I everyone, I'm honestly so sorry about taking so long to update! I had two deaths in my family and I just came out of a deep depression. I will try to update every week but Im not sure if I can. I will make a promise that there will be two chapters every month. So please harass me on my twitter account, msbrowdwayberry and enjoy the story.

Who says you can't date your step-brother?

Chapter Three: Did he just…?

Finn wrapped his arms around her petite body, rubbing her back soothingly as they tangle their tongues together, trying win dominance over the make out session. Hearing her moan out his name in between her breaths for air only made him grow harder by the second. He felt her slowly pull away and look down at him, her eyes full of lust. Finn slow ran his tongue along his bottom and top lip, watch her, waiting for her next move. That's when he heard his alarm clock go off.

He groaned and slightly opened his eyes to look at the time which read eight o'clock in the morning. He grumbled under his breath at the time and at his wet dream. Well, at least he had that to brighten his morning. Finn wasn't exactly sure why he kept having these sexual dreams about Rachel but he sure as hell wasn't going to argue with them.

Rising from his bed and rubbing the tiredness from his eyes, Finn made his way to his bathroom. Once he was in there he closed the door while letting out a small yawn. He started up the shower and undressed, stepping into the steamy getaway. He wasn't sure how long he was in there but he sang about three Journey songs and a ACDC song before he heard banging on the door.

Finn could only let out another groan in frustration because he knew exactly who it was and what she wanted. Even though those wet dreams of Rachel were nice, she was still a huge pain in his ass. It was like he was into her or anything, she just was hot enough for him to fantasize about. He shut off the water, stepped out of the shower and wrapping his towel around himself heading for the door.

Rachel stood impatiently at the door, waiting for Finn to answer so she could scold him on his alarm clock being too loud and waking her up early. I mean, who did he think he was for setting his alarm clock for eight o'clock in the morning. Didn't he know they weren't in school anymore?

"What Rachel?" Finn said in almost a sigh as he swung the door open to look down at her.

She couldn't believe what she saw in front of her, Finn Hudson her step brother in only a towel that sculpted his muscles perfectly. She had to clear her thought and blink a few times to rid her mind of vile thoughts.

"I just wanted to know when you were going to be done because you know there are other people in this house that need to shower." She placed her hands on her hips looking up at him, a bit annoyed.

"Well I'm done know so go ahead," He walked past her, brushing against her slightly because of the so little space there was when both of them walked threw the doorway. As he walked past her he heard the door close shut and the water start up.

Finn got dressed in his swim trunks and old football shirt that he got last year when he made varsity. He quickly ran his fingers through his hair to mess it up the way he liked it and then made his way downstairs into the kitchen. It kind of felt weird without his mother and Leroy there, but he like that it was just him and Rachel. He would love it though if it was just him.

Rachel got out of the shower about a half hour later, wrapping her towel around her body as she hummed softly to herself and walked out into her bedroom. She got dressed in her bathing suit and put a cute short cover up dress over it before putting her hair up in a messy bun.

She heard a crashing sound from downstairs and ran down to see what had happened. She walked over to the entrance of the kitchen and stopped in her tracks when she saw a broken plate on the floor and Finn looking at her.

"What the hell did you do that for?" She said looking at him like he was a three year old who didn't know any better.

"I didn't do it on purpose! It just slipped out of my hand and fell," He bent down to the floor, picking up the pieces of ceramic plate with his hands. "It was an accident Rachel. Chill out."

"No! Don't pick it up with your hands, you'll get cut and get an infection." She carefully watched where her feet landed on the kitchen floor and walked over to where the small broom and dust pan were.

She carefully walked back over to Finn, handing him the utensils and watching as he swept up the broken pieces. She started to micromanage him on how the sweep up the pieces properly until he turned his head to her. If looks could kill she'd be beat to a pulp. She was quiet while he finished up, stood to throw out the broken plate and returned to dustpan and broom to its rightful home.

"So what's for breakfast beside broken plate?" Rachel said with a slight smirk.

Finn just glared at her as he took down another plate from the cabinet, not dropping and breaking this one.

"Whats that?" Rachel said looking around and then back at him. "Oh yeah, that's the sound of me not getting in trouble while I bag on you. Ha!"

Finn just rolled his eyes and then decided to work a hurt puppy dog angle on her. "Well I actually was going to make us both pancakes, that was actually your plate I was taking out." He said with a sigh. "But I was so nervous that I wouldn't have enough time to surprise you. I wanted to have them done and ready by the time you got out of the shower." He sent her a hurt look and then looked back down at the plate in front of him.

