Author has written 10 stories for xxxHOLiC, Legal Drug, X-Men: The Movie, Natsume Yūjin-Chō, and Good Omens. Scrapping everything and starting from scratch again So, I'm Lei. A Finnish/Italian gal who mostly writes English prose. Not very good at it though. My main fandom is xxxHolic, after which I will dabble here and there. (Most notably the X-Men movies fandom.) And that's me for now. Thanks for the interest Though I gotta do something about those covers... I have already started a small editing process to all my stories, starting with 'Loneliness...' where I look through them, and edit here and there and then replace the stories with the edited versions. 'A Little Excursion into the Woods' and 'Mirrors...' are under debate on whether I should turn them into full multi-chaps, since both have enough in them to make it possible. 'Kei' is also a candidate though that would require more plotting and stuff than the others. Such as remembering the heck I came up with for the backstory... |
beckett77 (8) Penmaron (7) | Queer Panda (2) Torashii (8) | WolfWarriorWoman (4) |