SUUUURPRISE! I'm back! After six months and I'm finally here posting the LAST chapter of this story! Dear Lord, I can't believe it took this long, but an end is finally here! I do plan on having an epilogue to this, so please be expecting that after this. It's bittersweet. After five years and finally this story has come to a close. I want to thank everyone who has read this and stuck around until this moment. I appreciate you all for being so supportive and for taking the time to read this, even if it did take me so long to finally finish it. You all are wonderful for being so patient with me, and I want you guys to know just how grateful I am for it!
Thank you again!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything or anyone related to "Fantastic Four: Silver Surfer"
Chapter Thirteen: At Last
Victor had not once relented on his chase for the rest of the Fantastics. Reed and Ben were out of the surfer's line of attack, but Sue was still doing her best to avoid any fatal hits. Doom narrowed his eyes as he pushed his hands forward, hitting the Great Wall of China with a burst of energy. Susan's blue eyes widened as the wall crumbled before her. She had no time to react, and in those few moments, she had thought they would be her last.
Swiftly interfering, Reed extended his arm and grabbed on to a part of his jet, pulling Sue and the Surfer from any danger. Victor rolled his eyes at that as he looked over his shoulder, distracted for a second as Ben rounded about, holding his stone arm out.
"Surf's up, metal head!" Turning back around, Victor winced as Ben clothes-lined him, but much to the Thing's disappointment, Victor remained planted on the board. Realizing there was no way they were physically going to be able to remove Doom from the board, Reed flew up beside the man in hopes that he could perhaps reason with him.
"Victor! Only the Silver Surfer can stop the destroyer! But he needs his board!" But there was too much power! Doom wasn't willing to give it all up now. Not when he had just finally gotten what he deserved.
"If you want it, come and get it, Richards."
"Victor!" Everyone looked back with wide eyes as Lily and Johnny flew side by side.
"Lily?" Reed blinked as Lily grinned at him.
He'd have to ask her about that new ability at a more appropriate time.
"You've got to listen to Reed, Victor!" Lily yelled out as the man turned to look back at her. "If you don't, our entire planet is going to be destroyed! You included!" But he wasn't listening. He was far to engrossed with the amount of strength he felt flowing through his veins.
"Why don't we all go for a spin!" Using his strength and energy, Victor began to spin, creating a whirlwind around him. The team members of Fantastic Five did their best to keep control, though there was nothing they could do. Victor laughed manically as he span around more before releasing his hold on them, the five falling uncontrollably in different directions.
Having more control of his part of the jet, Ben was able to land somewhat gracefully, while Reed tumbled and nearly fell out from his seat. He winced as he coughed a few times before pulling himself out from the jet. He stumbled to his feet as he glanced around, the civilians staring at him as if he were an alien. And in some strange sense, he sort of was.
As for Lily and Johnny, the two had landed roughly not too far from each other. The Human Torch had unfortunately flown right through someone's shop window, nearly setting the entire store on fire. Luckily for the young man, Tide had been close by to remedy the situation. She quickly fumbled to her feet as she glanced to the large buckets of water that had been sitting out across the street before she aimed her hand to the buckets and then swung it towards the shop. A line of water followed her motion, putting out the small fire that Johnny had caused.
"Sorry about that! Just make sure to put it on my tab." It hadn't been the first time Johnny had accidentally set a shop on fire.
"Johnny!" Said young man climbed out from the destroyed window as he quickly ran up to Lily. He reached down to help her to her feet but stopped as he frowned, realizing that touching her would only cause more trouble. He instead watched as the 24 year old winced, holding her side as the corner of her lip bled slightly.
"You ok?" he asked as the young woman nodded before a voice in the distance caught their attention.
"That was Sue!" Johnny exclaimed as he quickly began to sprint in the direction in which the voice came from, Lily quickly following after him.
Sue kept her eyes squeezed tightly shut as her part of the jet hit the ground hard, skidding against the concrete. She cringed and yelled out as she collided into a small stand, her head scraped and bleeding. Her vision was blurred, but she blinked it all away to the best of her ability. Reaching out to her right, her eyes widened when she found Norran's seat empty. Swiftly snapping her head to the street, the blonde found the Surfer standing, completely unharmed. A whistling sound caught both of their attention, Victor having spotted the one thing in his way of having the board all to himself. He smirked as he held his hand out, a spear made of energy forming.
