Author has written 5 stories for Danny Phantom, and Total Drama series.
Hello everyone! I hope you all have been doing well. I haven't done anything on here in a large amount of time so I thought I'd give you all an update. I currently am in college striving for a major in creative writing. I'm working through creating my first novel. Needless to say I have become more busy than I have been in the past. So what does this mean? I am officially going on an indefinite hiatus. This does not mean I'm giving up on any projects, I do intend to finish everything I've started. That might be in a month from now or over a year, I'm not so sure myself. I would love to go back and rewrite a lot of my past work as well, but that's a whole other thing. I just wanted everyone who still might be enjoying my past stuff that I haven't forgotten any of it. I want to become better and care more for what I'm writing so please consider this a good thing. If you have a question or comment or just feel like messaging me then please leave me a PM. I actually check them whenever I get a notification,and I respond more often than not. Thanks for the support! Love you all!
Issamel Rise
Hey there, Issamel here. yeah... sorry about not updating like any stories in forever. I got major writer's block for my fanfics and my original stories. On top of that I've been looking at colleges and trying to find an agent for my writing. So I've been really busy to say the least. I won't be able to get to my laptop again until May-ish but you will be getting chapter updates of both Total Drama: Beyond, Of C.I.T.'s and Delinquents, and and new Danny Phantom fic I'm planning called The Other Side of Life. Very briefly I'll tell you all what's coming up in each story.
Total Drama: Beyond - A winner will be picked after going to the final locations of the tour. The film lot and good old Camp Wawanakwa. The finale will remain a secret Of C.I.T.'s and Delinguents - emotions and relationships are going to fluctuate and it's going to be one heck of a roller coaster ride. The Other Side of Life - During the summer transition from freshman to sophomore year Danny is sent to his Aunt and Uncle's western home. Everything is fine and dandy until one envious ghost hunter sets his sights on Danny. Shocked- After a bad weather storm Danny starts to have painful and life endangering flashbacks. VERY
A good hello to my Danny Phantom and Melissa Ghost fans. I am here because I'm guessing that most of you didn't like the way I had "ended" the story. Now I know what you're thinking 'Ohmygosh! Issamel put quotations around ended which means that there's going to be another part in it!" To respond to that, you are correct but also incorrect... I will most likely
be doing a joint fanfiction with Brit98 (check out her amazing stories guys!!!!!) However it will be containing not only my OCs but her own. I have set up the atmosphere perfectly for this all to be happening. If you want to get a feel for her characters though I want you all to go read her story New Allies and it's sequel. It will give you a great understanding of whats going on and when. That's all for this time!
Hello there! you have successfully found Issamel's profile! YAY for you! Don't forget to take the poll that you see above. Here's some stuff about me:
Issamel Rise
Real Name:
Like I would actually tell you... ;p Okay I'll give you a hint, my real name is in one of my stories, you just have to figure out
Favorite Shows:
Danny Phantom, Regular Show, Adventure Time, Criminal Minds, Total Drama series, Grojband, Big Brother, Over the Garden Wall, Gravity Falls, The Blacklist
Favorite Movies:
The Lion King, In Bruges, The Grand Budapest Hotel.
Favorite Books:
Warriors series.
Favorite Plays:
Peter and the Star Catcher (he he. starstuff)
Favorite TV Character:
Duncan (from the Total Drama series)
Favorite Sport: Colorguard... (no we are not 'flag twirlers' and if you ever call 'us' that then I can no longer talk to you or tolerate you. I'm serious especially since I just became the Captain)
Couples that I ship:
Total Drama series:
DuncanxCourtney (Aww, Duncney {I hate Gwuncan})
GwenxTrent (however I think that Gwent is cute)
NoahxCody (NoCo for the win)
Nick MalloryxNick Mallory (He only belongs with himself)
List twelve of your favorite characters, in no particular order. Then answer the questions about them. (These characters are from Danny Phantom and the Total Drama series)
1. Danny Phantom
2. Cody
3. Sam Manson
4. Duncan
5. Tucker Foley
6. Noah
7. Valerie Gray
8. Courtney
9. Zoey
10. Bridgette
11. Geoff
12. Trent
1. Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to?
