![]() Author has written 57 stories for X-Men: The Movie, Angel Sanctuary, Naruto, Seimaden, Tokyo Babylon, Bleach, and Transformers/Beast Wars. aka the Lazy Author. My profile has not been updated in a while. coughcoughtwoyearscoughcough I do still actively write faniction but I write almost exclusively for livejournal and honestly, I'm a lazy bitch. I will attempt to update more often however and from there on, who knows. A little basic data about me though. Name(s): El, Bitter, Mich' Sex: Yes please. Oh...wait. Female. _ Age: Old enough to know better. (31) My (Old) Fandoms: aka "Stuff I've written for" Naruto, GodChild/Count Cain, Tokyo Babylon/X1999, Bleach, Angel SanctuarySeimaden Unfortunately, I've pretty well fallen out of the anime sub-culture. In other words, my soul has been eaten wholly and completely by a far more addictive crack known as Transformers. For almost a year, I've written nothing but TF and I don't think there's ever any going back to my old fandoms. (sorry) Beware, I am a slasher and a lot of the fics you'll see here will be about Giant Alien Robots macking on one another. That is to say if they had genders, I'd write them as male/male. You have been warned. XP The condensed list of TF pairings I adore/ship: (in no particular order) Hound/Mirage Jazz/Mirage Swindle/Smokescreen Inferno/Red Alert Ratchet/Wheeljack Prowl/Jazz Skyfire/Starscream Sunstreaker/Sideswipe/Bluestreak Sunstreaker/Bluestreak Ironhide/Chromia But I'll read/write just about anything if properly motivated. XP I write anything from the crackiest fluff to horrible, soul-wrenching dark fic so just bear with me because I've got a head full of crazy mechs and a barrel full of rabid plot bunnies and who KNOWS where it's going to lead me next! -El |