"Norran!" Sue shrieked as she quickly unbuckled herself from her seat and jumped out of the air craft.
Victor smirked as he pulled his arm back, not noticing the blonde. "Catch."
Rushing up in front of Norran, Susan held her hands up and created a force field, but she lost her breath as something pierced through her chest. She gasped and winced, a slow throbbing slowly growing into a searing pain. Fading away, the force field fell as Sue stared down at the metallic looking spear sticking out from her body. She gritted her teeth as began to fall, her friends appearing at that moment.
"SUE!" Reed screamed as he sprinted as quickly as he could, Ben hesitating from the slight shock he felt. Johnny stood motionlessly for a moment as he watched his sister hit the ground, the world spinning as his vision faded around his sister's pained face. Without thought, Johnny began to run up to her as well, Lily following quickly after him.
The four approached the dying woman's side, Reed kneeling down and holding her carefully in his arms, almost as if she were a porcelain doll. He began to tremble as he brushed Susan's hair from her face, the spear disappearing, and leaving her with nothing but the pain. She gasped as she leaned into Reed's warmth, Johnny reaching down in hopes to comfort his older sibling.
"Johnny! You can't touch her," Ben reminded regretfully as the young man looked at Ben before down at his sister with a worried stare.
"Y-You have to get the board," Susie choked out as Lily shook her head, leaning down beside Reed.
"Sue, we can't just-" Lily's eyes widened as she gasped, stumbling back. Ben was quick to react as he caught her, the lean woman keeping her hazel eyes shut tightly as she held her head in her hands.
Noticing her distress, Norran looked over at Lily before he slowly looked up to the sky, everyone around doing the same as he. The storm clouds began to swirl in the sky as lightning flashed, a strange and ominous wind thrashing past everyone. Lily winced as she leaned back into Ben's arm. She could hear the Earth screaming, its pain far too evident. She looked up at Norran as he nodded, knowing that she knew what was to come.
"He is here. Galactus has arrived."
"Reed!" Said man hadn't spoken once. He hadn't torn his eyes from the woman dying in his arms. The light in her eyes was slowly fading as her breathing grew slower and more forced. It wasn't until he felt a hard hand on his shoulder that he had been pulled back to reality.
Looking up into Ben's understanding eyes, Reed began to gain his senses back as he looked down at Sue for just a second. "We need to find a way to separate Victor from his pulse emitter. If we do that, then we can separate him from the board."
Johnny glowered as he looked at his teammates. "He's too strong for me."
"I've already tried separating him from the board, and I failed miserably," Lily said as she remembered her encounter with Victor just earlier.
"I could wail on him if I could get close enough," Ben pointed out. "But he'll see me coming from a mile away." Reed frowned as he looked down at Sue, the woman shivering as she gasped quietly to herself.
"It would take all of us."
And then, Johnny had a moment.
"...Or only one of us." And immediately, Lily knew what he was thinking.
"Johnny, that's insane!" the 24 year old snapped as Reed nodded, looking up to meet the young man's serious gaze. They stared silently at each other, sharing unspoken words, before the scientist looked down at the woman of both of their lives.
"We don't know what it could do to you." Smirking, Johnny looked at Ben and Lily.
"Lets not make this about me."
"Lily, I've got to do this," he said quietly as the young woman stared hard at him. At first, she was unwavering, but then she heard Sue gasp and her heart shattered. Closing her eyes, the young lady relaxed as she looked at Reed, who nodded before he looked up at Johnny.
Stepping forward, Lily and Ben placed their hands on Reed's, the scientist gently holding Sue's in his. Johnny stared at them for a short second before he smirked, grabbing their hands in his. Everyone gasped as a bright light emitted from their grasp before Johnny stumbled back, a series of sensations running through him before he stood up tall.
Feeling a new sense of power within him, Johnny nodded as he looked back to the others, Ben now standing in his original form, shirtless. He smirked before he disappeared, searching for something to cover his upper body with.
"If you'll excuse me." They all watched as Johnny flew through the air, unseen by everyone.
Placing a soft hand on Lily's shoulder, the young woman tore her gaze from where she thought Johnny had flown off to and met Ben's awaiting gaze. She smiled at the man, his skin back to his pale complexion and his hands not nearly as large as they were before. "He'll be ok, kid."
