DISCLAIMER: I do not own Grojband, its music, or its character. I do however own this story. I hope you enjoy.

*Corey's POV*

"Damn it! Trina put gum in my hair again!" Laney growls in the garage, trying to pull the gum out of her hair.

"TRINA!" I yell. Ugh! She is always doing this kind of stuff, especially to Lanes.

Trina comes into the garage laughing maniacally with a quiet Mina behind her. "What do you want mirage band?"

"Why did you put gum in Lanes' hair?" I question her.

Trina just looks at us, "Because if you can't practice and junk then, you can't perform! So I put gum in her hair to delay you guys. HASHTAG: SABOUTAGE!" Trina continues her maniacal laughter as Mina and her leave the garage.

A pissed off Laney shouts, "I am going to half to cut it out of my hair again! Core your sister is a total bitch!"

I see Kon run over to Laney and give her a hug, "Laney, you need to calm down."

"It's kind of hard!" Laney exclaims, "I already am not that pretty and look like a dude. My hair will have to be shorter because of her!"

I hated seeing l Lanes like this. She is beautiful. Sure last year we all acted like she was one of the guys but she has changed since last year. She has started wearing different clothing, her hair is longer, and she now has massive curves. Lanes and I have always been close, we are even closer now. If I ever need help, I ask Lanes before Kin or Kon. I hate when Trina does these kinds of things to Laney. I love to see Lanes smile. Honestly, I think I have started to like her.

Kin walks over to Laney and says, "I have an invention that might help."

"No!" Laney yells at Kin.

Laney sits down on the stage. I sit beside her and whisper, "If you want to stay after practice I'll help you get the gum out of your hair."

"Okay," she whispers to me.

I clap my hands, "Well practice is over you guys."

*Laney's POV*

I can't believe Trina! She put gum in my hair twice! She has done this to me before! Why is it only to me? She is also a girl and she would go completely crazy if somebody did that to her. I can't believe her.

Corey is helping me get the gum out of my hair and says, "Lanes, talk to me."

"About what," I ask. Corey and I have always been thick as thieves. He is my best friend, even though I like him a lot more than just a friend. I always have, he is just perfect. There is just NO way, that he will ever like me.

"Well… um- did you mean what you said about yourself? The stuff you said in the garage," he asks me.

"Yes," I tell him, "Because it's true. In middle school I always got bullied because I looked like a dude! I have never had a boyfriend because I am ugly!"

Corey gets the last bit of gum out of my hair and hugs me, "Lanes that is not true. You are extremely pretty! You are beautiful! Kin, Kon, and I think so! Probably the prettiest girl we know and the nicest!" I get butterflies when he says that. I don't usually get complemented, and as I said I like Corey so it makes it a thousand times better. I just smile. Corey checks his watch, "Hey it's 7:30, your parents are probably wondering where you are, I'll walk your down stairs."

Corey and I walk downstairs and depart.

*Kin's POV*

I feel so bad for Laney. Corey's sister is always doing crap like this. I look over to my twin brother in his half of the room; he is just tossing a tennis ball at the ceiling. I decide to call Laney and ask how she is feeling.

Laney answers the phone.

*On the phone Transition*

"Hey what's up?" Laney asks me.

"Oh nothing," I tell her. "Are you feeling better now that the gum is out of your hair? I am sorry Trina did that."

I hear Laney sigh on the phone, "Yeah I am better; I just don't know why she does it. She probably knows…"

"Knows what?" I question.

"Oh… um," she says.

"Laney, you can tell me," I reassure her.

I hear her sigh again, "Okay, but you can't tell anyone. Not even Kon."

"I promise I won't," I tell her.

She hesitates to speak then says, "I like Corey." What? She likes Corey? I would have never of suspected that. She continues to speak, "Hey, Kin, I gotta go. Sorry. Bye."

*Hang's up Phone Transition*

*Kon's POV*

I have no idea what Kin and Laney were talking about, but it kind of suspicious. "So what's up with Laney?" I ask.

"Oh nothing," Kin pauses, "Hey I'll be back," and he walks out of the room.

*Ring Ring*

Kin's phone goes off; I go over to my twin brother's phone, and see who it is. It's Corey. I answer the phone.

Corey yells in the phone, "DUDE, KIN I tried to call you for 5 minutes but I was on hold!"

"Uh… Corey. This is Kon, not Kin," I tell him.

"Well, I tried to call you first put, you didn't answer," he tells me. "Well anyways, I have a theory of why Trina has been treating Lanes like shit. But you have to promise you won't tell. I told myself I would tell the first one of you two to talk to me."

"Um, okay… I won't tell." I ask him, "What is it?"

"I like Lanes, Trina can tell and she does this to get me mad!" Woah! Corey likes Laney. Honestly, I that he would eventually. She has gotten a lot prettier this past year.

"Yeah, she probably is trying to make you mad," I tell him. Kin comes back in the room. "Uh, hey, Corey I gotta go. Kin is back." I hang up.

"What's did he want?" Kin asks me.

I look at my twin brother, and say, "Oh, nothing."