A\N: So, people were asking for a continuation of 'Hospital Run' and even thought I couldn't think of anything more for that plot-it was always intended to be a oneshot only-I did think up something along similar lines that will hopefully run longer.

I don't own Vampire Knight, but I did have fun with this and I hope you all enjoy! Please review and tell me what you thought!

Kaname let his jaw hit his chest, and he shook his head slowly, not wanting to believe what had just happened. "What?"

"A vacation, Kaname-kun! It's going to be wonderful!" Kaien threw his hands in the air, doing a little dance as he began to pack the pureblood's things. "An entire week of you and me and Yuki and Kiryuu-kun on the beach! Aren't you excited?"

Kaname watched him for a moment, and then shook his head, grabbing the pants from the maniac's grasp. "No, I am not, because I am not going! I do not have time for a vacation, Cross, I have important things to do around here, a Moon Dorm to prepare for new students, and—"

"And a vacation to mentally prepare you for it all!" Kaien's ecstatic smile was enough to kill someone—namely, Kaname—and the pureblood glared in the hopes of deterring him that way.

"No, Kaien. I am not going."

Kaname put the suitcase back in the closet and pushed Kaien towards his door. A loud sigh came from the man's mouth, and he shrugged his shoulders, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Alright, alright. I'll just go tell Yuki that I couldn't get you to come no matter how hard a tried. I'm sure she'll understand, even though you were going to be her favorite part about going."

Kaname let his head hid the doorframe, and it was audible. Slowly raising his head, he dragged his hand across his face and sighed. "Oh, very well, I'll come along."

"Yay!" Kaien jumped up, pumping his fist into the air.

"A week you say? I can pack for that in… twenty minutes. I'll meet you outside the gates, I take it?"

But Kaien was already cha-chaing down the hall and singing a little song to himself. Kaname rolled his eyes and walked back into his bedroom , looking through his attire for the more casual articles of clothing.

"Hmm… A week with Yuki… but also with Kiryuu. However… he was fairly pleasant the last time we enjoyed each other's company. But he was also sick… Hmm…"

Kaname shrugged. He had already agreed to it. It was not just a matter of whether or not he would live though the experience or—even more preferable—live through it with his sanity intact.

Zero clasped his hands over his ears, hope sparking in his eyes as he saw the beach house up ahead. Thank goodness! He couldn't take even one more mile of road songs. He just couldn't! The car screeched to a halt, and Yuki and the Headmaster finished their song, throwing their hands in the air.

Zero shoved his door open and leapt out his only bag—a navy blue duffel—clasped in his hand as his feet pounded into the sandy path leading up to the mansion on the shore. He heard footsteps behind him and growled, increasing his pace as said person's aura invaded the local area, making Zero's skin crawl with disgust.

"Don't walk so close to me, vampire!" he snapped over his shoulder at Kaname, who seemed surprised. "Just because we're on vacation, it doesn't mean anything!"

A cruel smile twist his mouth. "But the flu does?"

Zero's face turned beet red and he whirled around, running even faster, driven by nothing but determination to get to the house first.

He thundered up the steps and threw the kitchen door open, turning to glance over his shoulder.

"Oof!" Zero stumbled back upon hitting something and looked up.

"You really should watch where you're going."

Zero growled, pulling his gun from his jacket and aiming it at the pureblood's head, fire lighting his amethyst gaze. "Don't try anything funny, vampire! Just because the Headmaster's a sap for peace and love doesn't mean I have to be. I've got my eye on you."

Kaname sighed, rolling his eyes. "Well both of my eyes on are on you, Kiryuu."

Zero glared at him, but said nothing and merely pushed past him on his way to the bedrooms. The Headmaster and Yuki both arrived, merely twenty bags between the two of them, but Zero just rolled his eyes and kept walking. He saw a pink bedroom—Yuki's, of course—and a yellow one—That had to be the Headmaster's—and there was… one more?

Zero pushed the door inward and looked around the room, heart stopping cold when he realized the navy blue room had two beds.

"HEADMASTER CROSS!" Zero screamed, running back out into the kitchen and skidding to a stop just past the mouth of the hall.

"What's wrong, Kiryuu-kun?"

"Don't Kiryuu-kun me! Why do Kuran and I have to share?"

Kaname stood up straight at this, hands clenched at his sides. "Yes, Kaien, why do we have to share? And why did you tell me?"

Kaien laughed. "Oh, you don't have to share! Zero can have the pink one, and Kaname can have the yellow one with the bay window that lets in all the light!"

Zero and Kaname both blanched.

"Fine…" They mumbled, heading back the hall and casting each other dirty looks on their way.

The room itself was very nice. Blue walls, cream carpeting, cherry wood for the beds, dressers, and nightstand. The sheets were soft and colored deep red, and though the room was personally fir for either of them, it was nice. But still…

"Look, Kuran, if I'm sharing a room with you, I'm laying down some rules." Zero snapped, throwing his duffel onto the bed.

"Oh, goody." Kaname walked over to the bed and lay down, figuring he would let the silver-haired hunter blow steam and then unpack.

"Call me nothing but Kiryuu, keep your stuff away from my stuff, if I'm in the bathroom it's mine and mine alone, don't leave blood anywhere," he ticked them off on his fingers as he went, "No fangs, no making noise in the middle of the night, and no creepy pureblood auras floating around me head all of the time because you're a weirdo stalker!"

Kaname bolted upright, glaring at him. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me!" Zero quickly pulled out his swim trunks and began to strip. "No creepy auras!"

"It's not my fault you can sense it! Maybe you should be less of a narrow-minded bigot and lighten up for a change. That's what I'm going to do."

Zero smirked, dropping his pants. "That's good, Kuran. You finally figured out you're a bigot. How does reality taste?"

Kaname slowly stood up and stalked over to him, smirking at the short stature. Clenching his fist, he swung it forwards, and Zero went toppling over onto the bed, blood dripping from his nose.

"Something like that, Kiryuu."

Zero growled and jumped to his feet, grabbing his gun from his pile of clothes.

"Kaname-sama! Zero! We're going to the beach! We're gonna swim!"

Zero and Kaname both glared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, and then slowly, Zero got into his trunks and Kaname retreated to the bathroom to do the same.

Stupid pureblood… Why can't he just go home?

Kaname sighed, letting his head fall against the doorframe.

This is going to be a long week…

A\N: Short, I know, but it'll get longer. Ah, yes, their pain has just begun.