Noah and Geoff. No and I don’t want to.
2. Do you think Four is hot? How hot?
Duncan. Yes. Not super-hot but pretty hot.
3. What you happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant?
Trent and Courtney. Gosh that would be really awkward for Duncan.
4. Can you recall any fics about Nine?
Zoey. Haven’t read any.
5. Would Two and Six make a good couple?
Noah and Cody. Ha! NoCo for the win!
6. Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why?
Tucker/Zoey or Tucker/Bridgette. Well Bridgette has a boyfriend already so I would say Tucker and Zoey.
7. What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve "going at it"?
Valerie Gray, Cody, and Trent. Valerie would shoot off a gun before running off in fear and Cody would say, “Hey you’re not Noah!”
8. Is there any such thing as a One/Eight fluff?
Danny Phantom and Courtney. Oh gosh I hope not!
9. Suggest a title for Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic.
Valerie and Trent. Guns, Ghosts, and Guitars.
10. Do any of your friends read Three het?
Sam Manson. I don’t think so.
11. Do any of your friends write or draw Eleven?
Geoff. No.
12. Would any of your friends write Two/Four/Five?
Cody, Duncan, and Tucker. NO!
13. If you wrote a songfic about Eight, what song would you choose?
Courtney. Shadow of the Day by Linkin’ Park.
14. If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be?
Danny Phantom, Noah, and Trent. Holy crap. Just don’t read!
15. When was the last time you read a fic about Five?
Tucker. Never have.
16. (1) and (7) are in a happy relationship until (9) runs off with (7). (1), brokenhearted, has a hot one-night stand with (11) and a brief unhappy affair with (12), then follows the wise advice of (5) and finds true love with (3). What title would you give this fic?
Danny Phantom and Valerie and Zoey. Geoff, Trent, Tucker, and Sam. The title would most likely be something like ‘The True Way to Find Your Crazy Heart’s Love’ I don’t know, something like that.
Total Drama Character Ratings
() You are Hispanic
() You’re very popular at your school
() Either one or both of your parents are diplomats
(x) You have been raised to be a fine lady/gentleman
() You have ditched your boyfriend/girlfriend alone
() You make others do your dirty work for you
(X) You have an older sibling who teases you to no end
(X) You are cautious of your decisions and act only when necessary
Total: 3
Anne Maria:
() You are from New Jersey
() You speak with an accent (some of the time)
() You add so many products to your hair
() You have/had a fake tan
() You look down upon those who are not as pretty as you are
() You like only one side of a person, not the person him/herself
() You wear a lot of make-up
(x) You can't sing
Total: 1
() You don't talk much
() You're a bit on the chubby side
() Despite the aforementioned, you are very athletic
() You're skilled in mechanics
() You are embarrassed of your first name
() You like using initials
() You have multiple items in your coat
() Every time you try to speak, you get cut off
Total: 0
() You are a wannabe at sometimes
() You have a best friend
() You wear/used to wear braces
(x) You wear/used to wear glasses
(x) Singing is one of your hobbies
() You easily fall for the eye candy
()One of your favorite colors is pink
() You work on a farm
Total: 2
() You/your family has a military background
(x) You follow a moral code (I just don’t use it)
(x) You are dedicated to protect friends and family
() You are rather athletic
() You STINK at Fashion design
(x) You are willing to sacrifice yourself for the safety of others
(x) You're scared of the dark, as well as its noises
() You have the "need to be dominated"
Total: 4
() You surf
() You're a vegetarian
(x) You care about the environment/Mother Nature
(x) Animal Cruelty is wrong to you
() You usually wear your hair in a ponytail
() You have a boyfriend/girlfriend
() You get along with everybody
(x) Everything should be natural to you
Total: 3
() You're exactly or less than 100 pounds
() You have lived in a bubble
() You have overprotective parents
() You're not the most athletic person out there
() You're a bit nerdy
() You can be counted as an "expendable player"
() You wore diapers until a late age
() (IF A GUY) You're mistaken for a girl
Total: 0
(x) You love technology
(x) Most of the time you flirt and hit on girls/guys
(x) You are a quick healer
() You easily get sun burn
() You have a gap between your front teeth
() A poor diet scares you
() You play the keyboard/piano
(x) BBQ Chips is the King of all Chip Flavors to you
Total: 4
(x) You are/were a CIT
(x) You want everything right
() You get mad easily
(x) Everything is important to you
() You are/were on the Student Council
(x) Everything turns out wrong for you
(x) You fall for the delinquents/criminals/bad boys
(x) You've once been out of a game/challenge unfairly
Total: 6
() You're addicted to fame
() You LOVE pink!
