Author has written 50 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist, Vampire Knight, Legend of Zelda, Legend of Korra, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Rise of the Guardians, Naruto, and Death Note. PLEASE READ This message is for newcomers and fans alike. I know there are several stories on this account that have not been finished, and I am sorry to say I am discontinuing all of them. For a while, I was trying to go back and revise and complete them, but it's time to face facts. My writing gets better with every story I complete, and I cannot keep going back to old stories to try and make them better. I need to accept that they're not my greatest work and focus on putting out newer, better stories. If you could like to read some of those newer, better stories, you may go here. To my faithful fans, I want to thank you for sticking with me all of this time, and I apologize for the way I'm ending things. I hope you head over to my new account and read some of what I have posted there. Thank you again, and God bless you all. |