As Rachel walked down the halls of McKinley with Kurt and Quinn on her sides, deeply engaged in a discussion about who's the better Roger, Will Chase or Adam Pascal. Usually Rachel would have been on Quinn's side and said that Will Chase was better, but she couldn't focus on anything they were saying.
She was so confused. She felt like one big questionmark. Why had Finn run away like that? What happened to his face? Was he okay? Was he mad at her? Is that why he ran away? What was going on? What had happened to his face? Did he get mugged? Or attacked? Was he in a carcrash? Did someone do this him? Just the thought of any of this happening to Finn was making her sick to her stomach. He was fine when she saw him yesterday, so whatever happened to him must have happened after they said goodnight. But that was pretty late, what could have happened after 11? She was gonna see him in a few minutes in Spanish, she would talk to him there. Right?
As they entered the classroom, Rachel shook her head, trying to focus on what was going on around her and not Finn. They sat down at their usual spot in the front row, they never had to worry about being late and not getting the seat they wanted, since no one else wanted to sit in the front. To easy for the teacher to see what you were doing, but for Rachel, Kurt and Quinn it was not a problem. Sure they talked in class, but they weren't on facebook or twitter like everyone else. They actually wanted to learn something. They were gonna go to New York after all.
"Rachel, please tell Kurt he's wrong." Quinn said, and Rachel finally snapped out of her thoughts.
"Kurt you're wrong." She said, not knowing exactly what he was wrong about. She knew Kurt would tell her, even without knowing it, so she simply smiled at his offended look.
"Adam Pascal IS Roger. He was the first one, after all." Of course, they were still talking about Rent. This discussion had been going on for weeks now, and it still didn't seem close to ever ending. Not that Rachel minded, it was kinda funny. Especially with her and Quinn, ganging up on Kurt.
"Just because he was the first, doesn't make him better." Quinn said, saying the exact same thing Rachel was just thinking.
"There was a reason they hired him first." Kurt said, pulling his Spanish book and notes up from his bagpack, and finding the page from last time. Kurt was what you'd call a school junkie, he always had been. He had also dreamed about going to NYU, since he could spell it. Kindergarten.
"There's also a reason Will Chase took over." Rachel said.
"It's been running for over 12 years, not even I could perform the same show everyday for 12 years."
"Not even Wicked?" Rachel asked, she knew what he meant. As much as she herself wanted to be on Broadway, she couldn't do the same play for over 12 years. Plus, she had a whole list of all the roles she dreamt of playing, if she was gonna play the same character for so long, she would have to still be performing in her 100's.
"Well of course that's the exception. But you still know what I mean."
"I still think he's better." Rachel said, finding a blank page in her notebook, and her favorite pink pencil, that she decorated with glitter. It was sparkling.
"As long as we can agree that Adam Kantor is the best Mark." Quinn said cutting in. If there was one thing they did agree on, it was that Adam Kantor IS the best Mark, ever.
"Well obviously." Kurt said, like it was the most simple thing in the world. "I mean seriously, Drew Lachey? What where they thinking?"
"I have no idea." Quinn said, making Rachel laugh. A lot more students had arrived as well as Mr. Schuester who was looking through some papers at his desk, but the person that caught Rachel's attention, was the one who walked into the classroom just as she began laughing. Finn.
The bruises on his face looked even worse, now that she could clearly see him. His right eye was completely black, and half closed, she wondered how much he could see through it. The cut under his eye had dried blood around it, making it look even worse. The cut on his lip looked like it was about to burst, while his under lip was swollen so badly.
She looked up at his eyes, and was surprised to see the panic in them. Even though she couldn't hear it, she could see that he was hyperventilating, his eyes wide, he looked like he wanted to run for his life. But he didn't. He stood completely still, holding her gaze, and Rachel could practically see the panic rise within him. Was he okay? He certainly didn't look okay? She knew she had told herself she would talk to him, but she felt like she could barely move. So she sat still, feeling like she wasn't even breathing.