() You are a major fashion phenon
() You usually wear sunglasses
() Your parent(s) are majorly rich
(x) You're attracted to nerds (sometimes)
(x) You and your phone are inseparable
() You hate feeling sorry for others
Total: 2
() You are a Wicca/witch
() You can read auras
(x) You love nature and communicating with animals
() You are very short
() You can levitate
() You know how to meditate
() You don't really care about money
(x) You are able to detect positive/negative energy
Total: 2
(x) You love animals
(x) Everybody loves you (Somewhat)
(x) You've been raised right
(x) Everybody is your friend
(x) You are most of the time happy
() You never get mad
() You get scared easily
(x) Group hugs are cuddly
Total: 6
() You have/had a Mohawk
() You've been to jail/prison
(x) You love skulls and crossbones
() You have piercings
(x) Green is one of your favorite colors
() Punk is one of your favorite music genres
() You pick on dorks
(x) You have a smug facial expression sometimes
Total: 3
() You often lift weights
() You wear knee high socks with gym clothes
() You've been through anger management
(x) You are competitive
() You can lift anything
() Happiness is not your forte
() You often don't fall in love too easily
() You're never happy
Total: 1
() You're home schooled
() You're sexist
() You have/had/wear a toque
() You often say "eh"
() You wear a sweatshirt almost every day
() You pick your nose often
() You have no friends
() You are pale
Total: 0
(X) You love parties
() You have the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend
() You often make out most of the day
() You wear a cowboy hat
(x) You're the youngest sibling in your family
() One of your nicknames is "Party Boy" or "Party Girl"
() You are invited to all of the parties
() You skateboard
Total: 2
() You're Goth
(x) You have highlights
() You wear blue lipstick
() You wear fishnets and black
() You make the first move
() Preppy things piss you off
() You have a younger brother
(x) Annoying things irk you up
Total: 2
(x) You can be a pervert at some times
() You often say "Booyah" or "Gosh"
() You're a dork
() You fall in love with the ghetto girl/boy
() You read comics
() You breathe loud
() You get picked on most of the time
() You save chewed gum
Total: 1
() You're the Queen Bee
(x) You are/were a cheerleader
() You often lie about being nice sometimes
(x) You often get embarrassed
() Weird people make you mad
() You break couples up
() You often call people "losers"
() You are never trusted
Total: 2
() You're crazy/psycho
() You were once wanted by the police/RCMP
() You're a redhead
(x) Fire is your addiction
(x) You love acting silly
() You run a lot
() You want to be called by your nickname
(x) You've camped out in the woods
Total: 3
() You're a tomboy
() You are EXTREMELY athletic
() You don't think anyone is better than you
() You aren't the most attractive person
(x) You HATE the beauty queen
() You would rather sacrifice others to save your own skin
() Your favorite accessory is a whistle
() (IF A GIRL) You're mistaken for a guy
Total: 1
() You're the eye candy
() People often stare at you
() People faint when they see you
() You lie to most people
() Beauty is a talent to you
() You once/often get photo-shoots
() You don't care about anything but beauty
() You're gorgeous
Total: 0
() You have a BFFFL
(x) You have big hips, but skinny body
(x) You're pretty
(x) You're often sweet
(x) You blush easily
() You wear pigtails
(x) You listen to Pop Music (very rarely but that's still a yes)
() You're skinnier than your friends
Total: 5
() You're the ghetto girl
() You wear baby T's
() You easily get pissed off
(x) You love winning
(x) You have a great taste in style
(x) You know how to dance
() Rap is one of your favorite music genres
() You often wear hoop earrings
Total: 3
