Author has written 13 stories for Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and Dark Souls. I rewrote this because listing all my stories when they are right below was a little strange, though now I'm left wondering what to put here... Thank you for looking at my profile! I hope you enjoy whatever you find. I first got into fanfiction in April 2012. After a few weeks moping about the disgusting ending to ME3, I stumbled on this amazing community completely by accident, found all I was hoping for and more... and in June 2012 took the plunge of writing my first ever piece of fiction since I left school. It's been one hell of a journey since then, and I want to thank everybody who reads, writes and gives feedback here; you are all wonderful and make the community a better place. My stories tend to feature fShep and Liara in a romantic manner, though on occasion I have branched away when inspiration comes to me from another direction. My reading habits are similar but by no means exclusive. As well as everything below, I also have an entirely original story co-written with my good friend Vector 71 which you can find in my favourites called "Unnatural Selection", under the pen name Vectus. I'm always happy to chat to others here, whether about my stories, their stories, other stories, characters, plots, canon or anything else! |