Victor didn't care. Whatever this destroyer was, he didn't care because he was invincible. With the board to his disposal, he was sure he could do anything he wanted. So the least of his worries was some entity praying on the planet.
Hovering in the air, Victor breathed heavily as he stared down at the world he could control. He smirked as he quietly laughed. He had finally gotten what was his. Finally, he had won.
But his victory was short-lived.
"To quote a friend of mine." Suddenly, Johnny appeared behind Victor, surprising him. But he wasn't his normal self. There was a strength inside of him, a different kind of power. And how had the young man been able to sneak up behind him so easily? "It's clobbering time."
Not wasting a second, Johnny lit his hand on fire as his fist expanded. He pulled his arm back as he stretched a bit before he thrust it forward, landing a solid punch against Doom. The man grunted as he flew back, Johnny's other hand stretching out and catching him. He pulled Victor back towards him before punching him once more. The man was shot back by the strength of the attack, but recovered quickly as he stabilized himself on the board and began to fly back towards Johnny.
He held his arms out to the side as he flew between buildings. With sheer force, Doom scraped off chunks of the building as he smirked, aiming all the debris in Johnny s direction. "Tag, YOU'RE IT!"
Yelling out, Johnny quickly covered his face as he stumbled back in the air. He glanced up at a tall skyscraper and he stretched his arm out, grabbing the tip of the building and swinging himself around. He then flung himself forward and back towards Victor as he narrowed his eyes.
He had a lot to pay Victor back for. For one thing, he was about to get the planet destroyed. And another, he had hurt his sister. Hurt her badly. And just the thought made Johnny's blood boil.
Flying towards Doom, Johnny created a large fireball and shot it towards the masked man, disappearing thereafter as the shot hit his target dead on. Victor winced as the heat overwhelmed him for a moment before something wrapped around his body, constricting his movements. He struggled against the hold as Johnny suddenly appeared, his entire body now out of his control. With the combined powers of his team, Johnny let his gigantic fists slam into Victor's face a few times before his insides began to burn. His entire body turned to flames as the temperature rose, burning Victor inside of his armor.
Whether it was from the heat or the sheer amount of strength Johnny was using to squeeze Victor, Johnny didn't know, but he watched as the pulse emitter around Victor's wrist broke off, whatever connection he had with the board now gone. Relieved, Johnny smirked as he quickly unraveled himself from Doom's body, holding his hand out to the body of water that was to his right. Victor's eyes widened as he span through the air before a cuff of water wrapped around his throat, dragging him through the air. Johnny watched, pleased with himself as Victor disappeared into the water, leaving the board free for the Silver Surfer.
Now that Victor was out of the picture, all they needed to do was save the world.
Lily stood silently behind Reed as the man held Sue in his arms. She covered her mouth as she closed her eyes, trying to will away the tears that were threatening to form. She quietly paced back and forth as Ben stood beside her, now wearing a zip-up hoodie in order to cover his upper body. The breeze began to pick up as Lily looked up to the sky, her eyes widening at a swirl of darkness that was slowly consuming the sky. She then looked to Norran as the creature stared down at Reed and Sue soundlessly. Reed hadn't noticed anything else around him as he kept his eyes on Sue's, the young woman staring up at him, her breaths short and quiet. He frowned deeply as his vision began to blur, Sue smiling softly up at him with whatever strength she had left.
From a distance, Johnny flew as quickly as he could, landing on the ground gracefully. He defused his flames as he knelt down beside his sister and Reed before he quickly looked up, placing his hands on the others and returning their powers to them.
"Sue..." Said woman glanced at Johnny with a proud gleam in her eyes before all the light disappeared, her last breath slipping through her lips as her head fell back. Reed stiffened completely as he stared down with wide eyes, Johnny's entire body going numb as he stared, disbelievingly down at his motionless sister.
Susan had been Reed's everything. She had been all he ever wanted and needed in life, and though there were times where he would get distracted by a new invention or work, she had always been his number one priority. What was he to do now? What was he supposed to do with nothing left to live for? Because she had been all he ever wanted and all he ever needed, and now she was gone. With her last breath, he had breathed his as well. For he died with her.
Not knowing what to feel, Reed silently sobbed as he pulled Sue close and placed a feather-like kiss to her forehead. He closed his eyes as Ben (now back in his stone-like form) ripped his sweater off, Lily covering her face with her hands while Johnny merely stared down, no sign of any emotion on his face other than sorrow.