(x) You talk in the third person (sometimes)
() You can't tell the difference between genders sometimes
() You can’t spell
(x) You're apparently attractive to the opposite gender
(x) You are an overachiever
() You have protein powder
() You believe in teams of one
() You often call people "losers"
Total: 3
() You are/were a blonde
() You're dumb
() You take Gymnastics
(x) Your boobs are big
() You're a "Daddy's Girl"
() You fall for the jocks
() Your eyes are blue
(x) Makeup looks pretty on you
Total: 2
() You have a mental disorder
(x) You have said you are an actor (well I am an actress)
(x) You like two people at the same time
() You talk in your sleep
() You have a therapist/psychiatrist
(x) You are agile and graceful, but also tough and scrappy
(x) You have trouble telling the one you love how you feel
(x) You're willing to risk your life for the one you love
Total: 5
(x) You are a bookworm
() Your IQ is off the charts/high
() You're in Honors classes
() Sports aren't your forte
(x) You are often sarcastic/cynical/cocky
() You're quiet
() You've accidentally kissed someone of the same sex
() You don't like parties
Total: 2
() You're overweight
() You fart a lot
() You can burp the ABC's
(x) Everyone loves you
(x) You love adventure
(x) You're out of shape
(x) You love to eat
() You often say things about historic people such as Alexander the Great and David and Goliath
Total: 4
() You have a BFFFL
() You're chubby
() You cry without your best friend
(x) You accidentally do things wrong
() You do everything with you best friend
(x) You easily cry
() You love to squeal
(x) You often do things wrong
Total: 3
(x) You love video games
() You have embarrassed yourself on your only date
() You have cat-like reflexes
(x) You are in love with someone TOTALLY out of your league
(x) You are a couch potato
() You have a "circus thumb"
() You sometimes speak in video-game talk
() You sometimes see stuff in video-game mode
Total: 3
(x) You LOVE manipulating people
() You're a poser
(x) You like to whittle
() Animals don't like you
() You don't like animals
(x) You have a lucky item
() You're a ginger
() You have freckles covering you
Total: 3
(x) You are a fan of Total Drama
(x) You have a crush on one of the Total Drama castmates, or any celebrity for that matter
(x) Your hair is really long
() You can be a bit of a stalker
() You’re a basket-weaver
() You’re a slap-dancer
(x) You’re very tall
() You talk in text, even outside the phone
Total: 4
() You have a long ancestry
() You are a compulsive liar
() You talk incessantly
() You are rather overweight
() You are annoying to most people
() You have trouble swimming
() You have been bald at one point
() You don't have many friends
Total: 0
() You play/played the guitar
() You often wear green
(x) You've been heartbroken
() Your favorite number is 9
(x) You care for the people you love
(x) You're still looking for that special someone
(x) You act weird sometimes
(x) You easily fall in love
Total: 5
() You suck at sports
() You often wear red
() You wear a head bandanna
() You wear sweat clothes
(x) You're tall
(x) You have brown hair and brown eyes
(x) You have a fear of an animal
(x) You think you're strong when you really aren't at sometimes
Total: 4
(x) You wear stuff in your hair (Its funny cuz its actually a flower!)
() You're an only child
() You don't have many friends, but wish to make friends
() You like retro fashions/music
(x) You enjoy the theatre
(x) You have seen your crush go out with someone else
(x) You are generally nice, but have a tough side
() Someone else has called you the "prettiest person in the group"
Total: 4
Most Like: Courtney and DJ
List of my Total Drama series OC's:
Blake Conners: The Hysterical Delinquent
Madeline (Maddie) Hunt: The Sweet Guard Girl
Melissa Rose: Theatre girl