"Finn?" Mr. Schue said, making Rachel look away from Finn and to him. He got up from his desk and slowly started walking towards Finn. "Finn are you okay?" His voice was full of concern, and Rachel could hear he was trying to stay calm. Rachel looked back at Finn, and immediately met his eyes. He never looked away from her, and Rachel wondered why he didn't run away, he looked like he really wanted to. And just as she thought it, he did run. He started slowly walking backwards, still looking at her. It was like he was trying to say something, but couldn't.
Mr. Schuester said his name again, and Finn tore his eyes away from Rachel to look at him, then back at Rachel, and then he ran out. He turned around and practically ran out the door, Mr. Schuester called after him again, but all Rachel could hear was his quick footsteps that turned into running footsteps. Mr. Schue turned around and his eyes met Rachel's, worry clear on his face.
"All right guys, let's take it from where we left off yesterday. Page 25." He said, quickly turning attention away from Finn and back to class. It didn't work though, whisper spread through the classroom, as everyone tried to figure out what'd just happened. Rachel could see that even Mr. Schue was thinking the same thing, as he looked down at her he gave her a small smile. Like trying to tell her it was going to be okay.
"What was that?" Kurt asked and Rachel turned to look at him.
"I don't know." She answered truthfully.
"Is he okay?" Quinn asked, and Rachel couldn't help but smile at the matching worry looks she and Kurt had.
"I don't know." She answered, again truthfully. She had no idea what was going on.
"I thought you guys were dating?" Kurt asked, making Rachel look away from.
"We're not." Right now it felt like that was the only thing she did know, they were defintly not dating.
If there was one thing Rachel hated, it was school assemblies. All the students, teachers, cafeteria workers, even the janitors, every single member of the school all crowded into the tiny gym hall. During gym class, there was plenty of space. But then there was only 20 students and a teacher, not all 300 members of the school. There was always so warm, the air that you breathed in someone else just breathed out, it was so gross. And somehow Rachel always ended up near someone with a cold. Always. And it's not like you can move, or even adjust yourself, cause everyone is so close. Thankfully it was usually only about 5 minutes, then they could go back to school, but that was 5 minutes to much.
"What do you think this is about?" Quinn asked.
"Probably another one of Figgins' powerpoint presentations." Kurt answered, his voice sounding as bored as he looked.
"Again. We just had that?" Quinn said, moving closer to Rachel as the boy next to her started coughing violently.
"Yeah well Figgins love them. He makes one for every small issue, that man has wayyyyyyy too much free time." Kurt said giving Rachel a 'you know I'm right' look. He was right though, principal Figgins liked to make powerpoint presentations, so far he'd made one about violence, drugs, teen violent, alcohol awareness, driving and texting, drinking and driving, speeding while driving, unprotected sex, the importance of college. The intension behind it was good enough, problem is Figgins had a way of taking the most interresting thing in the world and turn it into the most boring thing in the world.
"Oh my God!" Quinn squeaked, leaning against Rachel so much Rachel was falling into Kurt, as the boy next to hear coughed again, right in her face. Rachel started laughing at the horrified look on Quinn's face.
"You better not get sick right before my birthday." Kurt said, making Quinn glare at him with an 'are you kidding me' look.
"I'm trying." She said, staring at Kurt with that look on her face, making Rachel laugh again. "And your birthday is a month away." She said, as she sat up straight again, moving as close to Rachel as she possibly could.
"If you get mono or something, I'm not gonna let you into my house. You are not ruining this for me Quinn." Kurt said, wiggling his finger in Quinn's face, but she just continued glaring at him. "Oh are we still on for dress shopping today?" Kurt said, his voice changing to excitement, as he remembered their agreement.
"We are." Rachel answered.
"Can your Dad still drive us?" Kurt asked. From the corner of Rachel's eye she could see Quinn looking at something near the door, but she didn't care to turn around and see what it was.
"Yes. He promised. If he cancels I'm going to kill him." Her Dad had a bad habit of canceling, due to extra work at the practice.
"Quinn you wanna come or are you still going with your sister?" Kurt asked, both of them looking at Quinn who didn't seem to have heard them. "Quinn." Kurt tried again, and this time Quinn looked back at them. "You wanna go dress shopping with us after school?" Before Kurt had the chance to ask his question Quinn had turned her head again.