Rachel had actually fallen for this whole routine, she swooned at his sap story and placed her hand on her chest, actually feeling bad that she was mean to him.

"Finn, I'm so sorry I didn't know that's what you were doing. Here I'll make the pancakes."

He nodded slowly, still looking down at his plate before looking up at her. "Okay," He couldn't help but let the smirk seep through his lips. "Thanks Rach. That really means a lot to me." He turns on his heals and walks off to the living room.

Rachel is stunned by what he just pulled and stands in the middle of the kitchen with her mouth hung up wide in shock.

"You, you tricked me!" She yelled from her spot in the kitchen which earned a laugh from Finn.

"Yup, and you made a joke about me dropping the plate so I'd say we're even for today."

Rachel just shook her head and him and began to make breakfast for the both of them. She should have know when she was woken up by his alarm clock this morning that it was going to be a long day.

A little after they both at breakfast, Rachel sat out on the deck while she soaked in the sun and Finn swam around in the low end of the pool, shooting the mini basketball into the portable basketball hoop. It was around noon and they hadn't talked since breakfast. Rachel was perfectly fine with that though; she was till kind of ticked of at him.

"Rachel, why don't you come in and shoot some hoops with me? I'm bored as hell and you look that way too." Finn said looking at her, laying out on the sun bathing chair.

She sat up and looked at him. "I'll assure you that I'm having a lot of fun right now."

He sighed and shook his head, looking at her again, almost pleading this time. "Come on Rach, just one small game and then you can go back to getting sun poisoning."

This comment by him made her laugh softly. "Alright fine, one game though Finn." She got up off the chair and walked over to the steps of the pool. She hissed softly when she felt the temperature by putting her feet in.

"Shit, this pool is cold. I'm not going in." She looked at him and then stepped out of the pool, walking back over to her chair.

Finn on the other hand made a quick and quiet swim over to the stairs as soon as she turned her back. He stealthily climbed the pool, stairs and snatched Rachel up in his arms, earning a shriek from her.

"Finn what are you doing?" Rachel tried to push his strong arms off of her body as she was lifted up into the air.

He started to walk back to the pool with a smirk. "The waters not cold if you just jump in," His comment makes her gasp and squirm a bit more but before she has time to say anything, she's thrown into the pool. Finn followed after her and jumped in.

When his head surfaced the pool he was face to face with an angry looking Rachel who splashed water in his face. He turned away and she kept splashing him until she started to laugh a bit at how amusing it was. He smiled and started to splash her back as well.

It soon broke out into a splash fight, Rachel laughing and trying to splash Finn while trying to shield herself off from his splashes. Finn could only smile at her laughter and splashed her lightly. After a few minutes the splashing died down and they just looked at each other, smiling.

They hadn't realized how close they were standing to one another, their breathing a bit heavy due to the splashing and laughing. They also didn't realize that they were inching closer to one another in the pool until their bodies were only inches apart compared to how they were in the beginning of the splash war which was feet apart.

Rachel looked up into Finn's warm, welcoming hazel brown eyes. All thoughts of being mad at him or him even being almost like her brother had left her mind. The only thing that was registering in her brain was how good Finn's lips must be to kiss.

Finn looked down at the girl, woman standing in front of him. He didn't see her as being hot anymore but being beautiful. Her deep brown eyes that felt as if they were looking into his soul, and those plump pink soft lips that must taste so delicious once kissed.

They both hesitantly leaned into one another, the closer their lips become the more their eyes began to close. Once they were just millimeters away from kissing, Rachel opened her eyes and looked up at Finn's closed eyes and his lips. She knew it'd be wrong not to kiss him at this point.

So she closed the space between them and kissed his lips lightly and softly. After about three seconds or so they both pulled away and looked at one another, only there was something weird surging through both of them. It was this heat, passion that they felt toward each other.

So Finn was the one to close the gap this time and instead of kissing Rachel softly, he kissed her deeply and passionately on her lips. She reacted by kissing him back with the same fiery passion and wrapping her arms around his neck, while his arms looped around her back, pulling her close.

And the full out make-out session in the pool began.

And that's the end of Chapter three. Hope it was worth the wait. Sorry again that I was gone for so long but I hope to have Chapter four up by either Thursday or Friday. If not then next week.