Author has written 3 stories for Big Time Rush, and Hunger Games. Hello all! It's love4music55 here! I love music and I love to write. The stories on here are all written out of good fun and for those who request them! Hopefully you guys enjoy reading the stories I post as much as I like writing them =) I'll write about anything and anyone, if anybody has a request for anything just let me know and there will be a 99% chance that I'll do it! I'm also a friendly person so if you'd like to talk then feel free to message, whether it be about my stories or just to chit-chat! PS. I'll be posting a new chapter or story every Friday or Saturday! That'll be the routine day, unless I sporadically decide to post something new or I just couldn't wait to post a new story/chapter! Well, I'll leave you guys with this. Enjoy! So I'm back! It's been a long while, and I sincerely apologize for that! I just have a few "announcements" I want to post up here for those who are interested in my stories, and yes, my future stories to come! 1. I do plan on making a Growing Pains sequel =) I've been listening to BTR's new music and I was inspired to make that happen! So for those who liked GP and would like to see a sequel, keep a look out for when that is going to happen! Friday or Saturdays are still the days I will be posting. 2. I do plan on making a BTR series type of thing still, or spins offs I suppose you could say. Each of the guys will be getting stories eventually. If readers are interested in this at all just let me know! I'm not sure who I will be writing about first and any input is welcome or advice or suggestions! 3. I do NOT plan on continuing my Captain America story. I'm afraid I have lost the drive and the plot in my head in which I originally wanted to take that story. I do love Steve Rogers and he is my favorite Avenger, but the story is a no go =( I'm sorry to those who were reading that! I wish I could continue with it but if I did it wouldn't be very good quality due to lack of motivation and planning I have with it. So I will be deleting that off of my account. There may be new stories about Captain America that I may put up in the future but it's really up in the air right now. If anyone would like to see another story or have any story ideas that they would like to share with me and want me to use I'm more than happy to listen! Just message me and let me know! Sorry for being M.I.A. for so long but I am back and hopefully here to stay for awhile! =D Thanks for the never-ending support! I really do appreciate it all! |