Reviews for The Song of Iluvatar
Lynn chapter 25 . 8/24
Just finished reading this story through for the second time! Still has me captivated all the way to to end! It is absolutely amazing! I wish there was a way to make sure you still get these reviews. You are very talented and deserve the paise from your readers, as well as the encouragement to continue writing! I hope life if going well for you!
Nimriel chapter 25 . 2/6/2019
I weep that this is the last chapter and you, dear author, haven't updated in years. But the passage of time brings many responsibilities. Godspeed, my friend.
Lynn chapter 25 . 2/26/2018
This story was amazing. More than amazing. I don't think I have the words to express how truly incredible I found this story. And it's not finished yet. I don't know if you still see these reviews. I am guessing not, but if you do I am begging you to please continue! I know it's been years,but there are still many new readers out there (myself included) who are seeing this and desperately wondering how it ends. This story holds so much more meaning in it than any other I have ever read. You are the first author I have ever known to even remotely parallel your writings with stories from the Bible. It is truly inspiring and teaches so many lessons. I wish there was a way I could be sure this reaches you wherever you are.
Your faithful reader
CucumberPickles chapter 25 . 7/31/2017
Hello! Thank you for the wonderful read! I know it's been a while but I am so curious as to what happens to Legolas and how his family is faring as well. Please let us know!
ssjj chapter 1 . 1/19/2017
Hello, I read your story it's beautifully tragic and heartwarming story...I love it...But are you continuing ahead.. Because I want to read the end...thanks
LadyPorpoise chapter 25 . 11/21/2016
This is something that holds a lot of meaning, and a lot of things that us people should learn as well.

A lot of slavery kind of stories on here with either Legolas or Aragorn, has them way too prideful to even realize that they do not help themselves or others (save for the two friends most the time), or to suffer through humility, which in truth we all need to go through. Not that I am bashing on them, which some are well written, it just needs a bit more of selflessness and even the lack of pride completely, which this has shown very well.

This almost is similar to Joseph's story in the Bible as well as the Prodigal Son, which I am sure you took some of those values and applied them to this. :)

I know this probably will never get finished, and I suspect that the email that may alert you of reviews is gone, or whatever other thing has happened, but thank you for writing this story, and wish the best for you in life. :)
maupe chapter 25 . 6/4/2015
Oh please finish the story! It was one of the first who showed me how sustainable a FF can be written. I read again and again passages from it, just a great plot.

Best Regards

(Excuse the mistakes, I use a translator)
Guest chapter 1 . 5/29/2015
Read your story so far in a day. It's wonderful. Pl pl pl continue and finish it. How will Legolas finally be re united with his family? ( he must be , of that there can be no doubt)
Guest chapter 25 . 5/21/2015
o continue your story to the end. Am so curious as to how Legolas goes back home. He must go home
Guest chapter 5 . 5/21/2015
Very wise. ( regarding your A N )I was a fool and allowed myself to be tainted by such morbid imaginations as you describe. Thank God I'm getting out of it. Would I had never gone down that dark road.
Shirerose chapter 25 . 3/28/2015
This was absolutely beautiful...I ended up reading it in a couple of hours.
Despite the time between some of the updates the story was seamless and skillfully woven.
I would really love to see both the ending for this and whatever else you might choose to write.

Legolas' slow learning and stubborn determination as well as the providence that guides him is perfectly drawn.

Although I don't think Tolkien envisioned such a past for Legolas (which choice of character is still amazing) I (as a shameless purist/canonist) think he would have been proud of this story, so well does it fit into Middle Earth. It has the pathos and depth of the tale of Turin.

Please continue writing!
Emma chapter 25 . 12/28/2014
I'm not going to lie: I almost feel like I am the only one who really wants Legolas to reunite with Thranduil and his brothers... I would love to see their apologies and Thranduil's overprotectiveness! (Is that even a word?!) please update this soon! (And please reunite them!)
TrueArtIsFleeting chapter 25 . 4/6/2014
I don't know if your still here but I love your story. It's one of my favorite stories that I have read and I really want you to finish it. I've read it multiple times and I never get tired of reading it. Please finish it
Guest chapter 25 . 3/30/2014
Does he ever see his father again?
A Dream of Fantasy chapter 25 . 1/3/2014
Hey, I've read your story twice now. I don't know if you're still there, but I REALLY hope that you finish it. I have greatly enjoyed it, and I think you're a wonderful writer. Please don't leave us hanging just before the very best part!
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