Author has written 2 stories for Lord of the Rings. Time. Priceless, elusive, finite time. Nearly seven years ago, one of my best friends and I discovered the enchanting world of fanfiction. We were immediately hooked, and it did not take long before we too joined the ranks of fanfic writers. My friend (littlefish) completed two stories. I, on the other hand, wrote four chapters before being caught up in the frenzy of my senior year in high school. Unfortunately for all the readers of my story, I left them hanging on a soul-wrenching precipice. Upon starting college, I realized I would not have time to complete my story, so I pulled it to prevent more poor souls from being caught up in a story I thought I would never finish. Now, I find myself a college graduate married to a fantastic man and following a career path not related to field of study. However, The Song of Iluvatar never left its spot in the back of my head, and one Sunday afternoon a whole chapter came spilling forth. Therefore, I have decided to take another go at being a fanfic writer. I hope you enjoy The Song of Iluvatar. It has been long in the making. Some authors whom I greatly admire are J.R.R Tolkien, Louisa May Alcott, C.S. Lewis (especially his book Till We Have Faces), and King David. |