"Rachel?" She asked, she sounded upset about something or worried. "Is Finn okay?" She asked, making Rachel immediately look in the direction she was looking. Finn was standing by the door, looking as panicked as he did in Spanish class. More and more people were entering through the door, walking past him and looking back at him as they passed him, some even walked into him. He didn't seem to notice though, as he stared around the small gym hall. Almost as if he'd never been there before.
Part of Rachel felt anger rise within her, what was he up to? Why was he running away from her? She was starting to think this was some kind of game to him. Yesterday she'd been sure there was something between them, that eventually with time they something. They had gone on a date. Or was that just part of his game. After today she couldn't tell, it was so confusing, she knew it was part of his bipolar to change back and forth, but it was starting to hurt her feelings.
Every bit of anger she was feeling towards him dissapeared when her eyes met his. He looked so a little boy lost in a shopping mall full of people, unable to find his Mom. She gave him a small smile but instead of returning it he looked to the ground. She couldn't stand the look on his face, it made her stomach turn in knots. She made eyecontact again, smiled and waved her hand for him to come join them. She could see shock spread on his face, like he hadn't expected that. He stayed still though, another guy walked into him and he looked like he was ready to run. She waved again while mouthing "come on" smiling sweetly at him. She wasn't exactly sure what she was doing, but something in her told her he needed her right now. Whatever issues she had, had to wait. She could see Finn take a deep breath before slowly walking towards her. His legs wobbly and his face as pale as snow, she wondered if maybe he was sick.
"What are you doing?" Kurt asked, lowly so Finn couldn't hear him.
"What my heart is telling me." She answered, smiling at Finn who was just a few steps away from them, looking more terrified than before.
"Thank God you're not heartless." Quinn whispered, just as Finn reached them.
"Hi Finn, sit." Rachel said, trying to make room for him between her and Quinn by pushing at Kurt, who to Rachel's surprise asked the girl next to him to move a little, creating enough room for Finn to sit down. The second he sat down both his legs began frantically bobbing up and down, of key. His right one would hit the floor while the left one was in the air, she wondered if it was on purpose. She looked from his legs and up to his face, he didn't seem to be paying any attention to his legs. Instead he was biting his lip, hard, while looking around the room. His entire body screaming uncomfortable. "Finn are you okay?" She asked concerned, putting a hand on his leg, it didn't stop moving though.
"Fine." He said, but Rachel knew it was a lie. Either that or his body and his mind was having very diffrent ideas of 'fine'. "So uhm...what's gonna happen?" He asked, burying his hands in his pockets.
"Wait you've never been to an assembly before?" Kurt asked curious. He'd gone to this school for 4 years now, how could he not have been at an assembly before?
"No." He said, shaking his head and biting his lip even harder.
"Well usually Figgins just talks, he makes these powerpoint presentations or he'll just announce something, like when the school fotografi's coming." Kurt said, and Finn gave him a small nod. A deep frown on his face, and as he bit his lip again Rachel could see his bottom lip quiver violent, like he was about to cry.
"It'll be over in 5 minutes." She said, squeezing his leg and giving him a reassuring smile, but he didn't react, he just looked forward. She wanted to hug him so badly, and just tell him everything was gonna be okay, and find out all of his little secrets so she could help him. She saw Quinn give him a small smile, looking like she was thinking the same thing Rachel was. She caught eyecontact with Quinn and she gave her a reassuring smile, she must have seen the worried look on Rachel's face.
"Attention students." Principal Figgins' voice rang through the speaker system, making Rachel look away from Finn and up at him. "Today we have a special guest speaker. Officer Williams is here to talk about the danger of fireworks, since New Year's eve is coming up in a couple of months. I ask you to please mute or turn of your phones." In that moment Finn got up from his seat and ran straight for the door, dissapearing in the sunlight of the parkinglot. As if out of reflex Rachel got up and ran after him, as she did she could feel the eyes of every student on her. Principal Figgins kept on talking, trying to take attention away from Finn and Rachel and back to the policeman. When she was almost at the door, she saw Mr. Schue turn around from looking after Finn and their eyes locked. He mouthed 'car' and smiled at her. Car? What was he talking about? Did he want her to drive somewhere? Maybe to her Dad, she should probably call him. Car? What...?