He should have done more. He should have been better. He should have been the kind of brother Susan would have been proud of. He had spent his entire life being a nuisance to Sue, and now she was gone. There was no time for him to make it up to her in the future. She would never know just how much he appreciated her, even though he got under her skin and even though he was always causing trouble for her.
And now that he thought about, he didn't care if Sue wanted a normal life. If she wanted to go out and forget about the Fantastic Five and have kids and live in a big house in a cozy neighborhood, then that was fine. That was great. He'd give it all up. He'd give up this lifestyle, the title, his powers-he'd give everything up if it meant that his sister would be back and happy.
But he'd been too late to realize it.
Silently, the Silver Surfer watched as everyone quietly grieved for their lost friend. He stared down at the blonde's face, a sense of guilt and pain weighing him down. The memory of his beloved suddenly popped into his head as he looked over at Reed, seeing the distress upon his face. It was the look of a man who would do anything to save his soul mate. It was the look of a man who had just lost everything that meant everything.
And then he knew. This had to stop.
Turning, Norran held his hand out, summoning the Beacon. He waited patiently before the whirring sound of the board echoed through the silence, the board appearing before him. The four others beside him watched as he slowly stepped on to the board, the matte color of his skin morphing and returning to the shininess it once had been. His power began to flow freely through his body as he turned to face Reed and the others.
"...You've got to go," Reed called out, for he knew that there was little time left to save their world. He watched carefully as the Surfer leaned forward, a surprisingly solemn expression on his metallic face. Mr. Fantastic stiffened as he watched carefully, Norran holding his hand over Sue's face.
Johnny jerked forward, not knowing what the entity was to do, but Lily's outstretched arm stopped him from acting as she gave him a look. Hesitating, the dirty blond relaxed as he nodded, turning back to watch as the Silver Surfer began to concentrate. Everyone watched with wide eyes as the color of his skin began to rust, patches of him shining and other spots matted. Reed blinked as he stared down at Sue's face, the color returning to her cheeks. He slowly looked up to meet Norran's face as the creature stood up and softly smiled.
"Cherish her every moment." The Surfer's deep voice bellowed out in the wind. "And tell her she was right." Reed blinked as he looked down at Sue.
"We do have a choice." Turning on his board, Norran flew off, leaving the five behind. Reed said nothing as he glanced at the others, the three looking down at him with awe in their eyes as well. He stiffened as he looked down, Sue adjusting in his arms as she turned her head and leaned into him. He began to grin as the life returned to his eyes, Johnny relaxing as Ben sighed, Lily grinning as she leaned against Ben's arm for support.
Looking up after the Surfer, Johnny nodded as a determined gleam began to shine in his eyes. He turned to the others as he smirked. "I'll be right back."
"Johnny, where-" Reed didn't get to finish his question as the young man flew off. The three watched as he disappeared into the sky, Lily smiling.
"Goodbye, Norran Rad."
The Silver Surfer squinted through the harsh wind as he flew up into the sky. He shielded himself from the debris that flew about, the power of his master nearly overwhelming.
Or, his former master.
Norran winced as a chunk of debris hit him in the shoulder, nearly knocking him back. He did his best to stay steady on his board, though even with his power, it was a bit difficult. He began to sputter back when a sudden warmth brushed against the back of his body, his board abruptly moving forward with ease. Looking over his shoulder, Norran blinked as he found the blonde woman's brother smiling up at him.
"I figured you could use a hand." No other words were spoken after that, but the two seemed to somehow understand each other even then. Norran smiled softly before he nodded, turning forward and leaning in order to fly faster. Johnny held tightly to the end of the board as he pushed, doing his best to help in any way he could.
Pushing past the clouds, Johnny began to have trouble breathing as a chill ran down his back. He looked past the Surfer before his jaw fell agape, his eyes widened. "Oh my god..." With one last prayer for the Surfer, Johnny's flames blew out as he fell back, the creature of Silver disappearing into the cloud-like abyss that was Galactus.
The wind blew harder as small rocks shot towards the ground. People ran and sought shelter, in order to avoid the debris. Lily frowned as she looked over at Ben, the rock-man looking back at Reed.
"Why isn't it working?" Reed shook his head as he held tightly to Sue.
"We were too late."
