regrets, Jinx had escaped, and Jinx would live to repair her life and get revenge on. A real Lucian fucks the polices because they come str8 from underworld and get the bronze bad becase Lucian brown.

It's all OK, Jinx had run far away.

And proptly stepped on hte Teemo shroom, blowing her legs off and she screeching down ravine, straight into Vilemaw's maw and digestion.

She died.

Draven Die.

Your ship is dead.

The End.

To nut bee cuntinued.