Author has written 23 stories for Harry Potter, Peter Pan, Legal Drug, Kingdom Hearts, and Mass Effect.
Wow... this profile was in need of an over hall. I think the only reason I had not changed it yet was i had forgotten how horrible it truely was! SO yes, i do still slightly blame my old school. I loved English class, but the teachers never really showed me ways to improve myself. They where all too busy helping those who didn't want/need their help. So I do believe I feel by the way side... I do try.
I have a very twisted mind. I think Severus and Hermione should be together. Ron all by himself (I don't really like him. Come to think about it I don't like potter or black too!) Sorry to you all but harry belongs to Ginny!
I am probably one of the very few who likes Alan Rickman he plays Severus Snape.
But back to Snape many people hate him and I don't see why?
Name- Stephanie M. S.
eyes: dark brown
hair: dark brown roots and a slightly tawny brown near the ends
people say i have artists hands...and i look alot like my mum
I too am infected... the bug has got me! The vires SS/HG... and I'm proud to say I've infected many others.
I infected one of my friends with the Rickman bugg!
I am the best I'm the best.
lets do alittle dance 'uh uh uhuhuh'
here is a litte song
We're all going to die.
So lets drink some more.
And watch our life go by!'
It is Alan Rickmans !
No I'm not gonna tell you how old he is...
But he was born a while back...
My friend and I just wrote a huge review on an awsome story called 'Less than Strangers'.
Our review was 35 lines long
the other longest was 6 lines
Smile ...
The only real thing that is going threw my head is Alan...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
I'm sooooooooooooo sick to like a man that is 3 years younger than my grandma...
heh heh...
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (off to day dream)
My math was wrong ( the world well come to a end!) Alan Rickman is only a year younger than my gram! runs away to cry...
My friend likes Snape!
I didn't like hp3.
But Snape did look better in it.
That's the movie that got JANA DALY to like him. Not just Snape though She like ALAN RICKMAN and i have the recored convertations to prove it! Mawhahahahah! holds up small recoder
I now own , and still counting, of Alan Rickman's movies!
one of them made me think twice about tattoos in weird places...smiles that came out ALL wrong!
i got yet another person to warm up to Alan, you can go check her, her thing is Written-in-Blood.
I'm now the proud owner of Dark harbor...More to the point Alan's naked but
I've gotten to liking another older males...And guess who? one is from potter and the other from CSI...William Peterson and our dear Jason Issac...sigh alas i can have none of them...
I have a new bug! LM/SS love the SLASHYish!
movies i own
-Robin hood-good in leather...
-Dogma- illequpied my ass!(oh)
-Galaxy Quest-fly me around the galaxy!
-Blow dry-you can cut my hair!
-Harry potter2- I'll duel!
-Dark harbor- Ahhh the slashyish!
-Quinsby Down Under-I like big guns
-King of the Hill- I'll be your magpie!
-Die Hard- no words just drool...
-Michal Collions -traitor!
-Bob Roberts- What great speaking skills! now show me what else you can do with that mouth...
-Harry Potter3- O.o was that Snape protecting Hermione or only trying to get close to her? Questions Questions...
-Close My Eyes- How in the hell could that wife go for her BROTHER over ALAN!
-Sense and Sensibility-...CRY
-January Man- now... we've seen what you can do with oil paint... how about body paint?
-Judas Kiss-well now... I'll screw you side ways... any way you want it!
-Perfume- oh...god...watch me on the cross
-Harry Potter 4- you can drip your truth sirrum in my pumpkin juice any day!
-Harry Potter 5- My Poor Snape...F U James!!!
-Hitchhikers Guide- oooooh! I love you little depressed robot!!!!!
-Something The Lord Made- well... huh... yeaaaahh... I want the teacher not the student.
-Sweeny Todd- gggggaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! please sing to me the rest of my life! oh oh and show me those things from other lands!
-Harry Potter 6- WRONG! he is sexy.. the movie sucked.
-Nobel Son- ... bend... me... over... your...desk.
-Bottle Shock- I'll drink with you!!!
-Love Actually- *cry cry cry*
Wow long time no wight on this thing!!! Anywho... I'm still into Alan and Jason But I'm getting into Legal Drug!!! any wow... what oh what to write about...