Not So Sweet 16

Chapter 1


Danny woke up to his alarm clock blaring in his ear. It was April 14th also known as Danny's 16th birthday. He woke up and got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom with sleep still in his eyes. Everyone was downstairs eating breakfast. "Danny sweetie, hurry up! Your breakfast is getting cold!" his mom shouted. He went in the bathroom and washed his face trying to get the sleep out of his eyes. Once he opened his eyes he looked in the mirror to see what he sees almost every morning. His raven colored bed head and his sky blue eyes, sill a little droopy. What was different and even puzzled him was that he was wearing his ghost outfit. "What the heck?" he thought out loud. "What am I doing in my ghost outfit?" so he had finished the transformation and became a ghost then changed back to human. "That was strange."

Danny is part ghost. There was an accident in his dad's lab and the ghost portal had turned him half ghost. Now whenever he "go's ghost", as his catch phrase implies, his hair turns from a raven black to a snow white, his eyes turn from sky blue to a bright green, and his clothes change into black jump suit with his flaming D logo type patch on his chest.

Danny went downstairs and started to eat his eggs and toast. As he was about to take a bite out of his toast, his hand turned intangible and it fell onto his plate. He picked it up and tried to bite it, and again, it went through his hand. "I'm not hungry." Danny said as he scooted away from the table. He started walking towards the door when his mom stopped him. "Danny. Don't forget your lunch," she said as she gave him a brown paper sack. He walked out the door just as his friends Sam and Tucker came into view. Sam was wearing a black crop top with a purple oval on it, a green pony tail on top of her head, a green and black checked skirt with purple leggings underneath, and some black boots. While Tucker's was wearing some green khakis, a yellow long sleeve shirt, and a backwards red hat.

"Hey Danny!" Sam shouted as she and Tucker came closer. "Happy Birthday dude." Tucker said. "Hey guys, thanks" Danny replied a half-heartedly. Sam sensed that there was something wrong with him. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Well weird things have been going on."

"Like ghost appearing in your house weird?" Tucker asked

"No. Like weird things with my ghost powers." Danny answered

"Well, what's happened?" Sam asked, a little concerned.

"I got up as usual and I went into the bathroom and saw that my ghost outfit was on. Then as I was eating breakfast my hand turned intangible and my toast fell to my plate.

Just as he said that, his hand turned intangible dropping his bag to the ground. He kept trying to pick it up and it fell each time. "Here, let me help you." Sam said as she picked it up and carried it.

They started walking to school when Danny's powers started acting up again. Tucker and Danny were looking at the clouds. "That one looks like a cell phone." Tucker said. "Well that one looks like a doughnut." Danny replied. Just as Danny pointed at the cloud, a little plasma beam shot out of his finger, zapped through the cloud, and shot down a bird. It fell down and hit the side walk with a sickening plop. By the time this had happened, all 3 of them had stopped walking. Sam and Tucker looking at Danny with their mouth open and Danny was looking at his hand. "Guys, what's going on?" Danny asked his friends.

"I don't know dude, but you need to see someone" Tucker answered him.