"No!" Lily snapped as she shook her head, turning to look up at the sky once more. "We just have to wait," the young woman insisted as she stared intently in the direction the Silver Surfer had flown off in. She bit at her lip as she crossed her arms over her chest. Everyone waited anxiously for a few moments before suddenly, the ground beneath them shook. Lily's eyes widened as Ben blinked, looking down. Doing their best to stay on their feet, the pair stumbled as they held on to each other, Reed tensing and pulling Sue closer to his body.
"What-" Ben stiffened as the shaking stopped, the entire world suddenly going dark for a few seconds.
"Guys!" Lily called out as Ben held his arm out, Lily grabbing hold of it out of fear. They all waited silently, the people around them murmuring and whispering.
Slowly, the lights began to flicker back on, the power returning. Squeezing tightly to Ben s arm, Lily glanced around as she looked over at Reed, the man eyeing the area suspiciously. The people began to slowly appear from their hiding places as the lights continued to flicker back on before all power had been restored completely. The clouds returned to normal, no longer dark and stormy. The stars shined brightly in the sky as Lily stared up before laughing incredulously.
"It's over." Reed began to laugh as well as he grinned, Ben sighing as relief washed over him. Looking down at the woman in his arms, Reed's eyes widened as Sue smiled up at him, her eyes now open.
"...Hi," she whispered as the man holding her stared down before a relieved smile stretched across Reed's face.
Ben and Lily watched from a distance, smiling happily before they looked over their shoulders. A string of fire flared in the sky before Johnny landed on the ground, glancing up and making sure that the peace around him was real.
"Hey!" Ben laughed as he approached the young man, Lily crossing her arms before she smirked at them.
"We did it!" Johnny said happily as Ben nodded, instinctively clapping his hand against the young man's back.
"Nice work, kid."
"Whoa!" Johnny prepared for his body to spark and change, but after a short moment he realized that nothing had happened. He and Ben blinked as they stared at each other before they began to grin.
"Look, I'm not changing."
"Hey! Look at that!" Ben cheered as Johnny laughed, reaching up and placing his hand on the man's stony chest in order to prove that he had been right. Feeling even more overjoyed, Johnny jumped as he wrapped his arms around Ben, pulling him in for a tight hug.
What a relief that he could actually make contact with others again.
"Whoa! Ok, kid," Ben said as Johnny pulled away. "Now you're making me uncomfortable." Gaining some of his composure back, Johnny nodded before the pair turned to the others. His blue eyes instantly fell upon the black haired woman before he grinned. She smiled back at him as she laughed, entertained by the scene that had played out in front of her.
Without a word, Johnny began to march up to the woman, Lily merely standing and waiting. He didn't bother to question whether what he was about to do was smart, rather, he merely let his emotions guide him, for once. Reaching out, the dirty blond gently placed his hand on the back of Lily's neck as she blinked, her eyes wide as he pulled her close and guided her lips to his. He dug his fingers into Lily's silky dark hair as his other arm wrapped tightly around her waist, pulling her flush against him.
As Reed and Sue stood to their feet, they looked and their eyes widened as they watched Johnny kiss Lily as if it was the last time he would, and had things not gone the way that they had, it could have been. A wide smile spread across Susie's lips as Reed sighed, shaking his head with a weak chuckle. Ben frowned as he watched the two, crossing his arms like an unsatisfied father would when seeing his daughter with a boy. But, he didn't bother breaking them up.
He figured it was all long overdue.
Lily, staring at Johnny with wide eyes, stood in his arms as stiff as a board. She nearly began to flail her arms about, having been so completely shocked by what was happening. But then, after she gained her senses back, and she thought back to everything that had happened, her inhibition slipped through the cracks of her fingers. Her hazel eyes fluttered shut as she slid her hands up Johnny's arms before standing up on the tips of her toes in order to reach Johnny's lips better. The young man smirked as he felt Lily finally relax to his touch, her arms wrapping around his neck.
He ravished her mouth, as if his life depended on it. His heart raced as a heat inside of him burned. He could feel Lily trembling against him as she moved her lips with the motion of his, every raw emotion she had locked away leaking out from her body. The young man gave a bit of her hair a squeeze in his hand as he devoured her completely, the taste of her lips nearly intoxicating. Never had he yearned for someone's touch the way he did Lily's, and never had he felt so high from a mere kiss. But that was because there was no one in the world quite like Lily to him. And although they had their ups and downs, he wouldn't change anything about her. He loved her just the same.
