Author has written 5 stories for Glee. I figured it was about time to update my profile :P I'm 22 and a girl. I'm a serial lurker. I love Finchel. I think those two are inherently vulnerable with each other and seeing that is simply gorgeous. I read more than I should. I'm serious, it's an obsession. Finally, please know I will always try my best to share the stories my messy brain comes up with. I don't post for reviews, or praise. I think that authors that put a condition regarding the amounts of reviews required for them to publish the next chapter are just mean. It's not about that, writing should never be about that. For me, writing and especially in a site like this is just to share a common interest with like-minded people who want/need an escape and at the same time, support for their ship. It's not that I don't like reviews, I love your comments and all... it's simply not my priority or underlying reason to do this. Ultimately, if a story is read by one or one million it doesn't matter. All that's important is for me to reach at least one of you. That being said, my only wish is for you to enjoy. Any questions or random comments, don't be afraid to PM me. Love you all. P.S. Current song wish for Finchel: Poison and Wine, Civil Wars. |
SciFiMom2000 (12) |