As she pushed through the gym doors she was met by the sunlight burning into her eyes. She ignored the slight burning and searched the parkinglot for Finn, he was standing a few feets away from her, leaning forward while throwing up. His hands were rested on his knees, gripping his pants tightly, as he was having trouble breathing. He couldn't have had any breakfast cause all he was throwing up was water mixed with spit.
Rachel rubbed small circles on his back, and watched him as he tried taking deep breaths. All the content of his stomach having been emptied it was only the motion. Rachel knew that was almost as uncomfortable as when something was actually coming up. Suddenly he fell down, Rachel reaching out trying to steady him. He leaned against the brick wall of the gym, gripping his pants tightly while his legs scraped against the asphalt, the exact same way they had the day Mr. Schue had called her Dad to the school.
"Finn." Rachel said, as she sank down next to him, tears starting to form in her own eyes. "Finn." She tried again but he didn't respond, he didn't even look at her. He just stared into the air, hyperventilating, his bottom lip wobbling, his eyes wet. "Finn." Rachel's voice breaking along with her feelings at the sight of him, tears fell down her cheeks as she watched him break down in front of her. She wanted so badly to just reach out and hold him. "Finn please." Still no repsonse, he didn't even acknowledge her.
She rubbed his knee a few times and noticed the bulge of his toy car in his pocket. Car. That's what Mr. Schue meant. She pulled it out of his pocket, not as easy as one would have thought, Finn didn't even seem to notice she was pulling at him.
"Here Finn, take it." She gave him the car, clutching it into his hand, he looked down at it, the first time she managed to get his attention. Running it back and forth on his leg, Rachel watched him in awe, not sure of how she could help him, her heart was racing like crazy, probably nothing compared to Finn's.
His breathing started to slow down, and Rachel could hear him concentrating on breathing in and out in time with the car running back and forth. Most likely a thing her Dad taught him, when Rachel was little and would get carsick he always told her to breathe in, count to three, breathe out and count to three. And to keep doing that, until she felt better, as she got older she had learned it also helped keep her mind of the nausea.
As Rachel started to get lost in her thoughts, she heart the door open behind her, she was surprised to see Kurt coming out holding a glass of water.
"You okay?" He asked, handing Rachel the glass, looking from her to Finn and back.
"Yeah, I think so." Rachel answered, looking at Finn who seemed to be long gone in his own thoughts, not even noticing Kurt.
"Good." Kurt said lowly, going back inside.
"You want some water?" A little to Rachel's surprise Finn nodded and took the water. Taking a big sip.
"How pathetic am i?" Finn said, chuckling sarcasticly.
"I don't think you're pathetic." Rachel responded before her mind had time to process what was happening. Finn looked at her curiously.
"Why not?" He asked, not breaking eye contact with her.
"It's not your fault." Rachel sat down next to him." She felt really bad for Finn, no one in their right mind would think of themselv as pathetic when suffering from bipolar.
"Still." He took another sip of water, looking away from Rachel. Not sure what to do Rachel got ready to get back up.
"Ready to go back in?"
"NO!" Finn almost yelled, surprising Rachel. "I dont't wanna go back in there." He sounded ashamed of himself. He started running the car up and down his leg again, making Rachel worried.
"Finn what happened?"
"I don't really like people." He answered, looking down at his car. "I can't really explain it, it just kind of happens."
"Does my Dad know?" Finn nodded yes. She should probably take Finn to see her Dad, he would know what to do. "Then let's go see him." Rachel stood up quickly, ready to leave.
"I'm going there after school, I don't think we should disrupt him."
"You need him now Finn, come on. I know he won't mind, I'll call him on the way." Her voice left no room for argue, she grabbed her bag and held out a hand for Finn, she knew she sounded a bit mad. She might not know that much about Finn, but she did know he needed her Dad. Now.