Pulling away, Johnny breathed heavily, doing his best to catch his breath. Lily kept her eyes closed as she leaned against him, all the strength in her legs gone. The young man began to laugh, grinning as he leaned forward and placed a long and chaste kiss to Tide's nearly swollen lips. Lily's eyes fluttered shut for a second before Johnny pulled away again, his expression bright.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that." Lily laughed as she cupped Johnny's face in her hands before she shook her head.
"Honestly, I think I do."
Peeling his body away from Lily's, Johnny smiled as Lily nodded, arms wrapping around their shoulders. Looking back, the two found Ben smirking at them as he chortled.
"Bout time." Lily rolled her eyes as Johnny smirked before his eyes fell on his sister, Reed and Sue walking up to them. His gaze softened as the playfulness disappeared from his face. He quickly began to run up to his sister as Sue did the same, opening her arms and pulling Johnny in close as he embraced her.
Lily and Ben smiled happily before Reed sighed, relieved that they had all made it out alive. He stopped in front of Lily as the young woman pulled Reed into a hug and held him close. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the young lady before he looked to Ben, his best friend smiling as they hugged, patting the other's back. Susan and Johnny pulled apart from their embrace before Sue grinned at Lily and hugged her tightly, Lily leaning her head against the blonde's shoulder while Johnny grinned at Reed and hugged him.
Finally, it was all over.
"So, then, this is it." The five heroes walked beside each other, letting the police usher the civilians to the side in order to deal with the clean up.
Reed and Sue glanced at each other before Reed looked back at his three friends before shaking his head. "No."
"No?" Ben inquired.
"No." Sue reiterated.
"No?" Johnny repeated, Lily letting out an exasperated breath.
"I think they meant 'no' when they said 'no'."
"If it weren't for us today, the whole world would be destroyed," Reed said as he glanced up at the sky. Sue nodded as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"We can't just runaway from our responsibilities and the people we have to protect." Johnny grinned at that as he nodded his head fervently.
"That's what I've been trying to tell you guys!"
"Well, what about having a normal life, and a family?" Ben pointed out as Lily looked over at the engaged couple. She watched as Reed smiled, looking down at Sue with a fondness in his eyes.
"Who says we have to be normal to have a family?"
There was no more running. Although there were still obstacles in the future, the only thing that mattered was that they were faced and they were faced head on. As long as the five of them stuck together as they always did, it seemed that nothing could go wrong.
Smiling, Sue snuck her arm around Reed's as she leaned against his shoulder, the man smiling down at her. The blonde chuckled as she glanced up at him. "So then, you up for another media-circus wedding?" The reels began to turn in Reed's head as he thought for a moment.
"...No." Everyone blinked at that as the scientist smiled. "I have a better idea."
The day was bright and warm. A few white, puffy clouds sat in the sky as a small group of people gathered outside in a garden. An aisle was set up, Sakura trees bordering around the seats set up on both sides of the white silk rug that was laid out on the ground. Mr. Fantastic stood at the end of the aisle as the Storm siblings walked side by side. Sue wore a traditional white kimono as she held on to her bouquet of red flowers. She grinned at her future husband as he smiled back at her, his heart fluttering for just a moment.
Finally, Reed and Sue were getting married.
Stopping at the end, Johnny smiled as he leaned in close and gave his sister a quick kiss on the cheek before he stood beside Lily, the young woman in a pastel green kimono with a light blue flower pattern on it. She glanced over at Johnny before she smirked at him, the young man quietly chuckling while he reached up with his right hand and rubbed her back.
"Dearly beloved, we are all gathered here to-"
The officiator stopped as Reed frowned, pulling out his palm pilot from the inside of his jacket. Sue's brows burrowed towards each other as she leaned over to get a look at the screen.
"What is it?"
"Venice is sinking into the Adriatic," Reed said with a perplexed look on his face. The other three standing on the side of the aisle glanced at each other as Ben spoke, straightening on his custom-made suit.
"That's a big one."
"Could we just, you know, skip to the end?" Sue smiled sheepishly as the officiator of their wedding (who had now made his fifth attempt to finish his speech) gave the couple an exasperated stare.
"Uh, sure," the man grumbled. "The love these two share-"
"No, no. The very end?"
