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Joined 12-29-11, id: 3574453, Profile Updated: 11-24-12
Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and Mass Effect.

I'll never give my real name or age online, never a good idea, suffice it to say, I have a name, my age is somewhere between 17 and 70 and I'm Male. I'm hooked to fanfiction, I'm either writing it or reading it in my free time. Harry Potter, Naruto, Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy are my favourite's. Love the Elder Scrolls series, but the fanfction for it is really limited, and even crossover fics or fics with mentions of Elder Scrolls themes are almost impossible to find, at least the good ones. I'll read almost any story I can find if I know what series they're from.

Have a few Favourite Pairings:

Harry Potter:

Harry/Tonks is the absulute best he never had a childhood, she is an overgrown child. She'd relax him and teach him to enjoy life, while he would be reponsible and give her a foundation. They'd make an excellant couple.

Harry/Daphne is pretty much Harry/OC with out the OC, Daphne is a blank slate for an author to create whatever they choose, this is pretty much the same if you pair Harry with characters like Su Li, Tracey Davies, the three chaser girls, even Pansy to an extent, all of them exist in the story but aside from an occasional mention are blank slates, despite Ginny falling into the blank slate category, she also classifies as a Fan Girl so is off by default.

Harry/Fleur is a fun pairings, Fleur would be the older woman who strives to capture the heart of a younger man.

Harry/Gabrielle is another fun pairing, Gabi would be the cute younger girl vying for the attention of the older man.


Naruto/femHaku is an epic, unfortunately there aren't many good ones, those two just seem so right together, coming from hardship, the few who helped them shaping their lives, I like that.

Naruto/Kurotsuchi, falling for the enemy, what's not to like about that.

Kingdom Hearts:

Sora/Kairi, the best and sweetest romance there is, they are just perfect, I will except no substitutes.

Final Fantasy:

I don't really have a favorite pairing here, all the characters I like have multiple love interests that all make good stories. So... Final Fantasy Pairing's = Awesome.

Mass Effect:

Shepard/Tali no explanation is needed, Talimancers Unite!

Shepard/Liara not as good as as Tali but damned close.

Couple of pairings I hate.

Harry Potter:

Harry/Hermione while she has been one of his closest friends, I just don't like her character for Harry, she trusts authority way to much considering authority figure are always screwing them over, she lacks common sense ie summer after forth year, she couldn't make a phone call or even send a letter through regular mail? And is often petty ie book six with the Half-Blood Prince book, all in all not a good match.

Harry/Fan Girl, no this isn't just Ginny, characters like her and Romilda Vane are only interested in fame and money, I wouldn't let them anywhere near any hero in case they decided to poke a hole in a condom, or 'forget' to take a controceptive.


Naruto/Sakura, she's a bitch, plain and simple.

Naruto/Hinata, maybe if she grew a spine and actually helped Naruto instead of just watching him fail I could get to like her, but the character is always the same, waiting for Naruto to make a move and doing nothing in the meantime.

Kingdom Hearts:

Anything that breaks up Sora and Kairi...

Final Fantasy:

Not a one, all of the pairings are awesome.

Mass Effect:

Garrus/Tali, I don't know it just feels wrong.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Entropic Effect reviews
Following the activation of the Crucible, Shepard is given a choice by a rather eccentric figure.
Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Parody - Chapters: 6 - Words: 20,617 - Reviews: 47 - Favs: 142 - Follows: 158 - Updated: 12/5/2012 - Published: 11/24/2012 - Shepard
The Mysterium Xarxes reviews
Harry Potter, sick and tired of the Wizarding World, set's out to destroy it and with the help of the infamous Mysterium Xarxes... The World Will BURN! Canceled.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 20 - Words: 30,701 - Reviews: 105 - Favs: 189 - Follows: 178 - Updated: 1/20/2012 - Published: 12/31/2011 - Harry P., N. Tonks