![]() Author has written 26 stories for Invader Zim, My Little Pony, Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Happy Tree Friends, WordGirl, Kung Fu Panda, and Dracula. .*stands up from chair in circle* Hi, I'm Gothic Thorn. Currently I write fan fiction for a few cartoons, but mostly My Little Pony. I write mostly romances or the dark and tragic sides to them, of those I do a lot of slash and femmeslash. I usually dislike reading anything off canon, and personally take it upon myself to write as in canon as my plots will allow. Currently I have one continuing mlp story, "Everything I've Felt for You" and a complete twelve shot mlp story, "She Wanted Kids." I love writing one-shots, so expect those too. A few one-shots I'm hoping to make into two-shots. I have plenty of drafts going and many ideas both jotted and unjotted, but another focus of mine is to edit the stories I have now. They need a lot of work. My avatar is a little drawing I did with coloured pencils and took a very low quality photo of with my phone. You probably couldn't tell, but it's Zim giving Dib a forehead kiss. I don't own those characters. As you may have guessed I don't own any of the characters I write for, either. Feel free to scroll down and hear my opinions for pairings and what not for the stories I read/write for/may write for in the future. (Yes I did say opinions. Feel free to disagree... nicely) *sits back down* Invader Zim: Zadr. Zadr. Zadr. Tagr. At times I find DaTr, ZaTr, GaGr, and ZaGir cute enough to read. I may write a story involving a DaTr/ZaTr triangle that will of course lead to ZaDr. Dislikes ZaGr. My Little Pony: I really ship around with these guys. The ones that stand out for me are Pinkieshy, TwiDash, and Rarishy. Other than rearranging the main six together I only really ship Spike and Sweetie Bell. South Park: Stan and Kyle is so my Style. If I'm in the right mood, Kyman or Cartmen/Butters. Billy and Mandy: Well, yeah... Billy and Mandy. Avatar the Last Airbender: Zutara! Sokka and Zuko, sometimes Sokka and Toph... and hey why not? Katara and Toph! Oh, and Jet/Sokka. Harry Potter: Draco and Harry of course! And I wasn't expecting to like it but Draco and Hermione. Care Bears: Funshine and Cheer Bear... in any universe, though mostly the ones with Funshine as a male. I also am found of Grumpy and Share for Adventures in Care-A-Lot and the times after it. Grumpy with Swiftheart for the versions before Adventures in Care-A-Lot. Also I found myself shipping Grumpy with Cheer in that really new version on the Hub. What ever happen to that? It really wasn't the best, but I kept watching for Grumpy, and of course, the ships. Happy Tree Friends: Petunia with Handy, Cuddles with Giggles, Nutty with Flaky, and Handy with Russell. Though to be honest I've lost my interest in this fandom. WordGirl: Tobecky! Kung Fu Panda: I only ship TiPo but I do it strongly. Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends: I'm not sure if I'll ever write for this show, but if I were it would probably be for Wilt and Coco. Adventure Time: Bubbline, Sugarless Gum, whatever you call it, I love it! I'm the fence about Fin and Princess Bubblegum, but I'm thinking I like Fin with the Flame Princess when he's younger to say the least. Thanks for taking the time to read this! |