"Uh, well, do you have the rings?"
"Oh, that's me!" Ben dug into his jacket pocket as he pulled out the rings, holding them out to Reed. The leader of the team smiled thankfully to his best friend before he turned back to Sue, who had handed off her bouquet to Lily. The two smiled at each other, slipping their wedding bands on the right ring finger before smiling happily at each other.
After a moment too long, they shot a look at the officiator.
"Oh! Right. You may now kiss the bride." The small audience cooed and clapped as the officially married couple leaned in close and kissed each other, taking that one moment not to rush anything. Ben held Alicia close, the woman sensing all sorts of emotions around her as she smiled widely. Lily nodded in approval as she sighed, the young man beside her smiling at his sister and Reed before he glanced at Lily, nudging her as she shot him a look. He smirked as she shook her head before smiling, Reed and Sue pulling away.
"So, we should probably get going," Sue said, her hero face on as Reed nodded.
The newlyweds led the way as Ben and Johnny followed after, Lily looping her arm around Alicia's as she led her down the aisle. As the boys began to prepare for their take off in the quinjet that was parked by the pond side, Sue stopped as she grabbed Reed by her arm. He blinked as he looked back at her with a curious expression.
"I have to throw the bouquet!" the blonde remembered as the man smiled at her and chuckled as he nodded. Susan turned her back to the small crowd of women, as she closed her eyes and tossed the bouquet over her head. Immediately, she turned and began to grin, curious as to who was to catch the bouquet.
"You know, Alicia, you look really good in a kimono." Lily grinned playfully as her companion laughed, the two strolling down the aisle and towards the jet. "I bet Ben wouldn't mind seeing you in one more often," the young woman joked with a smirk as the dark skinned woman laughed as she shook her head. The two stopped as Lily stepped in front of Alicia.
"Alright. You stay here with the officiator and when we re all finished up we'll-"
"Hey, Lily!" Said hero blinked as she turned at the sound of Sue's voice. Her eyes widened when something soft hit her face, causing her to gasp as she jerked back, Alicia tripping but holding her steady.
"What the hell!" Lily brushed her face as she quickly looked down to her feet at the object that had hit her in her face.
Instantly, her cheeks reddened as her eyes widened, almost bulging out of her sockets. She whipped her head up as Sue laughed, Reed nodding with a smirk while Ben's laughter bellowed out. The stone-man elbowed Johnny as the young man looked up, meeting the sight of Lily's red face. He raised a brow, initially confused, and then it all dawned on him as he stared at the bouquet resting on her feet. A smirk spread across his face as the young woman glared at him, his amusement only frustrating her more.
"That does not count!"
"I mean, your feet did technically catch it," Johnny called out as Lily glared at him before picking up the flowers and handing them to Alicia, who giggled as she grinned. The others watched as Lily stomped up to the jet, slipping her uncomfortable sandals off while she began to tug her kimono off. Peeling the layers of clothes off, the young Korean-American sighed, her suit already on and prepared for action. Reed chuckled at her sour expression as he held his hand out to her, Lily taking it and hopping into her seat in the jet. Johnny placed his hands on the edge of the jet as he leaned towards Lily, the girl looking up at him with a dry stare.
"Don't say another word, Johnny."
"I've only got two words." Lily looked over at her companion as the young man smirked. "I do." Because, even though things were different in a better way, Johnny would never get tired of getting under Lily's skin.
The young woman said nothing as she turned her head and faced straight ahead. Johnny raised a brow before his eyes widened, a bubble of water splattering him from behind. He blinked before giving Lily a deadpanned expression, the young woman smirking, feeling satisfied with herself.
"Everyone ready?" Sue took a seat beside Lily in the jet, her hair pulled completely up and her kimono now replaced with her suit. The others nodded as Johnny shook his head, shaking off the water. Reed hopped into the seat at the front of the jet as he glanced back at his team. He smiled as he looked at Sue, who smiled widely back at him.
"Alright, lets go."
Launching the jet, everyone waved goodbye to the people below, Johnny's body immersed with flames before he flew into the air, after his comrades. Lily glanced over at the Human Torch as he looked back at her and smiled. She shook her head before she smiled back at him and turned to her friends.
Although a normal life was not in the cards for them, a happy life was.
And so continued the adventures of the Fantastic Five.