Reviews for A World Without Shadows
robb1068 chapter 30 . 10/7/2018
Always happy to see a new chapter in this story!

Got a chuckle at Cullen’s role in this chapter... since this story first came out, he’s gone in to have a more prominent part in the third DA game. And a nice touch to have Varric recognize that there was more to his character!

This chapter brought back some of the frustrations I can recall from dealing with the Chantry in DA2. And the Qunari as well (I cannot wait to see that big reveal).

And yeah, the next chapter. That’s going to be a rough one for Hawke and Merrill. I’m glad at least that they have each other.

Thanks for sharing!
Ardnax chapter 30 . 9/24/2018
Looks like it's time to buckle up for a Feels Trip, friends!
Alpenwolf chapter 30 . 9/24/2018
Well, Cullen more in the know and Varric sort of adopting him, it will only be a question of time until he knows that they are apostles and that he will have to question everything ... or leave the order at one point. And poor Amell family.
Candle in the Night chapter 30 . 9/23/2018
Damn as soon as I saw Gamlem at the house my stomach sank. Arguably one of the most devastating things to happen in the entire trilogy. The fact that you've made it just after a pitched battle with Varnell and his lunatics means that Hawke is going to be so fatigued- adrenaline will help but she's going to exhausted, emotionally and physically.

I'm glad that you've included Cullen. He gets a lot of hate for some of the (admitably) bad things that he says in game, but that always feel like the hate that Meredith pumped into him. When you speak to him one on one just in general he always come across well. I believe that what he did in this chapter is faithful to the character, he wouldn't just stand idly by if he thought a Templar like Varnell had gone rogue.

Thank you for writing it- I enjoyed reading it!
Yumikana chapter 30 . 9/23/2018
To quote Varick "Well, Shit!"
jerseydanielgibson chapter 30 . 9/23/2018
Man, sorrow compacted with the interest of sorrow. And honestly that mission (the deligate) was a damn good plotline along with the killer? A great double punch, there. But of all the missions of DA 2, I think "All That Remains" was my favorite because it was certainly not what you were expecting and ended worse than trajectly.
Alpenwolf chapter 29 . 6/15/2018
Shame you haven't updated this for a long time, but I guess life was playing it's pranks again and writing takes time after all.

Nonetheless, the chapters are good, they are flowing well and everyone is in character, i quite enjoyed reading it.
Old Sam's Artisanal Fic chapter 29 . 2/21/2018
Thanks for updating, this is wonderful. And congratulations! Glad the yes vote won out. And I'm deeply horrified that the high-ups in the Anglicans donated church funds to any political campaign, but especially one which stirred up lies and enmity to sustain a policy of callous inequity. But I shouldn't enter comments only to rant. They lost, human diversity displays the artistry of the Maker, and your wedding will be beautiful.
Capulet730 chapter 29 . 2/16/2018
I've only just gotten into DA (late to the party, I know) and this story made me speed up my DA2 play-through to avoid reading spoilers! I love the way the developing relationship between Hawke and Merrill is portrayed, while tying into the advancing plot. You've also put them through the wringer! I want to give them blankets and hot chocolate. An absolutely thrilling read and now one of my favourite stories. Thank you for writing.
jerseydanielgibson chapter 29 . 1/19/2018
Been reading this story for years now. And the update surprised me. But the Author's note charmed me. Being a straight male American Army vet, I've always been pro... it's got thirty terms here, but honestly it just goes down to someone stepping on someone else's personal choice. You want to love who you want, and someone wants to interfere. Ugh. The postal vote thing, though? Seriously someone thought that was good idea? Iraqis vote better than that. I'd expect more brains out of Australia. It's not like you're Canada or anything.

Yeah, read the PM thing. I wish I could laugh, but look who we have for President. You got off light.

Congrats on the vote, and the impeding marriage. Just do it better than us straight folk; we've kinda squandered that freedom with Facebook break-ups and ten thousand retarded dating apps, haven't we? Since you had to fight for yours, I assume you'll appreciate it and cherish it better. For a generation or two. Then you'll muck it up like the rest of us because it's normal and that's not a bad thing at all.
DrZevil chapter 29 . 1/8/2018
Excellent chapter and felicitations on your upcoming nuptials!
Wispr chapter 29 . 1/7/2018
Another great chapter. So enjoy the level of detail you put into your stories, making both the characters and the scenes come alive.

Congratulations on the upcoming wedding!
Yay chapter 29 . 1/2/2018
Hooray! Perfectly timed, I was just finishing re-reading when you updated! Still loving this story, and glad to hear that things are going well!
Guest chapter 29 . 1/1/2018
Candle in the Night chapter 29 . 1/2/2018
Congrats on your forthcoming wedding! I'm delighted for you. While I'm not Australian I was watching the marriage debate with great interest (and dismay at some of the no camp tactics). Even from an outside perspective it seemed ugly, but I'm glad of the result.

I'm also glad to see an update, and my word it was over 20,000 words! A very impressive length filled with beautiful and amusing moments. I loved Aveline's romance quest so was delighted that was included, but I also really like the teasing of Hawke's lineage. It's a fascinating subject considering we know next to nothing of Malcolm. And the gift that Hawke received as well- what wonder could that be? And also Hawke finally discovering Fenris and Anders attraction to her, it certainly took long enough and she needed help but it was good for her to know.

So many interesting plot lines.
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