A\N: Nothing much to say on this... just wanted a little more of an ending. This happens maybe... a month or so later. Kinda when all the 'floating on cloud nine' stuff has worn off, and Kaname is back at his paperwork. Gives a little insight into the parts of the vacation we didn't see. I hope y'all enjoy!

So... Mentions. I went through the review list to double check the spelling of a name... and I was HORRIFIED... to find... I MISSED A WHOLE TON OF YOU IN MY LAST THANK YOU! I don't know HOW you didn't get on my list, but somehow YOU DIDN'T! So you ALL RECEIVE A DOUBLE THANK YOU!

Mentions:bloody child, The Pocky Machine, snipits42, Cheshire Effect, Love332, Inu no youkai, wawatvxq, kittykaze, trust, groundedreamer, Sara, rosaikibu, elvesknightren, anonymous, Guest, lead, Demonic Angel 7, KyouyaxCloud, Fox-Sin, Bitterness11, SapphireCheetah, amechan87, Feathered Filly, 3 Element, Seto K4iba1, Sophie, Anais (There was an Anais and an Anais French-is it safe to assume you are one and the same?), and mi5tan!

Thank you all SO MUCH! And please, enjoy this short, lil' epilogue!

"Kaname, the Chairman delivered a package for you!"

Kaname glanced up from his paperwork at Ichijo's cheerful voice. "Bring it in."

He set down his pen and rubbed his sore hand, standing up and meeting the noble halfway across the room. "Thank you, I'll take that."

Ichijo grinned at him and handed it over, walking out and mumbling to himself about how excited Kaname seemed to get a simple delivery. But this was not just any delivery—it was special.

Kaname tore open the parcel, turning the light up a little brighter and opening the little tin box inside. His eyes brightened when he saw the contents, delicate fingers pulling out the objects, trying hard not to damage them.


He laughed at the one on the very front. It was the one Kaien had tried to take when they first arrived. Zero and Kaname were pushing each other while Yuki stood between them, oblivious and smiling. The next was a picture of the carnival all lit up a night. Kaname was unsure if that was the night he went with Zero or not… The one after that was Zero and Kaname riding the waves in together, and another photo showed the two of them teaching Yuki how. Then the three of them wiping out together, hair a total mess. The one after that was Zero making a face as he spit out salt water. Many pictures were of the sky and the ocean and the scenery, but even they held memories. The path Kaname walked to find Zero that first night, the beach house where so much had happened, the bedroom the two of them had shared… where Zero had trusted him for the first time and opened his heart to the pureblood. A few pictures even had Kaien in them!

Kaname stopped at the last picture, lips parting in a wide smile as he examined the photo. Kaname and Zero right next to each other with Yuki riding on both off their shoulders. She looked a little lopsided, as Zero had yet to experience as many growth spurts as Kaname had, but she was smiling brightly. So was Zero. He leaned into Kaname, trying to hold Yuki's leg and Kaname's shirt to keep from falling. Kaname laughed at the two of them and held on to both of them, not letting either of them fall.

Kaname closed his eyes, letting out a long, contented sigh through his nose.

It had been a good vacation.

Kaname placed the final picture at the back and frowned when he saw a slip of paper there. He picked it up and scanned the words.

So, you're coming again next year, right?

It was in Kaien's handwriting, and Kaname threw his head back and laughed.

He wouldn't miss it for the world!