She called her Dad in the car, and just like she expected he wanted them to come in immediately. She sat down next to Finn in the waiting room, he hadn't said a word since they left. They were the only ones there, the only sound in the big room was Pattie talking on the phone. The door to her Dad's office opened and Finn sat up straight. An older women stepped out, holding a hankercheif, looking like she had been crying. She watched her Dad give her arm a small squeeze before sending her on her way. He turned to Finn and Rachel and called for Finn to enter, holding the door open for him. Finn got up and started walking towards him, halfway there he stopped and turned to Rachel.
"You coming?" He asked, taking Rachel by surprise.
"Yes." She got up and walked after him, as she walked pass her father he raised an eyebrow at her, obviously as surprised by Finn's request as her.
She sat down next to Finn on the couch, her Dad sat across them in his big chair, holding his notepad and pen.
"So Finn what happened?" He asked, sounding generally concerned.
"I sort of panicked." Finn answered playing with his fingers.
"Okay, what started it?" It sounded very routinely, clearly not Finn's first panicattack.
"Well, I was at the school assembly." Finn started when he was interrupted by her Dad shooting up straight in his chair.
"Wait you went in there? Finn that's huge, you've never been to an assembly before." Her Dad sounded really excited by this new information. Wait? Finn had never been to an assembly? How was that even possible? Her rant of questions was interrupted by Finn's respond.
"It's not like it went that well."
"That doens't matter. You did it. You entered the gym, with all the other students there. It doesn't matter what the outcome is, what's important is you did it. Finn we've talked about this, the important thing to focus on is what you did do. You overstepped your own boundary, and you succesed. I'm very proud of you." Rachel couldn't help smiling at her Dad's words, and so did Finn when he slapped his knee with the notepad and gave him an 'okay'.
"Yeah." Finn responded, looking up at her Dad quickly and then back down. "I just feel like an idiot."
"You're not an idiot Finn." Her Dad interrupted, trying to meet Finn's eyes. "You're a very sweet, bright, funny, kind, polite young boy and you have the rest of your life ahead of you. Even though it doesn't always feel like it. And I know you don't think so, but today was a huge success, everyday is. You just gotta stay postive, even though it's hard." Her Dad's rambling was interrupted by a knock on the door and Pattie announcing that Mrs. Hart was here.
"I gotta take that Finn, but if you need to you still have your usual session afterwards at 3." He said, standing up. Finn stood up to, so did Rachel. She still wasn't sure why Finn had asked her to come in. This was obviously private.
Rachel watched as her Dad pulled Finn in and placed his hands on either side of his face, forcing him to look at him. "You did good today, I'm proud of you." He gently slapped Finn's cheek, earning him a small laugh from Finn.
Rachel got her bag and walked towards the door, when she remembered she and Kurt were suppose to go shopping today.
"Oh Dad, don't forget you have drive me and Kurt to the mall." Rachel immediately recognised the look on her fathers face as she reminded him. It was the look of 'sorry sweet, i'm gonna have to cancel.
"Look honey." He started but Rachel wasn't having it, he had promised her weeks ago.
"Daaad. You are not doing this to me, you promised." She pleaded.
"I'm sorry sweety, we'd do it tomorrow, I promise."
"I've heard that before." She knew she was being unfair but she didn't care. "You promised Kurt and I you would take us shopping, it's not fair."
"I know honey, I'm sorry. What about Kurt's Dad, can't he drive?"
"No he's busy, you know that." Her Dad ran a hand through his hair and down his face, before noticing Finn, Rachel had completely forgotten about Finn for a second there.
"Finn, can you drive them?" He asked, to Rachel's surprise.
"I...I don't know." Finn stammered, clearly taken aback but the request.
"You just have to drive to the mall, wait around while they look through endless amounts of clothes, it could be fun." Rachel wasn't sure what to think of this. Or if she hoped Finn said yes or no. She felt Finn's eyes on her and she turned to find his eyes staring directly into hers. He turned his attention back to her Dad.
As Finn's car pulled up in front of Kurt's house, Kurt was already waiting outside on the porch. She watched Kurt be surprised by the strange car parking in front of his house, from the sidewindow. She rolled down a little and, saw as Kurt recognised her, running towards the car excited. She also saw the look on his face when he saw Finn.
This would be interresting.
A/N: Sorry for the long wait!
RIP Cory Monteith, may you be in a better place!